No he doesn't. He ignores all psychology of CSA to reach his conclusions.
I just made a fact based argument, with a timeline, that proves Ziegler most certainly has something to personally gain by taking the position he has. He's gone after every known victim trying to attack their character to save his career.
You specifically mentioned AF. He's gone after him relentlessly. He's stalked him IRL.
You are welcome to your opinions. I agree that Ziegler is obnoxious and that his bed side manner can be atrocious. I often disagree with his tactics and dislike the way he continuously insults people, often for no good reason. That being said, IMO his knowledge of the Penn State/Sandusky story and his therories of exactly what happened cannot be discounted.
Please explain what you mean when you say Ziegler ignores all pyschology of CSA to reach his conclusions.
What is your opinion of repressed memory therapy? Do you think it is a reliable way of getting an accuser to remember being molested that they couldn't otherwise recall? Do you think that it ever happens that an accuser could possibly embellish an accusation that they have been sexually molested? Are you aware of Ken Lanning's view that charlatans sometime make false claims of CSA? Do you think there may have been any charlatans in the Penn State/Sandusky story?
Regarding AF, AF invited Ziegler to meet with him: "“If he has questions about me, he should just ask them directly — reach out and shake my hand like a man,” he said."
I don't consider it stalking when Ziegler tries to find AF so he could asks him questions directly. It seems to me that Ziegler in his research has been able to uncover some important impeachment evidence which could be used against AF, if Sandusky is fortunate enough to win a retrial.
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