FC: Corman speaks: "We sent the Big Ten a letter"


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2001
See the link. Corman speaks on a variety of topics. From the article:

"Corman sat down Tuesday with the Centre Daily Times' editorial board to talk about a lot of issues. Many were familiar ground, like his two-year lawsuit against Penn State and the NCAA over the $60 million fine after the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.

"For an outside entity to come in and just remove that money, I just thought it should be spent here in Pennsylvania," said Corman, explaining the outset of the case, which evolved into the Endowment Act and eventually became a question of whether the process of how the NCAA punished the university was even legal.

Some supporters eagerly awaited the trial in that case but, instead, it was settled in January when the consent decree, the agreement that put the punishments in place, was repealed. Why settle?

"We had already won everything else. A settlement gives you certainty," Corman said. "The importance of the repeal wasn't the victories. It gets rid of the precedent. It can't be done again at another school."

Although the consent decree was repealed, the Endowment Act, which governs how certain monetary penalties against a Pennsylvania university are spent, has not been. That may give Corman a new fight.

"We sent the Big Ten a letter," he said.

In February, the Big Ten announced that it was stepping back from its own big penalty against the university, restoring bowl revenues from postseason play.

At that time, Penn State football spokesman Jeff Nelson said the 2011-12 revenue share was $2.6 million. Corman said the Big Ten had not yet responded to his inquiries but that the subsequent seasons of withheld funds, including Ohio State's national championship win for 2014, could meet the $10 million threshold to trigger the Endowment Act and demand that money be held in trust by the state.

That could become complicated as Penn State's share of that money was supposed to be divided among the other members of the conference and distributed to child-related groups in those areas. How would Corman address that?

"That remains to be seen," he said. "I just want them to follow up.""

About time someone went after them. If the money was given to children's groups, that's the BigTen's problem for rushing to judgement and wrongfully assigning penalties. The BigTen will have to make good, the charities get to keep the stolen monies.
Pretty simple for the schools to show good faith

and reach into their own damn pockets to shell out that money. They were fine with giving to charity when it was PSU's money so they should ok with still giving to charity when it is their own. Otherwise, it was just a dumb PR cash grab by the Big Ten which was also taking advantage of a horrible situation to try and make themselves look better. You don't give to charity because you have other peoples money. You do it for the purpose of actually following up on horrible crimes committed against children by a sick SOB. Big Ten should step up, but knowing this conference and how they rally behind each other (LMAO), I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Originally posted by 9fold:
See the link. Corman speaks on a variety of topics. From the article:

In February, the Big Ten announced that it was stepping back from its own big penalty against the university, restoring bowl revenues from postseason play.
I thought that meant that they were restoring monies from that point onward--not going backward. Will be interesting to see what happens. The league might be able to argue (legally) that they were not taking money but that PSU had forfeited their bowl share by being inelegible, so technically they weren't "taking" money. I say this in a legal sense of course and noting the type of argument they might make--personally, I feel they *should* give the $$$ back.
Dear Jake: What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say

Whoa! They sent the Big Ten a LETTER?

Wow. That will show them who's boss, eh Corman?
Its only ever about the money to that guy.

The children or what's actually best for PSU are never the ultimate goal.
Dude, if he'd followed thru with the suit, there would be no need

for a "letter".

Screw him.
That could become complicated as Penn State's share of that money was supposed to be divided among the other members of the conference and distributed to child-related groups in those areas. How would Corman address that?

"That remains to be seen," he said. "I just want them to follow up.""
Oh, no--how will the Big Ten come up with $10 million?

Oh, that's right. The Big 10 has a gajillion dollars.
Re: Whoa! They sent the Big Ten a LETTER?

Originally posted by lionlurker:
Wow. That will show them who's boss, eh Corman?
I wonder if he broke into his best Joe Cocker after he made that statement to the CDT.

"We sent the Big Ten a letter. Bah! Bah! Bah! Buh-Bah! Bah!
Corman is smart enough to realize a pissed off Alumni base is not the path to re-election. Delany needs to wise up, quickly, as well. I've been pounding him with emails for months, as well as that turd Mason from Iowa who issued the "censure".

This post was edited on 4/8 9:40 AM by pnnylion
Clearly, the road backwards would have led to all parties, eventually.

