He said he looked directly, saw the same thing. Then went back to his locker, slammed it, and then saw them separated.Ok, I stand corrected. I thought he said he slammed the locker and turned.
He said he looked directly, saw the same thing. Then went back to his locker, slammed it, and then saw them separated.Ok, I stand corrected. I thought he said he slammed the locker and turned.
The repressed memory therapy is an active issue in Sandusky's PCRA. To the best of my knowledge Judge Cleland has not ruled on the request for in-camera review of therapist notes for the acccusers that underwent repressed memory therapy. Michael Gillum is clearly a proponent and the Sandusky filing names v1, v3, v4, v6, and v7 as having received it. "Based on the changing testimony of the accusers, the statements of the accusers before and after trial, and the fact that the accusers have attributed their changes in story and/or coming forward to therapy, there is strong evidence that repressed memories were at issue at trial." I hope that Judge Clleland rules in the Defense's favor.
The filing also states "Matt Sandusky attributed therapy to his coming forward."
http://co.centre.pa.us/centreco/media/upload/SANDUSKY BRIEF IN CAMERA REVIEW OF THERAPY NOTES.pdf
Believe what you want to believe. I personally don't think that Jeff Pearlman is a very good source to use. I believe that his opinions are biased and are not fact-based. His opinion that Matt is telling the truth because his wife told him to take the money from Penn State and that actual victims often change their stories is very shallow IMO.
I personally believe that Matt Sandusky is the classic case of the charlatan that Ken Laning refers to who opportunistically become part of a CSA story. I say that for the following reasons:
1. Matt Sandusky testified before the Grand Jury that he was never molested by JS
2. Matt Sandusky asked at age 18 to be adopted by the Sandusky family, years after he claims he has been repeatedly molested by JS
3. After JS was arrested, Matt Sandusky went to court against his ex-wife to allow JS access to his minor children
4. His adoptive mother, and all the other 5 Sandusky siblings all believe that Matt was never molested by JS
5. Matt Sandusky claimed that assistant coach Kevin O'Dea wtinessed his abuse in 1988, only problem is that O'Dea didn't come to Penn State until 1990
6. Matt Sandusky claims that his suicide attempt was as a result of the absue he received from JS when in fact it was a joint suicide attempt with his girlfriend at the time because his parents would allow them to live together at the Sandusky house
7. Matt Sandusky's claims that the abuse stopped when he was 15, when he transitioned to v4. Only problem there is an almost 4 year gap from when he turned 15 and when the alleged abuse of v4 started in the Fall of 1997. Eileen Morgan who believes that JS is a pedophile explained the math in the following link:
If Sandusky is fortunate enough to win a new trial, I suspect that the State will not want use Matt Sandusky as a witness because of all of the impeachment information that could be brought in.
He said he looked directly, saw the same thing. Then went back to his locker, slammed it, and then saw them separated.
Like I have said many times before, what Mike described seeing/hearing is not consistent with what he believed was happening. Physically impossibleHe also said that he was no longer hearing the "slapping sounds" that he had heard when he first walked in.....that neither Sandusky or the child were making any vocalizations of any kind.....and neither of them were really moving much as far as he could tell. So if their activity was creating the noise that MM originally heard and they were still engaged in the same activity, why did MM testify that he no longer was hearing the noise when he looked into the shower and saw their body positioning? MM's testimony of very little movement, no vocalizations and hearing no noise whatsoever is not consistent - given the size/mass differential we're talking about here, you would see tremendous amounts of movement (nor is the body positioning consistent given that Sandusky was supposedly two-feet taller than the child). Lastly he testified that the child did not appear to be in distress when he looked in or when he walked over after slamming his locker.....
There are tons of inconsistencies in the story -- why would someone go back to their locker to close it rather than run to the aid of the child if you were convinced of what MM says he was convinced of? Additionally, MM has given different versions of what happened when he went in the locker-room and sequence of events upon entering the locker-room. One of his versions included the child sticking his head out of the shower, looking at MM and then a hand pulled the child back into the shower area, etc......
He didn't say he saw the same thing. He said they were separated.
Like I have said many times before, what Mike described seeing/hearing is not consistent with what he believed was happening. Physically impossible
Like I have said many times before, what Mike described seeing/hearing is not consistent with what he believed was happening. Physically impossible
MM said the kid ran around and wasn't in distress. IMO that eliminates anal intercourse as a possibility.
Remaining possibilities are horseplay, rubbing up against the kid, or touching. MM says he saw JS standing behind the kid against the wall. It would be difficult for him to tell exactly what was going on. It makes sense that MM would have used soft language in his report because he didn't actually see anything sexual.
