Franklin’s post game press conference

Joe wouldn't rehash bitch-fests from the prior week's press conference unprompted

Joe had no tolerance for "shave tail" local yokal sports boys the last decade or so and was very dismissive of them as a result. Probably a reason the shitheads fell all over one another slobbering when the Sandusky news broke. He knew the difference between these hacks and the lifers he used to entertain with "Old Grand- Dad" the night before games in the early years. I especially loved when he told Jones that the only retirement he was looking forward to was his (Jones).
I especially loved when he told Jones that the only retirement he was looking forward to was his (Jones).
That was a classic. My other favorite was when the reporter asked him at the end of the 2008 MSU game something along the lines of if he felt vindicated because he had silenced his critics. He responded, "I don't know, and I don't care."
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That was a classic. My other favorite was when the reporter asked him at the end of the 2008 MSU game something along the lines of if he felt vindicated because he had silenced his critics. He responded, "I don't know, and I don't care."
"Criticism is something we can easily avoid, by saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing." Words that a coach must take to heart.
Given that the team was projected to win 7 to 9 games before the season by the experts (most of those were 7 or 8 wins), to be 9-1 at this point with at worse a 10-2 record in a few weeks, it has been a fantastic season. Certainly the loss to Minnesota was very disappointing, especially how it occurred. OTOH, Minnesota is 9-1.

This is a young team, very young skill players, which means it is going to be frustrating at times.

Look at it this way, PSU is 3-1 against teams that were ranked at the time of the game. 5-1 against teams that were ranked at some point during the season. Add in beating Pitt in their Super Bowl, excellent season.

Other than fans at Ohio State, LSU and Clemson, every fan base in the country has been critical of their teams coach. Bet the Bama boards have more than a few critics of Saban right now for playing Tua yesterday.
Given that the team was projected to win 7 to 9 games before the season by the experts (most of those were 7 or 8 wins), to be 9-1 at this point with at worse a 10-2 record in a few weeks, it has been a fantastic season. Certainly the loss to Minnesota was very disappointing, especially how it occurred. OTOH, Minnesota is 9-1.

This is a young team, very young skill players, which means it is going to be frustrating at times.

Look at it this way, PSU is 3-1 against teams that were ranked at the time of the game. 5-1 against teams that were ranked at some point during the season. Add in beating Pitt in their Super Bowl, excellent season.

Other than fans at Ohio State, LSU and Clemson, every fan base in the country has been critical of their teams coach. Bet the Bama boards have more than a few critics of Saban right now for playing Tua yesterday.
Shame on you for sharing your rational, reasonable, thoughts. You run the risk of inciting the ire of the "I demand to be an elite fan" bullies.
Agree, this makes him look really weak to be this easily flustered

LOL, so it is OK for some fans to send him emails, texts, phone calls, and post on message boards ad nauseum all week after a loss. But he should not utter a perceived slight to said fans because it hurts their feelings. And he is the one who looks wek. Funny, but I would expect nothing less from this group. After all, they will be first in line when we win, saying I knew it all along.
Respectfully disagree, Belichick should act like Belichick, Franklin should act like Franklin.
A sure path to failure is to try to be somebody else.
Right! You bake with the flour you have.
The logic on some of our posters is funny:
Beginning of the season - PSU 4 loss team. Reality we are 10 games in and a 1 loss team. But CJF has not coached this season well, or he is just a recruiter........I think that we have had now 4 years in a row of superior QB play, in a time period where U of M has had ½ a season of good QB play, MSU/Iowa has had similar amount of good QB Play.

CJF is lucky because Hamler and Freiermuth are such high end players......... CJF is a bad coach because Shorter and George are not making any when someone plays better than expected #14, #1 or #87 he is lucky? when someone plays badly he is poor talent developer?

We are 9-1 with areas for improvement.....get more penetration from the DL, disguise our defenses better, tighten up the back half of the defense, Throw to the RBs, quick passes.

This board has pretty good understanding of this team, and it does not appear that we match up well with tOSU, but lets see it play out.

Franklin has brought this team a long way.......and we have improved on some of the issues that we have had in the past, too many negative runs (corrected), sieve of an offensive line (mostly corrected).......enjoy we are in the conversation, and can continue to improve.
The logic on some of our posters is funny:
Beginning of the season - PSU 4 loss team. Reality we are 10 games in and a 1 loss team. But CJF has not coached this season well, or he is just a recruiter........I think that we have had now 4 years in a row of superior QB play, in a time period where U of M has had ½ a season of good QB play, MSU/Iowa has had similar amount of good QB Play.

