Former players' testimony about Franklin


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2002
There's been a silver lining in the Lynch lawsuit: It's given an opportunity for players' parents and former players to comment publicly about James Franklin and what kind of man he is.

If you're reading these as I am -- the latest from Adam Breneman a few hours ago -- it's just really reassuring and heart-warming to find out that Franklin isn't just passionate, isn't just a great visionary and communicator, he's completely sincere and his actions are completely aligned with his values. Any suspicions anybody might have had that James was just a slick salesman should be demolished by these comments. Franklin is for real. What you see is what you get.

Last year when the Maryland player died and that program became engulfed in scandal, the comments from players and parents were alarming. You could tell the whole program was run on fear and abuse. I believed Penn State under Franklin would never be like that, would never mistreat players -- and this week's comments just reinforce that belief.

To read Breneman's writing about how Franklin was there for him when he was in so much pain and at the lowest point in his life -- it makes me as proud to be a PSU alum and fan as I am when they win the B1G. We'll find out these next couple of seasons if James Franklin is a really good football coach or one for the ages. But we've already found out that he is a first rate human being, a teacher, friend and role model -- and really that's the most important thing.

Here's Breneman's twitter post if you haven't already seen it:

“I feel compelled to shed some light on my experience with @coachjfranklin and how he treated me when I was injured for 2 years straight at PSU,” Breneman wrote on Twitter Wednesday.

“That was a tough, difficult time for me but he could not have been more understanding or caring during the entire process.”

Breneman later went on to share his interactions with Franklin throughout his various medical situations.

“We met often, sometimes more than once a week, and he would check in to see how I was feeling and, more importantly, where I was mentally,” he wrote. "Never once did he attempt to pressure me into playing or rush me back. He was adamant that I take as much time as I needed to get healthy.

“I obviously ended up retiring and leaving Penn State, but during some of the darkest points of my career I had a head coach who was supportive and approachable. I’ll always be thankful to him for that.”
I saw on the Illinois 247 board somebody suggesting that this was Tim Beckman part 2. Couldn't be further from the truth, based at least on what we know publicly. The situations at Illinois and Maryland were truly toxic situations in which players actually came out with the allegations. This appears to be just the opposite.

Of course, there might be current or former players involved who are staying mum on the advice of legal counsel. We don't know what we don't know.

But based solely on what's publicly available, this is becoming a rally-around-the-coach opportunity that seems to reinforce the message that Franklin truly cares about his kids.
Somehow, I think Ellison Jordan is right smack dab in the middle of this!

Ellison Jordan elected to have surgery outside the PSU sphere of medical authority and his injury came with him from High School. Knee cap injuries and surgeries are the hardest when predicting outcomes I have read and (Kijana Carter comes to mind) Played great after minor knee cap surgery coming out of high school.... had an issue in a game or two where he wanted to go back in but Joe pulled him out of a game in caution. If Ellison Jordan is at the center of this, his hand picked Drs are going to have some explaining to do. Who cleared him to return to practice after his late post season surgery? Coaches aren't Dr's and Dr's often don't agree .......
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I don't know if the claims from Dr. Lynch have any merit but judging from the public statements from former players and parents it seems as if what they are saying is the opposite of what Lynch is accusing Franklin of.

Opposing fans will never believe that Franklin isn't trying to destroy the lives of kids but right now I'm trending towards the opinion that Franklin cares about these kids and wouldn't rush anybody back. He has always been very cautious about injuries from what I can tell.
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I don't know if the claims from Dr. Lynch have any merit but judging from the public statements from former players and parents it seems as if what they are saying is the opposite of what Lynch is accusing Franklin of.

Opposing fans will never believe that Franklin isn't trying to destroy the lives of kids but right now I'm trending towards the opinion that Franklin cares about these kids and wouldn't rush anybody back. He has always been very cautious about injuries from what I can tell.
here's the thing, Franklin could have gone to the Doc and asked him to clear somebody, while never going to the player and saying, 'hey you are taking too long to get better'. I see this as 2 different issues, not 1 tied together. Franklin is telling the Doc to clear somebody, while telling the player, listen until the Doc clears you , I cant do anything, now get yourself better.
Franklin pressuring the Doc, does not mean Franklin pressured the kid.
I don't know if the claims from Dr. Lynch have any merit but judging from the public statements from former players and parents it seems as if what they are saying is the opposite of what Lynch is accusing Franklin of.

Opposing fans will never believe that Franklin isn't trying to destroy the lives of kids but right now I'm trending towards the opinion that Franklin cares about these kids and wouldn't rush anybody back. He has always been very cautious about injuries from what I can tell.

