Former recruit Brendan Ferns out for year again at WVU

Thanks for posting. I remember him. Sad story and a real good example of why they need to be 4 year scholarships. We cannot start paying players, however. This isn't minor league football. It is college football and less than 5% of the P5 players ever get into an NFL training camp.

I have never done research but would guess that those who whine loudest about paying players also whine just as loudly about student debt. I would be retired today if I didn't have to pay off my college loans in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Today the cost is so much higher. A scholarship is a huge financial benefit IF it is used correctly. END of RANT!
I think that point is meaningless. The kids are making tens of millions for the schools today.
He seems like a nice kid and is smart, but the idea that he is a good candidate to transfer here is a little weird. He can't stay healthy and in his only two years of CFB he's has two season ending injuries. If he wants to transfer to PSU as a student nobody can stop him, but as far as a transfer into the program? No thanks.

Not saying it will happen. Just feel bad for kid and fresh start at a school that needs LBs might be option. Mauti tore his knee and so did Sean Lee. They seemed to recover fine. He was all world LB in HS and hope he can become one again.
Not saying it will happen. Just feel bad for kid and fresh start at a school that needs LBs might be option. Mauti tore his knee and so did Sean Lee. They seemed to recover fine. He was all world LB in HS and hope he can become one again.

Being an all world LB in high school is one thing, and being an all world LB in college is another. Sean Lee was all-world in college before he got hurt. Mauti was outstanding before he got hurt. There is really no comparison here. I have nothing against the kid, but he has had two season ending injures before even playing in college. We have no idea whether he's even a good CFB LB.