Not if the attorney is just stalling for no good reason
Not being able to handle a last minute document dump by the OAG is not "no good reason." And then when he tried to resign from the case, the judge blocked that too. Unbelievable.
What did the Appeals Courts say?
Did they rule specifically about John McQueary? If they did and ruled that it was OK for him to deny testifying about something when the questioning attorney has a copy of his testimony in his hand, then the legal system is truly broken.
That's not true and we've discussed that before. The OAG could not force MM not to talk to media. He chose not to.
Which part isn't true. The OAG absolutely lied in the presentment and got called out (by MM) for it. It is absurd to claim otherwise. My guess is that MM was scared of the OAG (based on his other behaviors) so he took their "request" as a command. Or maybe he's just a coward and realized it was too late to walk anything back and he'd already ruined C/S/S/P's lives.
Happens in EVERY high profile case.
Doesn't make it right. Doesn't mean that it doesn't affect jury pools. Doesn't mean that it can't affect trial outcomes.
Are you unfamiliar with the term "tried in the media"?
There is even a newish documentary series about it:
In this true crime docuseries, some of the most dramatic trials of all time are examined with an emphasis on how the media may have impacted verdicts.
Not unusual, what date were you assaulted?
I have it written down somewhere (it would have been 2008 or 2009). It was a Thursday night. It occurred at a bar in the 1800 block of M St NW in Washington DC (that bar isn't there anymore) and on the street outside when I tried to leave to get away from the assailant. Approximate time 11 PM ET.
You can laugh but this is hard evidence that at least one of the civil attorneys was make up assaults.
No, you are misrepresenting what he told others to begin with. He never said he didn't see anything sexual.
Assistant football coach has said he saw Jerry Sandusky in a Penn State shower with a boy. What exactly he saw, however, differs in grand jury, witness and police accounts.
I will highlight two things for you.
"Dranov told grand jurors that he asked McQueary three times if he saw anything sexual, and three times McQueary said no, according to the source."
Also, this proves that MM did change his story (which you repeatedly claim he hasn't).
The article even says this:
"That account is different from the hand-written statement obtained by The Patriot-News that McQueary provided for investigators when he was interviewed in 2010.
It's also different than the summary of his grand jury testimony in the 23-page initial grand jury presentment."
So why is that story any more believable than the victims?
Because I have no incentive (e.g. millions of dollars) to lie. I also acknowledge that LE would believe me 10 years later, and even if they believed me at the time probably wouldn't have pressed charges due to gender of the assailant.
To show that I have personal experience with this that you (ostensibly) do not.
Doubtful, but isn't that what you wanted?
Definitely not.
You are pissed the Sandusky victims got justice and you didn't
They didn't. This whole case was a travesty of justice. Also, I never sought justice in my case, so I have no room to complain (and I'm not complaining).