1. WOW. Overall that was just great television. Those picking it apart would be the same ones who bitch about paying the taxes on having the winning $756 million Powerball ticket.
2. Loved the throwback scenes with Arya & Melisendre. This show has been a 7-year journey and it's very awesome that a conversation those 2 had way back in season 3 played a big part in Arya realizing she had to go kill the Night King ("blue eyes")
3. What the F*%k was Jon Snow doing in that episode??? Thinking back, he was more or less useless. Most of the battle he was flying around aimlessly & lost on his dragon. Did he ever even got a fire shot on the dead with his dragon?? Dany was hitting the dead with fire from her dragon ... did Jon even have his dragon hit the dead with fire once??? Then he crashes his dragon... Then he gets trapped & surrounded by a zillion dead.... then he basically just runs around Winterfell randomly killing some dead. .... At the end it almost seemed like he was resigned to dieing and figured to try and kill the NKs dragon in a "what the f*&k" moment.... In the battle that he was spearheading for about 4 seasons, Jon Snow really had a disappointing night.
4. I guess it's good not knowing who actually survived. There are only a few confirmed dead: Little Lady Mormont, the other Night's Watch Dude, the guy who lights his sword on fire, and Theon. But we are left hanging on Brienne, Jaimie Lannister, Sam, Greyworm.... the last time we saw many of them they were simply being overwhelmed by the dead.... did they somehow survive until Arya killed the NK.... or did they die...???? Great the way they left us hanging on those until next week.
5. Once again the battle plans of these people leaves a lot of head to be scratched.
a) Knowing there are about a gudzillion billion trillion dead is your first move really a smart move to simply send the Dothraki riding into them in the dark. Jon himself said that they can not win there are too many.... so let's send the Dothraki into them in the dark ... brilliant.
b) 1. When the "magnificent 7" went north of the wall to capture a wight AND 2. during the battle of Hardhome AND 3. As the western & eastern boundaries of The Wall... they know The Army of the Dead and the White Walkers are adverse to water. They can not cross water. So all this planning and building of moats.... but no use of water??? The moat of fire was nice but why not use water since we know they can not cross water. Heck, during Hardhome they would not even step foot in water.
c) No offense to Theon. But Bran called it when he replied to Jon during the battle planning that the NK was the key and he was going to draw out the NK..... OK.... Bran is going to draw out the NK.... and Theon is going to protect Bran..... OK.... but once Theon protects Bran and Bran does draw out the NK then what????? What was the plan after that???? Did they really think Theon could kill the NK????? Luckily Arya & Melisendre had a moment to talk in all that chaos for Arya to realize she needed to kill the NK. What if in all that chaos Melisendre and Arya did not have a chance to reminisce about an old conversation about brown, green and blue eyes?????
6. Like others have mentioned. Unless Dany can gather up some more houses/armies who the heck is left?? Is she going to march on Kings Landing with about 5 people and 2 dragons??? And after THAT battle .... after THAT battle .... how many people are going to be in the mood for another fight??? Heck, The Hound got battle fatigue and would probably be suffering from a case of medieval PTSD .... Imagine going up and telling The Hound "hey, great fight the other night, now buckle it back up because we are going to siege Kings Landing because Dany wants to sit on the Iron Throne". My guess is that if they kept true to the character they developed over the past 7 years, The Hound's response would be something like "F*&K off".
But again. GOT has to be the greatest TV show of all time. Over 7 years there are so many weekly episodes that actually felt like movies. Think about how many episodes felt like watching a movie instead of watching an episode of a TV series. Will be very very sad in 4 weeks when this journey is over.