CJF is lucky because Hamler and Freiermuth are such high end players......... CJF is a bad coach because Shorter and George are not making any when someone plays better than expected #14, #1 or #87 he is lucky? when someone plays badly he is poor talent developer?

We are 9-1 with areas for improvement.....get more penetration from the DL, disguise our defenses better, tighten up the back half of the defense, Throw to the RBs, quick passes.

This board has pretty good understanding of this team, and it does not appear that we match up well with tOSU, but lets see it play out.

Franklin has brought this team a long way.......and we have improved on some of the issues that we have had in the past, too many negative runs (corrected), sieve of an offensive line (mostly corrected).......enjoy we are in the conversation, and can continue to improve.
Good post. CJF is doing an excellent job. Just about everyone agrees there, even when sharing frustrations and fears for the team we love as it faces an incredible OSU team, which we’ve seen PSU rise to challenge year after year. That’s the third hurdle and the date everyone (including CJF) has circled.
"Criticism is something we can easily avoid, by saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing." Words that a coach must take to heart.

Joe had no tolerance for "shave tail" local yokal sports boys the last decade or so and was very dismissive of them as a result. Probably a reason the shitheads fell all over one another slobbering when the Sandusky news broke. He knew the difference between these hacks and the lifers he used to entertain with "Old Grand- Dad" the night before games in the early years. I especially loved when he told Jones that the only retirement he was looking forward to was his (Jones).

That was a classic. My other favorite was when the reporter asked him at the end of the 2008 MSU game something along the lines of if he felt vindicated because he had silenced his critics. He responded, "I don't know, and I don't care."

...guys are on fire... great stuff
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One of the guys that we have really missed this year is Givens at DT........he made a lot of penetration which made it easier for Matos and Windsor, losing Shariff Miller also hurt as he was good against run and pass........ losing Tarburton to injury may have hurt us against Iowa, Minn as he seems a little bit more stout against the run than Shaka and Shane........ Get them in the weight room Toney needs to add about 15 more lbs., Simmons needs to gain back his explosiveness, Oweh seems to be getting better with time on the field...... some of the talent is there needs to get stronger and developed, for our Defense to work we need to get pressure with the front four and with adding in blitzers.......we need to be on the QB within 3-4 secs.
Yea we thought there could have or should have been at least 2 or 3 flags on their staff for that. They were way too far on the field it wasn't the level of PJ Fleck (what was he thinking) but it wasn't that far off. And they had already been warned.
Fleck strikes me as a bit of a maniac. Anyone notice him pushing the ref on the sideline? Glad they lost.
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Fleck strikes me as a bit of a maniac. Anyone notice him pushing the ref on the sideline? Glad they lost.

Row the Boat, Ski-U-Mah, Go Gophers. Maybe he was just repeating this to the ref ad naseum and he wasn't listening? Imagine having to hear this at the end of every interview, 1000 times every season. Cool , I guess when you are 9-0 and winning. Probably not as much fun when you are typical Minnesota team.
Let me start off by saying I really like CJF being our head coach but this past week he seems to be coming off as a whiner.

We all know what happened earlier this week at his Tuesday presser and today after the game he continues to show that the fans and media are getting to him.

First he starts and ends his PC by saying “I wanna thank the loyal and positive Penn State fans” and basically implies he only appreciates “them”. Like if anyone is even remotely critical of anything with his team but are die hard fans, he has no time for.

Also in the PC he brings up again “why was my 4th down decision on the goal line at the end of the game the right one? Cuz it worked”. That line was also part of his whiny rant this past Tuesday, when talking about not onside kicking at the end of the Minny game. I got news for you James, in both instances it was the only decision any competent coach would’ve made. But it shows he’s still hung up on the questions about going for 2 last week.

Also in the presser he mentions running 12 personnel in which the 2nd TE would basically act as a fullback and “make us happy”...and then some reporter jokes about putting a QB under center and he goes off on a little rant about all the reasons not to do it but also states that the only good reason is for the sneak. Guess what James, the sneak is the only reason you should run it!!!!

I don’t know, I’m probably overreacting but I just don’t think it’s a good look for James. Here is a link to the presser after the game.
the only good reason is the sneak?? Really CJF? The reason to do is not for 3-1 and the sneak, the reason to do it is 1-10 with the QB under center so we can run outside zone. you Cant really run it from the shotgun with an offset back nor the pistol because the back can't see over the QB, but under center you can run this play, and with our backs it would be a home run. You can still RPO out of it as well. We need to run this play....this why you go under center!
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Well I guess I overreacted and took it the wrong way. But I hope he knows a fan can be critical of some aspects of his team and his coaching, yet still be very “loyal.”
in the same breath...why then won't you acknowledge that his " its the right decision if it works " is 100% true. Any decision you make in life, you are either right or wrong. The other team is trying to win as well. What I cannot stand is when people have expectations of others that they don't have of themselves.
Franklin invites the heat by showing his anger.

