FC/OT: Who's the Hottest? 2018 Golden Globes Red Carpet Edition!

  • Thread starter anon_xdc8rmuek44eq
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Who's the hottest?

  • Kate Hudson

  • Kerry Washington

  • Margot Robbie

  • Jessica Biel

  • Blanca Bianco

  • Catherine Zeta-Jones

  • Nicole Kidman

  • Halle Berry

  • Alison Brie

  • Gal Gadot

Results are only viewable after voting.
I was guessing the perceived irony falls in the contrast between the reason the women were wearing black, and seeing how much of their bodies they can show in those same black dresses.

Because I'll be attacked if I don't add the following qualifier that should be obvious: I'm not saying that's right, I believe women should be able to wear whatever they want without having to fear being harassed or assaulted.

Sooo....gonna chime in here....and I will take the attacks as they come.

Freedom to wear what you want comes with a responsibility with what happens.

Wear a #blacklivesmatter t-shirt to a Klan rally? Don't expect good things to happen to you. You have the freedom to wear it, but you should have been responsible enough to know that it was not a good idea.

Be a 17 or 18 year old college freshman woman and go to a fraternity party, wearing a dress that is basically a bandage? Don't think the guys (drunk or not) are going to simply treat you like you are their grandmother.

You have the freedom to wear it but you should be responsible enough to know that it was not a good idea. Does that mean that the guys get off scott free if they commit a sexually aggressive act? No. But, it means that if they stare, leer, make comments - you cannot be foolish enough to assume that they wouldn't. And should not be surprised when they do.
Sooo....gonna chime in here....and I will take the attacks as they come.

Freedom to wear what you want comes with a responsibility with what happens.

Wear a #blacklivesmatter t-shirt to a Klan rally? Don't expect good things to happen to you. You have the freedom to wear it, but you should have been responsible enough to know that it was not a good idea.

Be a 17 or 18 year old college freshman woman and go to a fraternity party, wearing a dress that is basically a bandage? Don't think the guys (drunk or not) are going to simply treat you like you are their grandmother.

You have the freedom to wear it but you should be responsible enough to know that it was not a good idea. Does that mean that the guys get off scott free if they commit a sexually aggressive act? No. But, it means that if they stare, leer, make comments - you cannot be foolish enough to assume that they wouldn't. And should not be surprised when they do.


Would probably still lead with same dress in black. Note Gal Gadot is actually winning...;)
GG is a well known hottie and benefits from that (not that she needs much benefitting lol).. BB is hardly well known, so she's really made a bigger impact. Y'know, like we're handicapping this thing :)

As if ANY of that matters! Just keep posting photos of beautiful women... regardless of couture. [BTW, pretty amazing that all refused to wear Marchese... talk about being between a rock and a hard place, Weinstein's soon to be ex is kinda stuck.]
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For those watched the show, was that Michael D with CZJ, or his dad? Sad either way.
and, my votes
Catherine - she looked freaking amazing on the show - way better than the pic in the poll
I guess I like women of a certain age
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For those watched the show, was that Michael D with CZJ, or his dad? Sad either way.
and, my votes
Catherine - she looked freaking amazing on the show - way better than the pic in the poll
I guess I like women of a certain age

Kirk. And he’s 100.
OK that makes me feel better. I knew Michael had some health issues and wasn't paying attention and thought it might have been him

Yeah, that was tough to watch though he did have a couple good lines.

Which leads to maybe the most not obviously awkward moment of the night - Ewan McGregor winning for Fargo, and thanking his (very recently) ex-wife and new girlfriend (whom he met on the show). Yeeeesh!
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Yeah, that was tough to watch though he did have a couple good lines.

Which leads to maybe the most not obviously awkward moment of the night - Ewan McGregor winning for Fargo, and thanking his (very recently) ex-wife and new girlfriend (whom he met on the show). Yeeeesh!

And you can tell everybody that this one's for you (and you).
Kirk. And he’s 100.
couple of thoughts on the show....
  • just finished Aziz Ansari's show on netflix, Master of None. It has some really good moments but can't even believe he won a Golden Glove.
  • Most awkward moment was the award given out right after Oprahs rant: All nominees were male and white.
  • one of the best netflix movies I've seen is "The Big Sick" with Kumal Nanjiani. Not one of the most exciting or riviting movies but highly entertaining and sweet. You just want to give Kumal a hug.
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couple of thoughts on the show....
  • just finished Aziz Ansari's show on netflix, Master of None. It has some really good moments but can't even believe he won a Golden Glove.
  • Most awkward moment was the award given out right after Oprahs rant: All nominees were male and white.
  • one of the best netflix movies I've seen is "The Big Sick" with Kumal Nanjiani. Not one of the most exciting or riviting movies but highly entertaining and sweet. You just want to give Kumal a hug.

What next, a Silver Slugger?!
couple of thoughts on the show....
  • just finished Aziz Ansari's show on netflix, Master of None. It has some really good moments but can't even believe he won a Golden Glove.
  • Most awkward moment was the award given out right after Oprahs rant: All nominees were male and white.
  • one of the best netflix movies I've seen is "The Big Sick" with Kumal Nanjiani. Not one of the most exciting or riviting movies but highly entertaining and sweet. You just want to give Kumal a hug.

