precisely NOBODY corroborates Mike McQueary's version of the conversation
Good point. Even his dad JM didn't corroborate MM's version.
From 12/16/11 prelim:
Pg. 145 (Roberto cross examination of JM): Ms. Roberto asks JM:
“Isn’t it your recollection that your son described to Dr. Dranov what happened that evening in the shower as only hearing something in the shower and drawing conclusions about what happened but not seeing anything in the shower?”
Beemer of course immediately objected. Roberto responds by saying that regarding Dr. Dranov section 4902-F requires the Commonwealth, the prosecution, to corroborate Mr. McQueary’s statements. And this witness is the best witness we can think of that would corroborate or not the statements of Mike McQueary.
Beemer responds by saying they are going down a road that’s not relevant (huhhh???). The court notes the objection by Roberto but still sustains the Commonwealth’s objection….what a freaking joke.
Pg. 151 (Farrell cross examination of JM re: the meeting between him, Dranov, and Schultz a few months after the incident):
Q: Do you recall Dr. Dranov disagreeing with your description of what Mike said when you said it to Mr. Schultz?
A: Not disagreeing, at least at that time, no I don’t – I don’t believe he did
Q: Did he add facts to it or correct facts?
A: We’ve had conversations so many times, it’s difficult to put into place what occurred week one, month one, year ten. And so I feel uncomfortable answer that because I don’t – I can’t say it with 100 percent certainty
Q: In this meeting with Mr. Schultz, did you tell Mr. Schultz that what Mike had seen was a crime?
A: I never used the word crime, I made it, Im sure, clear that it was at least a very inappropriate action and what Mike described to me led me to believe it was sexual in nature.
Q: Okay, so you think the way you described it to Mr. Schultz was at least inappropriate and from what Mike said perhaps sexual in nature?
A: I think Mr. Schultz went away from that meeting with that understanding, yes.
Q: You never used the phase anal sex with Mr. Schultz?
A: Absolutely not
Q: Or the word rape?
A: Not at all
Q: Or the word sodomy?
A: No, not at all
Q: Or the phrase sexual assault?
A: No, not at all
Q: How about the word fondling?
A: I don’t think I would have used it because I didn’t see it. I would be saying what I was told, but I don’t think I would have used fondling.
Q: I apologize for this, but in the discussion with Mr. Schultz did you describe to Mr. Schultz the action of Mr. Sandusky thrusting his groin into a young boy’s rear end?
A: No
Q: Did Mike tell you that?
A: And Mike never said that
Q: Mike never said that to you at any time?
A: Specifically your question about thrusting?
Q: Yes
A: I never heard the word thrust
So after reading the above JM's testimony boils down to: JS was taking a late night inappropriate shower that made MM uncomfortable, which is exactly what CSS/Joe/Dranov/Raykovitz all testified to.
MM is the only person who testified that what was reported by him was definitely sexual/criminal. Everyone else acknowledged there was quite a bit a grey area --probably due to the fact MM couldn't really see anyone's hands/privates so it was impossible for him to know for sure what was going on.