His stupid “elite” remarks after losing to tOSU last year, and this type of remark he displayed this week are cracks that won’t heal without him achieving his goal of a B1G championship.
Maybe he got ugly e-mails, and the press covering PSU can be Jack offs. We're in a good spot with him as coach, the Rhule train hit reality yesterday, the same people were slobbering over Dino Babers two years ago.
You could definitely tell in the beginning of his presser and he makes it very clear at the end of the PC about the “only” part.

Well, either way, contrary to what you implied above, simply having some critiques regarding the team/program does not disqualify one from being considered "loyal and positive."
Franklin invites the heat by showing his anger.

His stupid “elite” remarks after losing to tOSU last year, and this type of remark he displayed this week are cracks that won’t heal without him achieving his goal of a B1G championship.
If the “cracks” didn’t heal after the first B1G championship, I’m not sure why you’d think they’d suddenly heal after more of them.

I see it as a sign of Franklin’s comfort in his own skin. He’s spent the better part of six years now desperately trying to convince this fanbase to like him; if winning 40 games and a conference title in 4 seasons isn’t enough for some fans, I think he’s comfortably earned the right to tell the naysayers to eat one.
Franklin, as much as I love him, is bothering me in these press conferences. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth far too often. Earlier this week, it was "Indiana, indiana, indiana," but he is still discussing the 2 point conversion at Minnesota on a Tuesday with some stupid powder keg lecture. This week, its " I appreciate our positive fans." Last year you had the elite speech and the picking the fight with the student in the stands. He is clearly very emotional and easily offended. Which, isnt a bad thing as I think he has an emotional attachment to the community and the team. It's just a little weird. I also cant tell if he is a "process" guy or a "results" guy. The elite speech made me think process, but last year leading up to the bowl game it was " we have a chance to win 10 games for the 3rd season in a row"(then they got smacked sticking at 9 wins. After this year, it will be "hey, we won 10 games, our offense averaged X our defense was Y nationally, hey, pretty damn good." Which it is of course, but if you want to be elite, you need to have elite players, elite coaching, elite expectations, and an elite process. Saban doesnt trumpet his teams wins for a reason.
Franklin, as much as I love him, is bothering me in these press conferences. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth far too often. Earlier this week, it was "Indiana, indiana, indiana," but he is still discussing the 2 point conversion at Minnesota on a Tuesday with some stupid powder keg lecture. This week, its " I appreciate our positive fans." Last year you had the elite speech and the picking the fight with the student in the stands. He is clearly very emotional and easily offended. Which, isnt a bad thing as I think he has an emotional attachment to the community and the team. It's just a little weird. I also cant tell if he is a "process" guy or a "results" guy. The elite speech made me think process, but last year leading up to the bowl game it was " we have a chance to win 10 games for the 3rd season in a row"(then they got smacked sticking at 9 wins. After this year, it will be "hey, we won 10 games, our offense averaged X our defense was Y nationally, hey, pretty damn good." Which it is of course, but if you want to be elite, you need to have elite players, elite coaching, elite expectations, and an elite process. Saban doesnt trumpet his teams wins for a reason.
Well said. Best post of the day.

Franklin knows the critical statements are too close to the truth. They sting him. He shows his weakness. It’s not a good look. It invites more of what he wants to avoid.
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Well said. Best post of the day.

Franklin knows the critical statements are too close to the truth. They sting him. He shows his weakness. It’s not a good look. It invites more of what he wants to avoid.


