To be clear though, I do like Franklin, and short of paying exorbitantly and sacrificing success with honor, I just don't think we could really do much better. That said, I have serious doubts whether Franklin can ever get to the mountaintop. He is a very good coach that is a very good representative of the university and the ideals we have for out team, but everyone goes back to "elite." I never had such a problem with his spiel about ELite, but you have to back it up. You can;t talk about how you will do whatever it takes to become elite, then praise your teams ability to pull out close games against "tough" opponents. OSU is just not happy about beating Indiana by a TD at home. Coaches would be on notice, fans would be on edge. If you want to be elite, you have to have elite coordinators, are Rahne and Pry Elite by any measure? Do we have elite talent(maybe?), elite schemes? Elite decision making? Are we happy to win 10 games a year(0 wrong with it if we are), or will we do whatever it takes as a University and coaching staff to be the best? I don't think we want to and I think we come up a bit short on both ends, but I'd just like Franklin to pick a lane. Happy with gutsy performances against Indiana and Pitt, or no, we did not execute well enough. He is a positive guy, which is cool, but if you make a mistake, you cut outside on a 2 point conversion, you never see the field again for Saban and Dabo. Good enough is either good enough or its not. I think very few people on this board are dumb enough just to blindly hate on Franklin, you really can't, he has been a damn good coach, but he is not elite, nor is his staff and I fear his emotions and personal relationships will ultimately preclude him from ever being on top.