Forgive my ignorance


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
I am not quite sure what is the major concern if this material is released in 31 days? What are the potential upsides and downsides? It is rather confusing when reading all the postings.
People who are fearful fear there is a smoking gun not found by Freeh. Those who are hopeful hope the facts revealed will be so weak that it calls into question whether the BOT should have settled these cases.
But in the end there won't be any allegations that will be proven or fisproved so it may serve only to keep the story in the news and to allow parties to manipulate the facts to suit an agenda.
People who are fearful fear there is a smoking gun not found by Freeh. Those who are hopeful hope the facts revealed will be so weak that it calls into question whether the BOT should have settled these cases.
But in the end there won't be any allegations that will be proven or fisproved so it may serve only to keep the story in the news and to allow parties to manipulate the facts to suit an agenda.
Good summary. I would only add that there is no way to tell right now what portions of the whole record in the case will be revealed. Therein could lie a problem.

When you file a summary judgment motion, or reply to one, you may want to cite to the testimony of witness A on a certain point, and you just include the page on which Witness A said that one thing.

If that is what is released,then it could be cherry-picked for unfair damage to PSU.

The advantage we have is that PSU ALREADY HAS the entirety of those depositions. The clock is ticking on the leadership of the BOT to get prepared to defend this University 4 1/2 years after it first failed to do so. That defense might best be accomplished by press releases timed WITH the release of the docs. Let's hope PSU is up to it this time.
Good summary. I would only add that there is no way to tell right now what portions of the whole record in the case will be revealed. Therein could lie a problem.

When you file a summary judgment motion, or reply to one, you may want to cite to the testimony of witness A on a certain point, and you just include the page on which Witness A said that one thing.

If that is what is released,then it could be cherry-picked for unfair damage to PSU.

The advantage we have is that PSU ALREADY HAS the entirety of those depositions. The clock is ticking on the leadership of the BOT to get prepared to defend this University 4 1/2 years after it first failed to do so. That defense might best be accomplished by press releases timed WITH the release of the docs. Let's hope PSU is up to it this time.

This is a long shot at the very best, considering who still runs the Board.
People who are fearful fear there is a smoking gun not found by Freeh. Those who are hopeful hope the facts revealed will be so weak that it calls into question whether the BOT should have settled these cases.
But in the end there won't be any allegations that will be proven or fisproved so it may serve only to keep the story in the news and to allow parties to manipulate the facts to suit an agenda.

My fear is that we'll see documentation of the allegations but no documents or language defending against those allegations. In that case the media has only one side of the story to report. It can't get much uglier than that.
Good summary. I would only add that there is no way to tell right now what portions of the whole record in the case will be revealed. Therein could lie a problem.

When you file a summary judgment motion, or reply to one, you may want to cite to the testimony of witness A on a certain point, and you just include the page on which Witness A said that one thing.

If that is what is released,then it could be cherry-picked for unfair damage to PSU.

The advantage we have is that PSU ALREADY HAS the entirety of those depositions. The clock is ticking on the leadership of the BOT to get prepared to defend this University 4 1/2 years after it first failed to do so. That defense might best be accomplished by press releases timed WITH the release of the docs. Let's hope PSU is up to it this time.

Dem, regarding the JVP angle in this....
are you confident, or maybe not yet sure, that the depositions include exonerating language to combat what will be the target of the media's manipulation? In other words, if a victim refers to JVP as knowing about his specific incident pre-2001, was the deposition handled in such a way to question and challenge those allegations and discredit those statements? My concern regarding JVP is that PSU may not have tried or worried about contradicting the allegations, just wanted to get enough info to decide whether or not to settle.

And yes, all who will jump on the JVP-only aspect of this post, I realize there is more to this than JVP's knowledge and actions. I am simply narrowing my question to this one area in this case.
The downside is quite clearly the likelihood that media weasels will sift through this stuff for any kernels of information they can use (i.e., spin) to throw more shade on Joe and the PSU football program. BS stories like that tend to be printed on Page 1; subsequent retractions or clarifications near the back, in the "miscellaneous" section near the classifieds..
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The downside is quite clearly the likelihood that media weasels will sift through this stuff for an kernels of information they can use (i.e., spin) to throw more shade on Joe and the PSU football program. BS stories like that tend to be printed on Page 1; subsequent retractions or clarifications near the back, in the "miscellaneous" section near the classifieds..

I can't speak for everyone but I think this is really most people's concern. I doubt many people are worried there is some "smoking gun" or proof of a cover up. Problem is media types will print anything and claim a smoking gun or proof of a coverup with even questioning the accusation. Even something so absurd as foster parents promising not to call police but get Joe on the phone instead then put a little kid on the line to tell Joe JS touched him (on a conference call by the way in 1971). Only to have Joe go on an on about all the good jerry did even though he just started coaching in SC and TSM wasn't founded for another 5 years but then to have Joe say he's gonna call the police and the little kid hangs up.

If that was too much work to verify they can just use Bernie McCue as a credible source for another story.

I'm still waiting for the "reporter" that was suppose to name names of assistant coaches who knew. Guess his lawyers finally advised him. What was his name? Funny how the poster who called him out by email then got a reply crying about him posting it here. Simply showed he's a gutless POS who can't stand behind what he writes.
We are never going to find out what truly happened here.

We may get snippets, we may hear stories, we may get some people under oath. But, I firmly believe all we will receive is shades of gray--some may look better, some may look worse.....and in the end, nothing will change.

The ship has sailed for defending this university.
It just pushes the narrative in the wrong direction. If there are a lot of Joe Pa allegations in these settlements it could create another huge firestorm. Once these things get out there they are very difficult to refute. I think the best approach for the school in terms of "getting ahead of this" would be to hold people accountable for getting us into this ridiculous situation in the first place, rather than just deny every single allegation that comes out. But knowing PSU I wouldn't count on that happening.

It's not going to create a huge firestorm.

It'll be in the media for less than 48 hours, and nothing is going to change a narrative.
It just pushes the narrative in the wrong direction. If there are a lot of Joe Pa allegations in these settlements it could create another huge firestorm. Once these things get out there they are very difficult to refute. I think the best approach for the school in terms of "getting ahead of this" would be to hold people accountable for getting us into this ridiculous situation in the first place, rather than just deny every single allegation that comes out. But knowing PSU I wouldn't count on that happening.

I'm pretty sure in this instance that would be us as in PSU itself. They were the ones that submitted parts of these settlements to the courts in defense against the insurance co. They opened this door. In fact, PSU's leadership or lack of caused most of this entire shitstorm.
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