...and the point made in another thread is that there is NO MOTIVE to "rush somebody back"...even most star players at 80% no longer have their game-changing impact, regardless of any emotional encouragement it may intangibly provide to the rest of the team...

so if injured star players rarely even make a difference, it makes no sense at all that someone would be rushed back just to be on the practice field, essentially harming the player while garnering zero benefit to the team?...
unless it is simply a nuance of the "hurt vs injured" distinction.
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here's the thing, Franklin could have gone to the Doc and asked him to clear somebody, while never going to the player and saying, 'hey you are taking too long to get better'. I see this as 2 different issues, not 1 tied together. Franklin is telling the Doc to clear somebody, while telling the player, listen until the Doc clears you , I cant do anything, now get yourself better.
Franklin pressuring the Doc, does not mean Franklin pressured the kid.

This is impossible... no way that would ever happen.
here's the thing, Franklin could have gone to the Doc and asked him to clear somebody, while never going to the player and saying, 'hey you are taking too long to get better'. I see this as 2 different issues, not 1 tied together. Franklin is telling the Doc to clear somebody, while telling the player, listen until the Doc clears you , I cant do anything, now get yourself better.
Franklin pressuring the Doc, does not mean Franklin pressured the kid.

I actually agree with you, noting I do not think (or hope) Franklin acted like that. I'm anxious to hear from the Doctor and others who said CJF pressured him - where's the receipts bud?

This is impossible... no way that would ever happen.

I tend to agree. Character is what it is. The same kind of arrogant individual who would try to tell a doctor how to do his job would not be able to not pressure a kid to play. Think Brian Kelly or Jim Harbaugh try to hide they are assholes?
here's the thing, Franklin could have gone to the Doc and asked him to clear somebody, while never going to the player and saying, 'hey you are taking too long to get better'. I see this as 2 different issues, not 1 tied together. Franklin is telling the Doc to clear somebody, while telling the player, listen until the Doc clears you , I cant do anything, now get yourself better.
Franklin pressuring the Doc, does not mean Franklin pressured the kid.
And the doc can say no so there’s really nothing here.
I tend to agree. Character is what it is. The same kind of arrogant individual who would try to tell a doctor how to do his job would not be able to not pressure a kid to play. Think Brian Kelly or Jim Harbaugh try to hide they are assholes?

The same type of religous man that preaches faith would never cheat on their wife.

The man who starts a charity to help young boys would never stick his cock in their ass?

Yea go with absolutes. That is the best way to get through life with people you don't really know.

What about that coach that lied to his players about seeing a tape. Under cross exam. We determined that was a lie. On who to hire as a coach. "Let me see your wife".
here's the thing, Franklin could have gone to the Doc and asked him to clear somebody, while never going to the player and saying, 'hey you are taking too long to get better'. I see this as 2 different issues, not 1 tied together. Franklin is telling the Doc to clear somebody, while telling the player, listen until the Doc clears you , I cant do anything, now get yourself better.
Franklin pressuring the Doc, does not mean Franklin pressured the kid.

What constitutes "pressure" and when, if ever, does it become improper, short of having a kid play contrary to the doctor's evaluation? Is it frequent discussion, haranguing?

This is very likely a consequence of Fester's decision to quantitatively cut back medical coverage of the team. If a doctor is only there half of the time, coach can feel that he doesn't have sufficient opportunity to plead his case (and he better get it in when he can) and the doctor thinks that the coach is monopolizing his time
Somehow, I think Ellison Jordan is right smack dab in the middle of this!

Akeel Lynch might be as well. Everytime I see the name Lynch in this topic, he immediately comes to mind. Two guys in the loony bin
What constitutes "pressure" and when, if ever, does it become improper, short of having a kid play contrary to the doctor's evaluation? Is it frequent discussion, haranguing?

This is very likely a consequence of Fester's decision to quantitatively cut back medical coverage of the team. If a doctor is only there half of the time, coach can feel that he doesn't have sufficient opportunity to plead his case (and he better get it in when he can) and the doctor thinks that the coach is monopolizing his time

Why does the coach have any pleading to do on any injury?
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And the doc can say no so there’s really nothing here.
well evidently the Doc does not like Franklin even saying to him WTF? Doc? I've seen this injury before and the kid played, so what gives? And from there the Doc went to the principal to tell on him. Then only thing is, the principal decided for CJF, as there are alot of team Doc's out there.
In that case, what is improper? I think it would have to be something along the lines of a threat to have the doctor fired outright (re-assigned wouldn't do it).