If he thought anal intercourse he was wrong. If he thought rubbing or touching he could have been correct but he didn't actually see that.
Agreed, but it also depends upon which version of events you're talking about, because MM has given more than one version of events which are "incompatible" with one another. As I have said all along, MM is his own worst enemy in regards to "credibility" and "trustworthiness" which is what makes the states claims that he is their "star witness" for not only JS charges but also the C/S/S charges comical - especially the Perjury Charges.
If this wasn't the first time that they had engaged in it and they was good and soaped up, then it was certainly a possibility.
To be accurate, Matt Sandusky had a case of re-positioned memory. Going with the "flow" is easy if you have no conscience and a 3 million dollar incentive. I admit not knowing the circumstances surrounding many of the accuser / claimants / victims. It is likely Jerry deserved to be convicted on some if not many of the counts. The representation he got, the kangaroo court(a highlight being the crying janitor) and the incredibly mishandled PSU settlements, give me a real case of skepticism. There is also the curious case of AM. Why would an attorney have to force a legitimate victim of a crime to go into hiding?It makes be believe that Shubin told him that he would never have to explain anything, but just cash the check.
Really? Please copy/paste and/or link to said incompatible statements.
I liked the way the Sandusky lawyer when asked if he thought all the accusers lied said that some of the accuser testimony was factually inaccurate. Similarly to the case that Mike McQueary did not witness a sexual act, the case that v2 is AM is getting stronger as time moves forward and a clearer understanding of what happened is learned. I wholeheartedly agree that Jerry was convicted in a kangaroo court replete with ineffective counsel and prosecutorial shenaningans. It is a textbook case of an unfair trial. The Penn State BOT reaction is a cautionary tale of not what to do in a time of crisis.
Regarding the guilt of Jerry Sandusky, I believe he is at least guilty of being naive and not that smart for putting himself in an position where he would be vunerable on accusations regarding harming a minor that was in his care. IMO, the jury is still out on whether or not that he was attracted sexually to minors and if he has any sexual intent in his intereactions with them. On the other hand, I don't believe there is very strong evidence at all that Jerry engaged in sexual activity with any of the accusers. My understand is that there is substantial impeachment evidence, some more than others, with all accusers who testified at trial that they had engaged in sexual acts such as OS or AS with Sandusky.
The problem with Lar is that he seems to be focusing on particular testimony and not considering all of the other evidence outside of certain court testimonies that have been gathered by Ray, Eileen and others. That is how we wind up in these circle jerks in these threads.
Someone points out later testimony and Lar and others point to previous testimony. Someone points out multiple sources say MM attended Sandusky events (in this case me, which is in Eileen's chart), and Lar picks out testimony from one person refuting it. And round and round we go.
The GJ version never mentioned slamming his locker and then going to the shower entrance and seeing them face to face with eye contact. He bailed as fast as he could, according to what he told the GJ.Really? Please copy/paste and/or link to said incompatible statements.
.That said I respect Lar's opinions. He draws his conclusions based on the facts. He's not like most of the haters that draw their conclusions from emotion and screw the facts.
Folks have already laid it out for you numerous times. Check out my posts in this very thread that explain how his OAG statement/GJ testimony is incompatible with his later testimony at 12/16/11 prelim and everyone's actions at the time.
Also check out this MM credibility chart for a good breakdown of how MM's story changed over time
The problem is that are no "facts." There is no physical evidence. What we have are embellishments at best and he said, she said. If there were established "facts," we would not have another thread rehashing about what someone said, what he meant by what he said, what he did or did not see, and what are the motivations of so and so.
I need a break from all of this and eagerly await MM's testimony as part of his lawsuit, but I doubt it gets that far. Dukie has urged to wait for the full story. Fair enough, but at this time, MM appears to have been his own worse enemy just like Ryan Lochte.
What I don't get is how investigators could have absolutely NO clue who Vic. 2 is.....we know they had access to JS's emails, texts, and phone records. Why can't they check to see who he was in contact with around the same time as the McQueary incident?
If a person believes anything McQ said beyond Feb. 2001.Wrong.
Q: You indicated that there was a second time that you looked into the shower?
A: Yes
Q: Is that correct?
A. Yes.
Q: Describe - - after looking in the second time, did the position of the individuals change at all.
A: No.
Q: So what you observed at first -- your first look, when you looked a second time, that was continuing.
A: Yes
The first time was through the mirror, he then stepped to the side and looked directly into the shower and nothing had changes. It was at that point that he turned and slammed his locker. When he looked the third time, they were separated.
