This horse has probably been dragged about as far as it can be....without devolving into a "TOS"-worthy full-blown circle-jerk.
That said - and to try to put the wraps on this thing:
I understand the animosity towards Mike - from a visceral level.
It is a fairly predictable knee-jerk response given the events that transpired, and the questions that remain unanswered.
But "Mike" didn't inflame the dumpster fire - the dumpster fire that turned into the full blown conflagration that engulfed Penn State.
"Mike" was used - by others - as a tool, a lever, to accomplish that mission.
When this story broke:
1 - Why were we holding vigils on Old Main? Rather than holding protests on South Atherton Street (the 2nd Mile offices)?
2 - Why were we tearing down statues? Rather than marching on the AG and DPW and CYS offices in Harrisburg?
We were doing those things because "Mike" was used - by others - as a lever to push all of that stuff onto the Penn State Campus - - - - instead of the 2nd Mile and the relevant PA state agencies.
No matter what viewpoint you wish to take - when one applies reason and logic and intelligence - those facts are clearly evident.
In this whole sordid, nebulous affair - there are three absolutes that should be evident to any engaged, intelligent observer:
1 - The MOST responsible parties for this catastrophe (and, just to be clear, the catastrophe I am talking about is not "Sandusky", the catastrophe I am talking about is the fallout from "Sandusky") were the leaders of the 2nd Mile, and their allies and co-horts, many of them prominent members of the PSU BOT and PA State Government - - - and the folks in the OAG, DPW, CYS, and the other responsible state agencies.
2 - The fallout has - incredibly - never touched any of those folks, but instead was dropped like the Hiroshima bomb - directly on top of the PSU campus.
3 - The lever that was used - by others - to accomplish that feat was "Mike".
Those three facts are indisputable to any intelligent observer.
Focusing wrath on "Mike" is akin to blaming "uranium" for the devastation of Hiroshima.
Hell, just like "Mike" - the "uranium" was the first thing destroyed in that explosion
My biggest issue with MM isn't that he was used by corrupt prosecutors but that he ALLOWED himself to be used and when he figured out that he was being used, he never spoke up to correct the record (re: the FALSE GJP), offered an apology, etc..
His 2010 statement to OAG that he was certain sodomy was occurring (or that it looked like it was occurring) and reported it as such to PSU admins/Joe is completely in-congruent with his and everyone else's actions in 2001 and MM's other testimony, especially his testimony during the 12/16/11 prelim where he said he wasn't 100% sure what was occurring bc he couldn't really see anything (hands/privates/etc.) and when TC called him a few weeks later to follow up he never expressed dissatisfaction or said that MORE needed to be done besides informing TSM and revoking JS' guest privileges.
So this means that according to his 2010 statement and subsequent testimony MM was 99.999% sure JS was raping a kid (based on the sounds and positioning he observed), he told some college admins this and when MM noticed JS was never arrested and questioned (or even had his access to kids restricted) he never once expressed dissatisfaction or said more needed to be done to ANYONE that he made his initial report to or anyone, either MM is a terrible person for waiting 9 years to finally make a written statement to LE or he played revisionist history to try and save his own hide thus throwing everyone he told about 2001 under the bus.
If MM was certain that JS was sodomizing a boy or that it looked like that was happening based on the positioning he saw, why didn't he ever:
-file a police report
-ask Schultz to send someone from UPPD to get his statement
-place anonymous call to childline (if he was worried for some bizzare reason about telling the UPPD about this)
-express dissatisfaction or say more needed to be done when TC followed up with MM a few weeks later re: PSU's action plan??
IMO MM's main flaw was him playing revisionist history in 2010 by telling OAG that he reported certain abuse to PSU admins when in reality he wasn't really sure what JS and the kid were doing b/c he couldn't really see anything but was weirded out. MM's written statement and GJ testimony gave the OAG enough wiggle room to make the claim in the GJP that MM eye-witnessed a child rape and reported it as such to PSU admins.
All MM had to do was tell the truth and he didn't.
Without MM's revisionist history the OAG had no way to tie everything to PSU b/c 1998 was fully investigated by everyone under the sun and the janitor stories weren't enough. MM's written statement and GJ testimony was the linchpin for the OAG's entire case against PSU.
MM was the tool the OAG needed to ensure the attention was directed to PSU instead of the real enablers you point out (TSM, CYS, OAG etc.).