I will add that as the rom-com series that season 2 of Masters of None was, I thought it was fantastic. But I thought the show deserved recognition for the direction, cinematography, and writing, but neeeever would've said Aziz' acting deserved it, and I'm a big fan of his.
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I will add that as the rom-com series that season 2 of Masters of None was, I thought it was fantastic. But I thought the show deserved recognition for the direction, cinematography, and writing, but neeeever would've said Aziz' acting deserved it, and I'm a big fan of his.

The HFP love to go maverick when it comes to TV. They love debut or quirky shows and movie stars when it comes to actors (like McGregor and Azari to a lesser extent).

couple of thoughts on the show....
  • just finished Aziz Ansari's show on netflix, Master of None. It has some really good moments but can't even believe he won a Golden Glove.
  • Most awkward moment was the award given out right after Oprahs rant: All nominees were male and white.
  • one of the best netflix movies I've seen is "The Big Sick" with Kumal Nanjiani. Not one of the most exciting or riviting movies but highly entertaining and sweet. You just want to give Kumal a hug.

Funny thing about the Oprah speech was that they didn’t even cut to a commercial. Really strange after how heavy you knew that would be. Also funny is the HFP is only about 90 members - half of whom are female. Gerwig was a directing snub IMO but the bigger snub was Jordan Peele.
well, after a day of careful consideration, here are my thoughts on the outfits in the poll.

Kate Hudson -- so much with which to work, and such a disappointment. Is this a pair of shorts with some add-ons? And while it's always nice to see a healthy pair of lungs, the scoop was too wide, and too deep, IMHO, for my tastes. Lastly, what's with her hair? It's like she went to a barber, as opposed to a hair stylist

Kerry Washington -- very, very nice. Everything is done with style and flair

Margot Robbie -- so many assets, and yet I don't think it works all that well. The dress is pretty. Alas, the padded shoulders seem to accent her wide mouth (in conjunction with the lipstick which is too loud). The bottom of the dress has a nice pattern on it, but the scoop on the top goes way too low, and makes things seem out of proportion. And while her hair style is better than Kate Hudson's, it just doesn't seem to go with the outfit. Frustrating

Jessica Biel -- finally, she gets it right at an awards ceremony. I've given her grief for her outfits over the past few years, but this one is excellent

Blanca Blanco -- the dress is nice, but she didn't seem to get the memo about wearing black. As such, I'm disqualifying her from consideration

Catherine Zeta-Jones -- not bad. I don't find anything special about the ensemble, but I also don't have anything about which to complain. Not in my top 3, but she was in the running

Nicole Kidman -- good grief. What a disaster. The upper part of her dress does nothing for her. In addition, in combo with her hair style, the high neck line and the shoulder pieces make her head seem out of proportion.

Halle Berry -- she'd look good in just about anything. She looks very nice in this outfit. I just don't think a short dress is all that appropriate at a formal event. Plus the dress would do much better if there more solid areas of it, especially in the lower portion.

Alison Brie -- another lady that would look good in just about anything. Alas, I'm not a fan of glorified pants suits that have a dress wrap around them to spiff them up

Gal Gadot -- very classy, and also somewhat playful. The top is a take-off on a tuxedo top. The dress is long and sleek. The earrings accentuate the long look. Very well done.

So in the end, I have:

Gal Gadot with the win, Kerry Washington to place, and Jessica Biel to show

Nice job, Midnighter!
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Wow, it's like you are your own electoral college.

lol. I can't change the votes (well, technically, I could zero them out, but there was no reason to do that). I simply wanted to make the voting window somewhat larger.
lol. I can't change the votes (well, technically, I could zero them out, but there was no reason to do that). I simply wanted to make the voting window somewhat larger.

Yeah, I played around with the poll times and I don't know why I picked 24 hours; just didn't want it dragging on forever....
well, after a day of careful consideration, here are my thoughts on the outfits in the poll.

Kate Hudson -- so much with which to work, and such a disappointment. Is this a pair of shorts with some add-ons? And while it's always nice to see a healthy pair of lungs, the scoop was too wide, and too deep, IMHO, for my tastes. Lastly, what's with her hair? It's like she went to a barber, as opposed to a hair stylist

Kerry Washington -- very, very nice. Everything is done with style and flair

Margot Robbie -- so many assets, and yet I don't think it works all that well. The dress is pretty. Alas, the padded shoulders seem to accent her wide mouth (in conjunction with the lipstick which is too loud). The bottom of the dress has a nice pattern on it, but the scoop on the top goes way too low, and makes things seem out of proportion. And while her hair style is better than Kate Hudson's, it just doesn't seem to go with the outfit. Frustrating

Jessica Biel -- finally, she gets it right at an awards ceremony. I've given her grief for her outfits over the past few years, but this one is excellent

Blanca Blanco -- the dress is nice, but she didn't seem to get the memo about wearing black. As such, I'm disqualifying her from consideration

Catherine Zeta-Jones -- not bad. I don't find anything special about the ensemble, but I also don't have anything about which to complain. Not in my top 3, but she was in the running

Nicole Kidman -- good grief. What a disaster. The upper part of her dress does nothing for her. In addition, in combo with her hair style, the high neck line and the shoulder pieces make her head seem out of proportion.

