Four students from the helicopter incident during tailgating charged

my experience with the police is that they will find a way to take you down it they want to (see Curley, Schultz and Spanier). In this case, the cops are embarrassed so needed to find a way to justify their ridiculous actions.

I am sure it came to everyone's surprise that college kids drink at PSU football games.

**** the PA state police
Officers also searched Spear and Fitzgerald’s apartments at Centre Court and the Rise, respectively. A sketch of the Penn State-Ohio State tailgate and blue wristbands were found in Spear’s room, while “large U.S. currency transactions” were found in Fitzgerald’s Venmo account.

Fitzgerald said he collected money for the tailgate and kept $1,300 as his “cut.” Messages between Spear and Fitzgerald about organizing the tailgate were also obtained by police.

How can they be allowed to search your apartment and bank accounts for something like this?
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How can they be allowed to search your apartment and bank accounts for something like this?
You'd have to read the application for search warrant, I imagine. I DO know that once the police embarrassed themselves with the chopper, they had to make these two mopes look like the Gambino crime family to justify it. I am guessing they did not ask for the warrant until they got hit by the public for the chopper idiocy.
It bears repeating that this is but ANOTHER instance of a frat recognized by PSU publicly breaking the underage alcohol laws, they and around EIGHTEEN other Greek orgs.

Given the Piazza case, that is simply ridiculous. However, that was not the biggest threat to public safety that day.

The biggest threat came from the cops, who were damned lucky they did not kill someone with their silly ass chopper stunt. Drunk college students are a danger, especially if underage. But the people who caused this danger were themselves college students, also likely drunk.

So to forestall the danger, cops whose budgets and power fantasies are way out of control tripled or quadrupled its severity and reach. You cannot make this up. The University and the local and state governments are unrelenting shit shows of mind-boggling scope and stupidity. Clowns run everything up there. No wonder it so often seems like a circus.
This was not a “frat” party. While the guys who organized it, and sold the wrist bands were members of different frats, and word was spread in part through frat ranks, none of this was frat sanctioned and not everyone in attendance was a frat person. Fact is, most of the networking for this was by word of mouth and texting. It was more of a senior party than a frat party. Same party could pop up next year with headquarters in a dorm or apartment, and no involvement of any frat member.
How was this party (other than possible underage participants) any different than some of the alumni association bowl tailgates?
LOL police state stupidity. The Orlando area alumni club hosted a tailgate party at this year’s bowl game. I think we paid $40 each. It was nice to visit other alumni. Alcohol was served. Thankfully the local police did not use a helicopter and foot soldiers to disperse us. The fee covered the expense to purchase the space near the stadium, buy a lavish buffet and give three beer tickets to each attendee. How many years In prison in solitary confinement do the evil planners deserve? Arrest the rowdies at the scene if they are disruptive. Undercover cops? Maybe a good student response is a one week boycott of local businesses.
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LOL police state stupidity. The Orlando area alumni club hosted a tailgate party at this year’s bowl game. I think we paid $40 each. It was nice to visit other alumni. Alcohol was served. Thankfully the local police did not use a helicopter and foot soldiers to disperse us. The fee covered the expense to purchase the space near the stadium, buy a lavish buffet and give three beer tickets to each attendee. How many years In prison in solitary confinement do the evil planners deserve? Arrest the rowdies at the scene if they are disruptive. Undercover cops? Maybe a good student response is a one week boycott of local businesses.

Is anyone in your alumni club pocketing any of the proceeds (i.e., "taking a cut")? Normally alumni clubs and chapters put the money towards the costs of the event (as you said for your club) and then put the rest in a scholarship fund.

The Penn State students put some of the proceeds towards costs and then pocketed the rest. It was not an official function run by an official organization with the proceeds going to a legitimate cause. Students probably felt that $10 was not too much to pay to attend a huge tailgate party, so they handed it over on a whim. However, they probably didn't think that anyone would pocket $1300. If I attended that party and learned about the cut afterwards, I would be asking myself why I helped line another students pockets so significantly. How many parties do students go to where no students profit? This tailgate party is not the norm.

You said your alumni club purchased a space near the stadium. It sounds like this event was sanctioned by the property owners under an official agreement. Did the Penn State students purchase space in a stadium parking lot for their event? Was it sanctioned by Penn State as a paid event?
You're right. But given that the tailgate in question was apparently making a massive ruckus they put themselves under the microscope. .....

I was 25 yards from that tailgate. The kids were fine. Not too loud, minding their own business .... until the 10-15 state police on horses walked into the middle of their tailgate and the helicopter buzzed the area. That day was a clear over reach by someone ....
Did anyone else attend the Alumni tailgate at the Rose Bowl? Perhaps they had a permit?I assume any profits went to the local chapters? Is the difference because this was "free enterprise?" Are there charges relating to underage drinking?
Where else could money be farted away over trivial bs other than Penn State? The place that gave us police protection for Bernie McLush, tearing down a tribute in the first 1/4 of a game, hiding a Statue under orders from an idiot, failing to identify an idiot dragging a banner over the Campus, covering up for TSM, free speech for clowns like Jockstrap John, and a series of half witted Homecoming "Marshals".