To be clear though, I do like Franklin, and short of paying exorbitantly and sacrificing success with honor, I just don't think we could really do much better. That said, I have serious doubts whether Franklin can ever get to the mountaintop. He is a very good coach that is a very good representative of the university and the ideals we have for out team, but everyone goes back to "elite." I never had such a problem with his spiel about ELite, but you have to back it up. You can;t talk about how you will do whatever it takes to become elite, then praise your teams ability to pull out close games against "tough" opponents. OSU is just not happy about beating Indiana by a TD at home. Coaches would be on notice, fans would be on edge. If you want to be elite, you have to have elite coordinators, are Rahne and Pry Elite by any measure? Do we have elite talent(maybe?), elite schemes? Elite decision making? Are we happy to win 10 games a year(0 wrong with it if we are), or will we do whatever it takes as a University and coaching staff to be the best? I don't think we want to and I think we come up a bit short on both ends, but I'd just like Franklin to pick a lane. Happy with gutsy performances against Indiana and Pitt, or no, we did not execute well enough. He is a positive guy, which is cool, but if you make a mistake, you cut outside on a 2 point conversion, you never see the field again for Saban and Dabo. Good enough is either good enough or its not. I think very few people on this board are dumb enough just to blindly hate on Franklin, you really can't, he has been a damn good coach, but he is not elite, nor is his staff and I fear his emotions and personal relationships will ultimately preclude him from ever being on top.

To be clear though, I do like Franklin, and short of paying exorbitantly and sacrificing success with honor, I just don't think we could really do much better. That said, I have serious doubts whether Franklin can ever get to the mountaintop. He is a very good coach that is a very good representative of the university and the ideals we have for out team, but everyone goes back to "elite." I never had such a problem with his spiel about ELite, but you have to back it up. You can;t talk about how you will do whatever it takes to become elite, then praise your teams ability to pull out close games against "tough" opponents. OSU is just not happy about beating Indiana by a TD at home. Coaches would be on notice, fans would be on edge. If you want to be elite, you have to have elite coordinators, are Rahne and Pry Elite by any measure? Do we have elite talent(maybe?), elite schemes? Elite decision making? Are we happy to win 10 games a year(0 wrong with it if we are), or will we do whatever it takes as a University and coaching staff to be the best? I don't think we want to and I think we come up a bit short on both ends, but I'd just like Franklin to pick a lane. Happy with gutsy performances against Indiana and Pitt, or no, we did not execute well enough. He is a positive guy, which is cool, but if you make a mistake, you cut outside on a 2 point conversion, you never see the field again for Saban and Dabo. Good enough is either good enough or its not. I think very few people on this board are dumb enough just to blindly hate on Franklin, you really can't, he has been a damn good coach, but he is not elite, nor is his staff and I fear his emotions and personal relationships will ultimately preclude him from ever being on top.

Agree with what you said but want to comment about coaches on notice, fans on edge. I will point out that many fans, ours, Ohio State, Bama, you name it, take football way too serious and truly let outcomes impact their lives (and I am talking more than the 24-36 hour blues). I loveeeeeeeee college football, but I learned to not allow outcomes of games impact my life. Some fans really do need to re-evaluate how much they let a game impact their life.
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1. We were all disappointed after the loss to Minn.

2. CJF took a lot of that.

3. We have a fine Coach, one of the best in the nation.

4. He will make changes in the off season.

5. CJF does not bitch at his players during the game.

6. We, as fans, must respect the boundaries. Many will not, no doubt.

7. CJF does not need abuse nor any other coach.

8. We enjoy the victories and feel sad for our fine for our warriors.
Maybe he got ugly e-mails, and the press covering PSU can be Jack offs. We're in a good spot with him as coach, the Rhule train hit reality yesterday, the same people were slobbering over Dino Babers two years ago.

Baylor may have lost, but Matt is doing fine! Keep up the good work. Represent!
you need to have elite players, elite coaching, elite expectations, and an elite process.
You forgot a university and administration that’s willing to do what it takes to be elite and PSU isn’t there. If the university is not willing to sell its soul for a winning program, it won’t be an “elite” program...see Miami since they decided to change their image.
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You forgot a university and administration that’s willing to do what it takes to be elite and PSU isn’t there. If the university is not willing to sell its soul for a winning program, it won’t be an “elite” program...see Miami since they decided to change their image.
See my follow up post, totally agree.
you cut outside on a 2 point conversion, you never see the field again for Saban and Dabo.
You can’t really believe this....many of their players make mistakes and keep playing. Clemson barely beat UNC....there were plenty of mistakes to go around and those players are still playing. No player or team is perfect and no coach expects that.
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You can’t really believe this....many of their players make mistakes and keep playing. Clemson barely beat UNC....there were plenty of mistakes to go around and those players are still playing. No player or team is perfect and no coach expects that.
Fair, it was sort of tongue in cheek.
LOL, so it is OK for some fans to send him emails, texts, phone calls, and post on message boards ad nauseum all week after a loss. But he should not utter a perceived slight to said fans because it hurts their feelings. And he is the one who looks wek. Funny, but I would expect nothing less from this group. After all, they will be first in line when we win, saying I knew it all along.
You have that right Brother!
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