Yeah, I agree and don't know. My take is it's part of the job of the team doc to navigate/manage coach expectations.
Tommy is another guy that comes to mind. He just seemed always sidelined and I think he might have grown frustrated not being able to play this spring. He felt the job slipping away and was simply not allowed to participate fully. Doctors tend to be overly cautions, especially when there could be litigation about a "potential" pro player. Coaches tend to be "win now," on its face, its a really bad forced marriage.
Anyone who has ever played sports, coached sports or even had kids who played sports knows that there is often a very fine line between "being injured" and "being hurt". It's often frustrating for everyone involved. Every coach thru the history of sports, has been in a situation of dealing with a player who they believe is "hurt" and could get back to playing, but the player is actually "injured". IMO, this whole thing sounds like interpretation and perception.
really? a good team Doc finds a way to get them back on the field, a regular Doc just says he cant play, and if that happens too often, the coach says why?

Welcome to 2019. Does any coach know more than a doctor? Good or bad. Medically. My answer would be no. If a coach does what you say that is that not interference? I mean a first year med student is may be more qualified then the kinesiology major coach?

A good doctor gets the patient healed l.

It seems like many of the arguments here are feeding into the idea that the doctor being kept separate from ICA and being independent. Where have we seen that before. Oh the sidelines in the NFL.
Why? Because a coach sees a kid every day, maybe in practice, talks to the kid, and thinks he's good to go....and the doctor ain't there all the time and, just maybe, doesn't have the kid(s) and team as his top priority.

If the kid/ patient is not his top priority why does he have a med license still? Seems like Sandy or james should be visiting the capital and a medical review board. The team should take priority over the health of an individual? Seriously

So to you (i doubt this happen by the way) in your scenario. A coach should be able to plead his case to a doctor on why that player should be on the field?

So a PSU alum and former PSU wrestler is out to undercut people and the university. Because the team isn't his number one priority? And his patients health isn't important to him? And he still works for Penn State. Interesting thought

Its like James Woods in Any Given Sunday.

Im not saying the doc is right or james is right. I sure ****ing hope PSU lawyers are better than the minds on here because if they use the reasons people on here are. Holy ****. Based on how they handled the MM mess and talking out of both sides of the mouth I hope they have different representation.
Welcome to 2019. Does any coach know more than a doctor? Good or bad. Medically. My answer would be no. If a coach does what you say that is that not interference? I mean a first year med student is may be more qualified then the kinesiology major coach?

A good doctor gets the patient healed l.

It seems like many of the arguments here are feeding into the idea that the doctor being kept separate from ICA and being independent. Where have we seen that before. Oh the sidelines in the NFL.
only for concussions, not knees ankles hips etc etc
Akeel Lynch might be as well. Everytime I see the name Lynch in this topic, he immediately comes to mind. Two guys in the loony bin

Lol. You really a punk trying to talk about me calling me loony when you don’t know nothing about me. How about you be a man and come to me like a man and call me a loony in my face instead of talking about me online on the blog when you don’t even have your face as a profile pic. Be a man and stop being a punk.
Welcome to 2019. Does any coach know more than a doctor? Good or bad. Medically. My answer would be no. If a coach does what you say that is that not interference? I mean a first year med student is may be more qualified then the kinesiology major coach?

A good doctor gets the patient healed l.

It seems like many of the arguments here are feeding into the idea that the doctor being kept separate from ICA and being independent. Where have we seen that before. Oh the sidelines in the NFL.
this has zero to do with the coach, and everything to do with the Doc. You dont seem to understand that 2 different Doc's can look at a kid and come to two different conclusion with the same injury. I've witnessed that. And that can make a big difference in your season. Doctoring isnt always absolute.
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This is interesting, I haven't heard that. Wasn't Shorter a kneecap injury too? That was another one where the long recovery time last year was probably not a happy outcome for the player.

Knee cap injuries and surgeries are the hardest when predicting outcomes I have read
If the kid/ patient is not his top priority why does he have a med license still? Seems like Sandy or james should be visiting the capital and a medical review board. The team should take priority over the health of an individual? Seriously

So to you (i doubt this happen by the way) in your scenario. A coach should be able to plead his case to a doctor on why that player should be on the field?

So a PSU alum and former PSU wrestler is out to undercut people and the university. Because the team isn't his number one priority? And his patients health isn't important to him? And he still works for Penn State. Interesting thought

Its like James Woods in Any Given Sunday.

Im not saying the doc is right or james is right. I sure ****ing hope PSU lawyers are better than the minds on here because if they use the reasons people on here are. Holy ****. Based on how they handled the MM mess and talking out of both sides of the mouth I hope they have different representation.