You can't make it up
I'd love to see the FAA ground the PSP for six months and make their pilots and commanders undergo some common sense training
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That F*cking helicopter blew a tent over which rolled on to my car and dented the hood.
FOIA the FAA's report or find someone to do it for you.

Then share it with us. ;-)
I'd love to see the FAA ground the PSP for six months and make their pilots and commanders undergo some common sense training
Not happening. The Penn-Live article says the FAA has completed its investigation and if you want to know the results you have to file a FOIA request. If the FAA took any adverse action they'd shout it from the rooftops.

If someone were present that day and felt they were in serious danger of bodily harm, they should pursue a private criminal complaint against the pilot for recklessly endangering. Even if the DA won't prosecute it, it would continue to bring notice to the reckless and dangerous actions of the state police in this matter.
This was not a “frat” party. While the guys who organized it, and sold the wrist bands were members of different frats, and word was spread in part through frat ranks, none of this was frat sanctioned and not everyone in attendance was a frat person. Fact is, most of the networking for this was by word of mouth and texting. It was more of a senior party than a frat party. Same party could pop up next year with headquarters in a dorm or apartment, and no involvement of any frat member.
Yeah, but this was a party set up by frat boys, and 18 other Greek orgs participated. Not a good look. I wonder if mention of it will be made in the 8 million dollar study PSU is doing.
Yeah, but this was a party set up by frat boys, and 18 other Greek orgs participated. Not a good look. I wonder if mention of it will be made in the 8 million dollar study PSU is doing.
You are being made a sucker by state police propaganda. I know it feels good to you to believe in the BS line that this was some kind of bad frat behavior, but try to keep up. 18 other Greek orgs did not participate. No Greek orgs participated. Members of 18 Greek orgs probably did participate, maybe even more, but that's because it was a party that was open to upperclassmen and a lot of them happen to be in Greek orgs. I'll bet there were a lot of kids from Pittsburgh at this party, too, but I don't see anyone calling this out as an out of control Pittsburgh party.

The bottom line is that after shitting the bed with the helicopter, the police apparently couldn't deflect by pointing to wide-spread underage drinking, so they went with illegal wrist-band selling topped with a generalized reference to "frat" involvement, which is generally sufficient to mesmerize knee-jerk frat haters like yourself. Mission accomplished.
You are being made a sucker by state police propaganda. I know it feels good to you to believe in the BS line that this was some kind of bad frat behavior, but try to keep up. 18 other Greek orgs did not participate. No Greek orgs participated. Members of 18 Greek orgs probably did participate, maybe even more, but that's because it was a party that was open to upperclassmen and a lot of them happen to be in Greek orgs. I'll bet there were a lot of kids from Pittsburgh at this party, too, but I don't see anyone calling this out as an out of control Pittsburgh party.

The bottom line is that after shitting the bed with the helicopter, the police apparently couldn't deflect by pointing to wide-spread underage drinking, so they went with illegal wrist-band selling topped with a generalized reference to "frat" involvement, which is generally sufficient to mesmerize knee-jerk frat haters like yourself. Mission accomplished.
"Connor Fitzgerald, 22, and Joshua Spear, 22, ey organized the tailgatealongside 18 other fraternities and sororities. In a written statement, both Fitzgerald andSpear said it was a tradition for seniors in theGreek community to set up a tailgate at homefootball games"

So they were not frat boys and they were not alongside 18 other frats? Okay. What's your source for that?
"Connor Fitzgerald, 22, and Joshua Spear, 22, ey organized the tailgatealongside 18 other fraternities and sororities. In a written statement, both Fitzgerald andSpear said it was a tradition for seniors in theGreek community to set up a tailgate at homefootball games"

So they were not frat boys and they were not alongside 18 other frats? Okay. What's your source for that?
Dem hates frats- who knew?
"Connor Fitzgerald, 22, and Joshua Spear, 22, ey organized the tailgatealongside 18 other fraternities and sororities. In a written statement, both Fitzgerald andSpear said it was a tradition for seniors in theGreek community to set up a tailgate at homefootball games"

So they were not frat boys and they were not alongside 18 other frats? Okay. What's your source for that?
First of all, let's make clear what your source is: the state police. You know, there very same Keystone Cops who need to have their helicopter license revoked and are desperately trying to divert attention from that fact. It's like, with you, instead of yelling "squirrel!" all they have to do is yell "frat!" and you lose any ability to engage in critical thinking.

