Your the one who needs help LaJolla. Just because someone testified at the trial, doesn't make them a "real" victim.
Honest question, have you ever done any research on victims and why their stories changing or contradictory statements aren't automatically a sign of a false claim of abuse?
I mean let's take victim 5 for example, why would he possibly claim it happened the first time he met Jerry if it happened later? Did he forget he was in his book and everyone neglected to bring it up?
Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, it has something to do with dynamics of compliant victimization?
Specifically that would be victims of a certain age when the abuse takes place (13 or 14) assuming responsibility for allowing it happen. They tend to add on to the story make the abuse more socially acceptable.
Starting to sound familiar to anyone?
While the average person, say a wannabe journalist for example, thinks it's impossible for there to be an unwilling victim at that age they are mistaken.
An adolescent male is easily aroused to say the least. Against an experienced adult with plan grooming them it's not really all that hard to see. Especially when you consider the victims are lacking a caring male role model in their lives.
Which brings us back to victim 5. He gave 3 different versions of the story and said it was the first time that he met Jerry.
Why wouldn't his doctor see this and other inconsistencies as clear deception unless they were in it for the money?
The answer is the simple: if details of the abuse stay the same while other things used as an excuse for allowing it to happen change, they are almost certainly recounting actual abuse.
Victim 5 saying it was the first time they met changes absolutely nothing for anyone but him. He doesn't have to justify why Jerry felt he could to do that him after getting to know him. Jerry becomes a perv that would do it to anyone.
Him changing the year to when he was older doesn't mean he was told to say that by the OAG. It just means he wasn't ready to admit how old he was when it happened. He didn't want to be judged by loudmouth jackals like John Ziegler and the likes of you.
But poor Jerry Sandusky, he was just caught showering with kids repeatedly and then accused of sexual abuse by teenager that had no clue about past incidents.