It is certainly possible that the doctor is telling the truth. But the doctor literally has millions of dollars in lost salary that would motivate him to sue and get it back. His contract allowed for him to be fired without cause, so his options for filing suit were limited, with one option being the whistleblower statute. To make that work, he has to claim CJF improperly pressured him and then got him fired for letting PSU know about the pressure. Maybe it's all true, but don't act like the doctor is simply being altruistic here. We have a media that is more than happy to investigate and dump on PSU. He could have gone to many friendly neighborhood journalists to get this story out, but instead he filed suit.
Lol. You really a punk trying to talk about me calling me loony when you don’t know nothing about me. How about you be a man and come to me like a man and call me a loony in my face instead of talking about me online on the blog when you don’t even have your face as a profile pic. Be a man and stop being a punk.

Easy Ellison, don't let a message board idiot get under your skin. Some dudes seem to forget you guys are all human beings too.
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The same type of religous man that preaches faith would never cheat on their wife.

The man who starts a charity to help young boys would never stick his cock in their ass?

Yea go with absolutes. That is the best way to get through life with people you don't really know.

What about that coach that lied to his players about seeing a tape. Under cross exam. We determined that was a lie. On who to hire as a coach. "Let me see your wife".
I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic or naive on the first post. Got it now.
It is certainly possible that the doctor is telling the truth. But the doctor literally has millions of dollars in lost salary that would motivate him to sue and get it back. His contract allowed for him to be fired without cause, so his options for filing suit were limited, with one option being the whistleblower statute. To make that work, he has to claim CJF improperly pressured him and then got him fired for letting PSU know about the pressure. Maybe it's all true, but don't act like the doctor is simply being altruistic here. We have a media that is more than happy to investigate and dump on PSU. He could have gone to many friendly neighborhood journalists to get this story out, but instead he filed suit.

Agree 100% ... though dumping the story on village idiots in the media would do nothing. To me the suit is more of an indictment of the ATH. Dept. And Charmelle Green (again)
Tommy is another guy that comes to mind. He just seemed always sidelined and I think he might have grown frustrated not being able to play this spring. He felt the job slipping away and was simply not allowed to participate fully. Doctors tend to be overly cautions, especially when there could be litigation about a "potential" pro player. Coaches tend to be "win now," on its face, its a really bad forced marriage.

He was the first in my mind as well but his Dad has already said it was not true.
With all the players that left, via the portal, I would think if one of them was unhappy we would have heard.
I know the pitters are pounding this hard but I wonder what John P. has to say?
So far its about 15-0 in current and former players in support of Franklin.
Welcome to 2019. Does any coach know more than a doctor? Good or bad. Medically. My answer would be no. If a coach does what you say that is that not interference? I mean a first year med student is may be more qualified then the kinesiology major coach?

A good doctor gets the patient healed l.

It seems like many of the arguments here are feeding into the idea that the doctor being kept separate from ICA and being independent. Where have we seen that before. Oh the sidelines in the NFL.

And wasn't that brought about by our former NFL coach? It would make sense.
Now that Franklin has fixed a lot of things he's bringing back a system and dr. he likes.
What constitutes "pressure" and when, if ever, does it become improper, short of having a kid play contrary to the doctor's evaluation? Is it frequent discussion, haranguing?

This is very likely a consequence of Fester's decision to quantitatively cut back medical coverage of the team. If a doctor is only there half of the time, coach can feel that he doesn't have sufficient opportunity to plead his case (and he better get it in when he can) and the doctor thinks that the coach is monopolizing his time
That's Uncle Fester to you!
If the kid/ patient is not his top priority why does he have a med license still? Seems like Sandy or james should be visiting the capital and a medical review board. The team should take priority over the health of an individual? Seriously

So to you (i doubt this happen by the way) in your scenario. A coach should be able to plead his case to a doctor on why that player should be on the field?

So a PSU alum and former PSU wrestler is out to undercut people and the university. Because the team isn't his number one priority? And his patients health isn't important to him? And he still works for Penn State. Interesting thought

Its like James Woods in Any Given Sunday.

Im not saying the doc is right or james is right. I sure ****ing hope PSU lawyers are better than the minds on here because if they use the reasons people on here are. Holy ****. Based on how they handled the MM mess and talking out of both sides of the mouth I hope they have different representation.

Tell me how every patient, athlete or otherwise, can be a doctor's top priority? It's simply not possible. And a doctor who says every patient has the same priority is either wrong or disingenuous., particularly one who receives a performance based bonus.

And get off your fvcking pommel, because I neither said nor implied anything beyond that a coach has the right to talk to the team doctor. Lynch, and maybe you, seem to disagree.