Fairgambit arrested?

Bene, Don Fairgambit. I need a man who has powerful friends. I need a million dollars in cash. I need, Don Fairgambit, all of those politicians that you carry around in your pocket, like so many nickels and dimes.
This is the kind of stuff that happens when you leave your Xmas tree up too long.
I will use your post to give a Gambit Christmas Tree Update. All ornaments are now off the tree and boxed, but the lights and garland are still on it and the tree remains where it's stood since the week before Christmas. Lent is next week, so we need to get it down. I think the rule is, if you don't get it down before Lent, you need to leave it up until after Easter, or something like that. Hmmmmm. Maybe? Nah, it's starting to drop needles. We'll take it down.
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I will use your post to give a Gambit Christmas Tree Update. All ornaments are now off the tree and boxed, but the lights and garland are still on it and the tree remains where it's stood since the week before Christmas. Lent is next week, so we need to get it down. I think the rule is, if you don't get it down before Lent, you need to leave it up until after Easter, or something like that. Hmmmmm. Maybe? Nah, it's starting to drop needles. We'll take it down.

....Or, you could coat your naked body in cooking oil and go on acid-fueled rampage against your family with one sock on. Either way is good with me.
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....Or, you could coat your naked body in cooking oil and go on acid-fueled rampage against your family with one sock on. Either way is good with me.
The only acid I use is the "antacid" variety, but I do like the naked body in cooking oil idea. I need to talk to my wife. On second thought, if she's covered with oil she'll be harder to catch, and I have enough trouble already. ;)
Wonder if he is related to the Cal student who came to be knows as "The Naked Guy." See linked article. (The best part is where they recount that a local homeless dude started to disrobe in support of The Naked Guy, and that it immediately prompted a counterdemonstration by students determined that the homeless guy keep his clothes on.)
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So now Fair gets needled here AND at home by his tree.

Wonder if he properly set up his tree back in Dec or if he only plopped it’s base into a bucket as part of his bucket list.....?
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And jokes.
True, but that is not one. I have 3 sportcoats more than 20 years old, the oldest, a red beauty from 1989. I've worn it twice, so it's like new. I keep hoping it will come back in style. If it does, I'll need to lose 30 pounds before it fits. :(