- AM is either V2 or else PSU paid $millions for nothing.
- JS is certainly guilty of poor judgement. A person with any sense would have stayed far away from kids in a shower after the 1998 investigation.
- I think JS is a pedophile (sexual desires for kids) and a child molester (acts upon his desires). Otherwise he would have stayed away from kids in showers after 1998. I am not convinced that he went so far as anal intercourse and possibly not even oral sex. Just my opinion based on the evidence.
- I think as many as half of the alleged victims receiving payouts were never molested, or at least nothing more than light touching or horseplay. But free $millions bring out lots of lawyers willing to work on contingency.
- I agree that JS got poor representation. Look how long it's taken the C/S/S trials. Good lawyers would have run up any roadblock possible to delay things as long as possible.
- I'm sure that MM witnessed something that disturbed him but I don't think he saw enough to be sure exactly what was going on. I think he gave a soft report for that reason but started embellishing his story later when pressed by the AG and others for why he hadn't done more to intervene.
- I think that PSU administrators are guilty of failing to document MM's report. You've got to document these things even if you don't think it was outright sexual abuse. Curley saying he thinks it was reported to CYS but can't prove it is ridiculous.
- I think the administrators failed to appreciate the magnitude of MM's report because it was a soft report and they knew about Jerry's history of horsing around. But I do not think there was any coverup attempt in order to protect football. That's absurd.
Some very salient points. Your criticism of Curley and or Schultz's failure to document McQueary's report is accurate. I have long contended that both Gary and Tim proceeded with some trepidation considering the eye witness account was less than definitive in nature. The reason? Sandusky had very solid support on the Board of Trustees. The same individuals that flexed their muscles to ensure Emeritus Status for JS would be cranky if they felt he was being treated disrespectfully. Perhaps the same reason Tom Harmon filed the 98 report deceptively.
- AM is either V2 or else PSU paid $millions for nothing.
- JS is certainly guilty of poor judgement. A person with any sense would have stayed far away from kids in a shower after the 1998 investigation.
- I think JS is a pedophile (sexual desires for kids) and a child molester (acts upon his desires). Otherwise he would have stayed away from kids in showers after 1998. I am not convinced that he went so far as anal intercourse and possibly not even oral sex. Just my opinion based on the evidence.
- I think as many as half of the alleged victims receiving payouts were never molested, or at least nothing more than light touching or horseplay. But free $millions bring out lots of lawyers willing to work on contingency.
- I agree that JS got poor representation. Look how long it's taken the C/S/S trials. Good lawyers would have run up any roadblock possible to delay things as long as possible.
- I'm sure that MM witnessed something that disturbed him but I don't think he saw enough to be sure exactly what was going on. I think he gave a soft report for that reason but started embellishing his story later when pressed by the AG and others for why he hadn't done more to intervene.
- I think that PSU administrators are guilty of failing to document MM's report. You've got to document these things even if you don't think it was outright sexual abuse. Curley saying he thinks it was reported to CYS but can't prove it is ridiculous.
- I think the administrators failed to appreciate the magnitude of MM's report because it was a soft report and they knew about Jerry's history of horsing around. But I do not think there was any coverup attempt in order to protect football. That's absurd.
Obviously, they couldWhat I don't get is how investigators could have absolutely NO clue who Vic. 2 is.....we know they had access to JS's emails, texts, and phone records. Why can't they check to see who he was in contact with around the same time as the McQueary incident?
- AM is either V2 or else PSU paid $millions for nothing.
- JS is certainly guilty of poor judgement. A person with any sense would have stayed far away from kids in a shower after the 1998 investigation.
- I think JS is a pedophile (sexual desires for kids) and a child molester (acts upon his desires). Otherwise he would have stayed away from kids in showers after 1998. I am not convinced that he went so far as anal intercourse and possibly not even oral sex. Just my opinion based on the evidence.
- I think as many as half of the alleged victims receiving payouts were never molested, or at least nothing more than light touching or horseplay. But free $millions bring out lots of lawyers willing to work on contingency.
- I agree that JS got poor representation. Look how long it's taken the C/S/S trials. Good lawyers would have run up any roadblock possible to delay things as long as possible.
- I'm sure that MM witnessed something that disturbed him but I don't think he saw enough to be sure exactly what was going on. I think he gave a soft report for that reason but started embellishing his story later when pressed by the AG and others for why he hadn't done more to intervene.
- I think that PSU administrators are guilty of failing to document MM's report. You've got to document these things even if you don't think it was outright sexual abuse. Curley saying he thinks it was reported to CYS but can't prove it is ridiculous.