Who wants to bet that in those emails that we never got to see, was something that would have incriminated all concerned? There is a very good reason they wanted those emails hidden, and thanks to Mr. Corman, they got their wish.
BTW......I must have missed it when...

"Mr Clout" threw all his influence (as Senate Majority Leader) into supporting the BOT reform bill.

Maybe I wasn't paying attention....and couldn't see it through all the grand-standing he has been doing telling us what a great job he is doing (or having his staffers come out and tell us all about how Jake is a modern day Abe Lincoln).


With friends like Jake.............

Re: Whoa! They sent the Big Ten a LETTER?

Yeah, I'm sure the letter has the B1G front office running scared. The next step will be to move into the 1980s and send a fax. Soon Corman will be calling the B1G offices to ask if their refrigerator is running.
Corman does not want the truth of all of this exposed to the light of day.

If that is what he wanted he would have persisted without settling. Why does he not want the truth of all of this exposed to the light of day? It seems obvious that in this truth is something unpalatable to Corman or someone he needs to protect. Covey tossed him a softball by opening up the consent decree and he did nothing with it. Why?

Sorry, you are never going to argue ANYONE into trusting Corman. Trust comes from a much less verbal place, and corman did not go there when he had the chance.

Now the reform bill is in the Senate and he is pointedly REFUSING to support it. You want us to trust him? No.
Originally posted by 9fold:
See the link. Corman speaks on a variety of topics. From the article:

"Corman sat down Tuesday with the Centre Daily Times' editorial board to talk about a lot of issues. Many were familiar ground, like his two-year lawsuit against Penn State and the NCAA over the $60 million fine after the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.

"For an outside entity to come in and just remove that money, I just thought it should be spent here in Pennsylvania," said Corman, explaining the outset of the case, which evolved into the Endowment Act and eventually became a question of whether the process of how the NCAA punished the university was even legal.

Some supporters eagerly awaited the trial in that case but, instead, it was settled in January when the consent decree, the agreement that put the punishments in place, was repealed. Why settle?

"We had already won everything else. A settlement gives you certainty," Corman said. "The importance of the repeal wasn't the victories. It gets rid of the precedent. It can't be done again at another school."

Although the consent decree was repealed, the Endowment Act, which governs how certain monetary penalties against a Pennsylvania university are spent, has not been. That may give Corman a new fight.

"We sent the Big Ten a letter," he said.

In February, the Big Ten announced that it was stepping back from its own big penalty against the university, restoring bowl revenues from postseason play.

At that time, Penn State football spokesman Jeff Nelson said the 2011-12 revenue share was $2.6 million. Corman said the Big Ten had not yet responded to his inquiries but that the subsequent seasons of withheld funds, including Ohio State's national championship win for 2014, could meet the $10 million threshold to trigger the Endowment Act and demand that money be held in trust by the state.

That could become complicated as Penn State's share of that money was supposed to be divided among the other members of the conference and distributed to child-related groups in those areas. How would Corman address that?

"That remains to be seen," he said. "I just want them to follow up.""
The answer is simple, no re-election.

BTW, Jake called. When you're done here he wants you to come over and shine his shoes.


This post was edited on 4/8 10:03 AM by bjf1984
That's alright.....

He will just continue to utter "I am a fan of due process" at every opportunity....he may even convince himself that he believes it. LOL
So you are saying he has not refused to cosponsor it? Funny, that is

not what I have heard. Tell me, is there some rule which prohibits him from announcing his support today? BS, don.
Or you could just tell me. I think I have all the answer I need.*

Re: BTW......I must have missed it when...

Funny how Corman takes all the heat on this board, but no one ever takes to task all the politicians who sat around with their thumb up their a$$ the last 3 years. At least he went out and did something.

Perhaps things could have gone better if Jake didn't settle, but the Paterno team gave it a nod by saying it got the ball into the red zone. I'm trusting they will take to the house.
You aren't paying attention. We rip a lot of politicians here.

