Sooo....gonna chime in here....and I will take the attacks as they come.
Freedom to wear what you want comes with a responsibility with what happens.
Wear a #blacklivesmatter t-shirt to a Klan rally? Don't expect good things to happen to you. You have the freedom to wear it, but you should have been responsible enough to know that it was not a good idea.
Be a 17 or 18 year old college freshman woman and go to a fraternity party, wearing a dress that is basically a bandage? Don't think the guys (drunk or not) are going to simply treat you like you are their grandmother.
You have the freedom to wear it but you should be responsible enough to know that it was not a good idea. Does that mean that the guys get off scott free if they commit a sexually aggressive act? No. But, it means that if they stare, leer, make comments - you cannot be foolish enough to assume that they wouldn't. And should not be surprised when they do.
not your biggest fan.. but spot on.