- I think the administrators failed to appreciate the magnitude of MM's report because it was a soft report and they knew about Jerry's history of horsing around. But I do not think there was any coverup attempt in order to protect football. That's absurd.
Even school districts have something called an "incident report." It didn't have to be processed by LE or CYS, just a university document with McQueary's John Hancock would have saved everyone....IMO.I agree with most of what you said with the exception of whether or not JS is a pedophile and had sexual desires kor kids and acted on those desires. I don't think we can make any conclusions from a patently unfair trial. I will await a new fair trial before I make my judgment, but I am not holding my breath for a new trial.
I am not sure that Curley and Schultz should have done any additional reporting beyond CYS and TSM if it was just horseplay.
I am not sure that Curley and Schultz should have done any additional reporting beyond CYS and TSM if it was just horseplay.
And Schultz testified he believed it was. The onus here is on others to prove it wasn't. Good luck with that.They wouldn't be in trouble if this had been reported to CYS.
And Schultz testified he believed it was. The onus here is on others to prove it wasn't. Good luck with that.
Doesn't matter. Prove that it wasn't. Ray has been all over this issue. Check out his blog.That's what Shultz said but he couldn't say who reported it and CYS has no such record. My guess is that it was never reported. Wouldn't the person that reported it remember doing so?
That's what Shultz said but he couldn't say who reported it and CYS has no such record. My guess is that it was never reported. Wouldn't the person that reported it remember doing so?
That's what Shultz said but he couldn't say who reported it and CYS has no such record. My guess is that it was never reported. Wouldn't the person that reported it remember doing so?
Doesn't matter. Prove that it wasn't. Ray has been all over this issue. Check out his blog.
"....My guess is that it was never reported. Wouldn't the person that reported it remember doing so?..."
Here is the core component of this FRAUD!
The State of PA overtly mis-stated testimony, "spun" that testimony from conjecture to negative "FACT" and then manufactured a "Story" which it engineered to appear to the public as "Criminal" based upon a speculative NON-EVENT. This "event" was then "backfilled" with manufactured speculation and tainted (coached) testimony . EVERY SINGLE POINT used to "convict" anyone in this matter is based on "guessing" and conjecture.
Let me give you some facts....this entire publicly accepted "Scandal" by Paterno and Penn State could not be sold to the public UNLESS there was collusion between (1) PA Government - Corbett as ringleader, (2) OGBOT members to support the guilt of Penn State "...why ELSE would they fire Paterno..., (3) Corbett's hand-picked "Liar for Hire" Freeh and (4) a Media-fed Feeding Frenzy promoting the destruction of "...Paterno's Legacy...".
REALITY CHECK - - - TOO MUCH MACHINING OF the key parts and players of this "Story" for this to what the public believes for this to be the truth.
Remember....everything you know about all of this for 5 years is based on ONLY what the State of PA has allowed to be released. 5 years later OGBOT & OAG are STILL fighting to keep critical and credible information HIDDEN (Why else use a Grand Jury???)
In short - this is a crime which the state of PA has controlled all information from day one.....and it is an abuse of Core American Justice ONLY based upon speculation and guessing.
CYS is going to testify that they have no record of receiving a report.
Sounds like they have a good chance on the first two points but not the third point. If it was that easy every person accused of failing to report could just say that they did and that the agency misplaced their records.
Oh good LordIf this wasn't the first time that they had engaged in it and they was good and soaped up, then it was certainly a possibility.
Your argument rests on that CSS were mandated reporters and statute of limitations did not run out and were told that sexual abuse occurred. Both are unlikely to hold any water as evidenced in recent filings and problems with MM's evolving testimony. Most likely charges will be tossed by judge or dropped by AG office.
Assuming they are deemed mandated reporters and jury buys what MM is peddling, another he said, she said. CYS will not be able to prove they didn't report it. Onus still on prosecution to prove that no one did report it. Schultz doesn't have to prove he did. Good luck with that. By the way, AG may have exonerated Curley and perhaps Spanier by saying Schultz was police. Thus, it was reported to police.
If we are playing this game then what happens if Schultz says he did or to the best of recollection it was. And CYS says we can't say if it was reported or not reported. And the defense starts going into all the problems with CYS reporting. Game over.Please read what I wrote. I am not arguing that C&S are guilty. I agreed that they might be found not guilty because they were not mandatory reporters or because MM only told them about inappropriate horseplay.
I merely said that they won't be found not guilty because they think somebody might have reported to CYS. That defense is too easy. Everybody could say that.
I feel your pain.Oh good Lord
This thread is making the "TOS" circle-jerks look like MENSA meetings