Seems like every single one of them is a crook. It's just a matter of degree.
No kidding. Where does corman stand on it? 3d time I asked you.*

"The NCAA settled by voiding the consent decree"

You and Jake can say that as many times as you like.....but it won't change the facts:


(You can see the full NCAA document at the link below)


1 - Waiver of transfer rules and grant-in-aid retention. HAD ALREADY EXPIRED PRIOR TO "SETTLEMENT"
2 - Five years of probation. REMAINS AS IS
3 - Four year post season ban HAD ALREADY EXPIRED PRIOR TO "SETTLEMENT"
5 - Four year reduction in grant-in-aid. HAD ALREADY EXPIRED PRIOR TO "SETTMENT"
6 - Vacation of wins since 1998. WINS WERE RESTORED TO THE RECORD BOOKS.


1 - Adoption of all recommendations from Freeh report Chapter 10. ALREADY COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE "SETTLEMENT"
2 - Implementation of Athletics Integrity Agreement. ALREADY COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE "SETTLEMENT" AND REMAINS IN PLACE#
3 - Appointment of an Athletics Integrity Monitor. ALREADY COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE "SETTLEMENT" AND REMAINS IN PLACE

So....what did each party accomplish in this devastating defeat Jake dealt to the NCAA:


Gave Up: "Caved" (LMAO) by allowing Jake to control the $$$$, and putting a line back into the record books
Received: A "get out of jail free" card....along with an agreement that they were "acting in good faith"

NCAA was clearly devastated :)


Received: Got control of $48 million dollars, and - apparently - the ability to spew his "we won" thanks to my "heroic efforts" to a demographic of mouth-breathers.
Had PSU agree to pick up the tab for the legal bills.


Received: Got a line back in a record book (YIPPEE!)
Gave up: Authorized every other aspect of the extortion known as the Consent Decree (No one wants to talk about this...but this may be the single most important aspect of the "settlement")
Acknowledged that the NCAA acted in "good faith"
Picked up an additional tab for the Commonwealth's legal expenses

Every other party of interest....including Freeh, the PSU BOT, the Commonwealth of PA - and every state agency responsible for child welfare, Jake - and every other individual associated with the 2nd Mile, etc etc

Received: Another veil of secrecy and distortion to help prevent illumination of just what exactly has been going on for the last decade(s).

Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Keep digging brother!!

BTW - Please don't forget about them shoes!
Bravo don. Some here want things taken back so badly....

that they will turn on anyone or anything that is screaming for blood. It's beyond scary where now what I thought were somewhat intelligent people are running around saying JS is possibly innocent. It's almost as if people have lost their minds.

Here are the cliff notes for those not intoxicated by the kerosene fumes.

Jerry Sandusky is a pedophile.
The BoT acted like cowards and buckled to the media.
This enabled the NCAA to blackmail the cowards.
Joe Paterno was made the national scapegoat.
Jerry will die where he belongs.
Joe's name isn't coming back in good graces with the majority of this nation, they had their trial in the media.
The 3 others charged have yet to ever speak up really and will get their day in court.
Corman did some pretty good things for PSU along the way. He is not some enemy to PSU.
Sanctions are gone and the football program can move ahead.
BoT reform still needs to occur and hopefully those rats that did this actually get called to the carpet for an epic failure in leadership.
What would you send them?

A hit man, a ricin letter, what exactly?
Here's the thing....

The BOT didn't just act like cowards and buckle under the media pressure...everything they've done from DAY ONE has been well thought out and calculated to deflect blame/suspicion AWAY from themselves/TSM and ONTO other people.

IMO there's simply no explanation for a group of business and industry leaders to continually crap the bed at every single turn and FAIL in their fiduciary duties for over 3 years. If you've been paying attention simple cowardice/incompetence doesn't explain the actions of the BOT cabal since 11/11.

If that were the case then PSU never would have sided WITH the NCAA in Corman's suit and all the other suits to try and fight discovery, keep emails hidden, etc.

The BOT cabal and their political cronies are trying desperately to keep SOMETHING hidden, we don't know for sure yet what it is, but it must be pretty damn bad seeing how much time/effort the cabal has put in to keep it hidden.
Because, he is the only who was finally in a position to learn the truth.

And he had a judge who was likely to be fully cooperative. And what did he do? He allowed a settlement to occur that essentially keeps the truth hidden.

That's why. If the truth is never learned, then our contempt for him will be all the greater. He had his foot on the NCAA's neck, and by extension, everybody else's neck, and he backed off.