Halle Berry -- she'd look good in just about anything. She looks very nice in this outfit. I just don't think a short dress is all that appropriate at a formal event. Plus the dress would do much better if there more solid areas of it, especially in the lower portion.

Alison Brie -- another lady that would look good in just about anything. Alas, I'm not a fan of glorified pants suits that have a dress wrap around them to spiff them up

Gal Gadot -- very classy, and also somewhat playful. The top is a take-off on a tuxedo top. The dress is long and sleek. The earrings accentuate the long look. Very well done.

So in the end, I have:

Gal Gadot with the win, Kerry Washington to place, and Jessica Biel to show

Nice job, Midnighter!

Feels like a precursor to an upcoming Phantom Thread review.
Not sure if an awards show or funeral, but pick your top three 'all black everything' celebs if you so choose. Enjoy (or not)!

You get 3 Votes! Use'em or lose'em!

1. Kate Hudson


2. Kerry Washington


3. Margot Robbie


4. Jessica Biel


5. Blanca Blanco


6. Catherine Zeta-Jones


7. Nicole Kidman


8. Halle Berry


9. Alison Brie


10. Gal Gadot


Never heard of Gal Gadot, but she's stunning.
so I go to vote, and discover that Midnighter had set the poll to end at 11:30 am EST this morning. Since I had not yet voted, I went in and edited the settings, and opened up the voting. ;)

How many chads were hanging?
I will take Gadot, but the fact is if Peetz showed up we wouldn't even be having this discussion....unless Sara Huckabee was with her!
Not sure if an awards show or funeral, but pick your top three 'all black everything' celebs if you so choose. Enjoy (or not)!

You get 3 Votes! Use'em or lose'em!

1. Kate Hudson


2. Kerry Washington


3. Margot Robbie


4. Jessica Biel


5. Blanca Blanco


6. Catherine Zeta-Jones


7. Nicole Kidman


8. Halle Berry


9. Alison Brie


10. Gal Gadot

Amazing how some of them dress then complain about being treated as a sex object.
On one hand, this is their desired outcome (men paying attention in some form or another) and on the other, that is what they are protesting.

They just want us to appreciate their acting ability.
To be fair, they aren't protesting men paying attention to them, they're protesting men assaulting them, pulling out their junk in front of them, blackballing them from their careers if they don't consent, etc.
Not really... those real atrocities that you mentioned should not be dismissed, but when you read about or watch tv coverage about all of the #metoo “crimes” it can include a peer/coworker saying flattering things or having a consenting physical relationship. Including these non-issues makes the problem seem much more widespread and takes away from the real victims. I know that my viewpoint, while 100% true and correct, will prevent me from ever getting elected dog catcher, but a woman who willingly has sex with somebody and decides later that she shouldn’t have, is not a victim. Are there not just as many men who regret these things after the fact?
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Not really... those real atrocities that you mentioned should not be dismissed, but when you read about or watch tv coverage about all of the #metoo “crimes” it can include a peer/coworker saying flattering things or having a consenting physical relationship. Including these non-issues makes the problem seem much more widespread and takes away from the real victims. I know that my viewpoint, while 100% true and correct, will prevent me from ever getting elected dog catcher, but a woman who willingly has sex with somebody and decides later that she shouldn’t have, is not a victim. Are there not just as many men who regret these things after the fact?

I didn’t see too much of this - at least with regard to Hollywood types. Unwanted touching/groping and sexual advances, suggesting roles were available in exchange for sex, exposure/masturbation in front of women, assault, rape, etc. Maybe I missed something.
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Not really... those real atrocities that you mentioned should not be dismissed, but when you read about or watch tv coverage about all of the #metoo “crimes” it can include a peer/coworker saying flattering things or having a consenting physical relationship. Including these non-issues makes the problem seem much more widespread and takes away from the real victims. I know that my viewpoint, while 100% true and correct, will prevent me from ever getting elected dog catcher, but a woman who willingly has sex with somebody and decides later that she shouldn’t have, is not a victim. Are there not just as many men who regret these things after the fact?

It seems like you're taking a couple examples that don't belong in the movement but attached themselves to it anyway, and disregarding the entire movement as a result.

When neo-nazis say they're republicans or socialists say they're democrats, is it fair to then lump those entire parties into those two groups and say both should be disregarded? I hope not, for the same reasons I don't think MeToo should be ignored or disregarded because of just a couple who are IRegret but tried to latch on.
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To be fair, they aren't protesting men paying attention to them, they're protesting men assaulting them, pulling out their junk in front of them, blackballing them from their careers if they don't consent, etc.
Point taken, but they are exposing themselves to us. I didn't ask for that and I feel violated.

OK, I don't feel violated.