Your quote doesn't even make sense. These two guys organized a tailgate "alongside 18 other fraternities"? WTF does that even mean? It sounds like weasel words coming out of the mouth of some bureaucrat who is desperate to lead everyone away from the real story, and succeeded with you.

Finally, my source is personal knowledge, which sure beats your lousy source.
First of all, let's make clear what your source is: the state police. You know, there very same Keystone Cops who need to have their helicopter license revoked and are desperately trying to divert attention from that fact. It's like, with you, instead of yelling "squirrel!" all they have to do is yell "frat!" and you lose any ability to engage in critical thinking.

Your quote doesn't even make sense. These two guys organized a tailgate "alongside 18 other fraternities"? WTF does that even mean? It sounds like weasel words coming out of the mouth of some bureaucrat who is desperate to lead everyone away from the real story, and succeeded with you.

Finally, my source is personal knowledge, which sure beats your lousy source.
The difference is the money was being cut between the three guys not Penn State or any of it's support organizations.
But that's not what they are being charged with.

If they were being charged with operating a business without a license, or lack of an event permit, then I'd agree with you.

They are being cited on alcohol charges when there isn't any evidence (that I've seen) that they provided any alcohol. That's BS.
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But that's not what they are being charged with.

If they were being charged with operating a business without a license, or lack of an event permit, then I'd agree with you.

They are being cited on alcohol charges when there isn't any evidence (that I've seen) that they provided any alcohol. That's BS.
Agree. But charging for lack of permit isn't much of a deterrent. They obviously went way overboard with the chopper to prove a point that these huge organized tailgates won't be tolerated. I see these charges in the same light as the chopper.
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First of all, let's make clear what your source is: the state police. You know, there very same Keystone Cops who need to have their helicopter license revoked and are desperately trying to divert attention from that fact. It's like, with you, instead of yelling "squirrel!" all they have to do is yell "frat!" and you lose any ability to engage in critical thinking.

Your quote doesn't even make sense. These two guys organized a tailgate "alongside 18 other fraternities"? WTF does that even mean? It sounds like weasel words coming out of the mouth of some bureaucrat who is desperate to lead everyone away from the real story, and succeeded with you.

Finally, my source is personal knowledge, which sure beats your lousy source.
Sorry, what personal knowledge? Forget critical thinking. Try reading for meaning before you move on to thinking. You ought to learn to read first, since you seemed to miss that I laid most of the blame for this nonsense on the police in my actual post on the subject.
Sorry, what personal knowledge? Forget critical thinking. Try reading for meaning before you move on to thinking. You ought to learn to read first, since you seemed to miss that I laid most of the blame for this nonsense on the police in my actual post on the subject.
Agree. But charging for lack of permit isn't much of a deterrent. They obviously went way overboard with the chopper to prove a point that these huge organized tailgates won't be tolerated. I see these charges in the same light as the chopper.
I guess my questions would be twofold:

1) Why won't these organized tailgates be tolerated? What they doing that police object to that lots of other tailgates aren't also doing?

2) If they won't be tolerated, why not pass laws that make them illegal or use existing laws (permits, etc) to break them up? Don't make up stuff as you go along and charge them with unsupported (and serious) offenses.
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I guess my questions would be twofold:

1) Why won't these organized tailgates be tolerated? What they doing that police object to that lots of other tailgates aren't also doing?

2) If they won't be tolerated, why not pass laws that make them illegal or use existing laws (permits, etc) to break them up? Don't make up stuff as you go along and charge them with unsupported (and serious) offenses.
They don't have a problem if you do it with these guys in a designated area. Otherwise, it's bad for business. ;)

"Whether you're hosting five guests or 2,000, Tailgate Guys offer packages that will not only assist with all your game day needs but will save you precious time and create a memorable event!"
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Not happening. The Penn-Live article says the FAA has completed its investigation and if you want to know the results you have to file a FOIA request. If the FAA took any adverse action they'd shout it from the rooftops.

If someone were present that day and felt they were in serious danger of bodily harm, they should pursue a private criminal complaint against the pilot for recklessly endangering. Even if the DA won't prosecute it, it would continue to bring notice to the reckless and dangerous actions of the state police in this matter.
The FAA quietly completes their top secret investigation and then this happens.

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Sorry, what personal knowledge? Forget critical thinking. Try reading for meaning before you move on to thinking. You ought to learn to read first, since you seemed to miss that I laid most of the blame for this nonsense on the police in my actual post on the subject.
Sorry, I didn't get past this deranged utterance: "It bears repeating that this is but ANOTHER instance of a frat recognized by PSU publicly breaking the underage alcohol laws, they and around EIGHTEEN other Greek orgs."
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Sorry, I didn't get past this deranged utterance: "It bears repeating that this is but ANOTHER instance of a frat recognized by PSU publicly breaking the underage alcohol laws, they and around EIGHTEEN other Greek orgs."
So, you are FOS. HELL, I knew that already.