FSU vs Georgia Tech

Using your reasoning, FSU should win this game 100 times out of 100. FSU is a team with a good chance to make the playoffs. GT FPI is 55 and they are expected to win 4.9 games. Why would anyone even watch this game? 😆
According to espn's predictor, GT sucks. "Easy layup" for #11 FSU.
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Do you comprehend what FPI does?
If you need educated
So the pre season prediction is based on last year's scedule and is useless at the start of this season.
If you are into gimmicks, go for it. At this point it has less meaning than last year's bowl games.
So the pre season prediction is based on last year's scedule and is useless at the start of this season.
If you are into gimmicks, go for it. At this point it has less meaning than last year's bowl games.
Read the article
I'm done explaining simple things to you. Read the article
I did. Do they or do they not use schedule as part of the algorithm? Simple question, are you capable of answering? Did you read their methodology?
Norvell has wasted a good minute of the final 2.

Tech has had 2 bad penalties. The one has cost them 3 pts instead of forcing a punt. Let's see if the other bites them.
Also FSU made 2 long FGs. GT missed one. The FGs and the penalties (face mask & pass interference) have been the difference. Underdogs usually can't lose on those little things and expect to upset a top 10 opponent.
GT has had a lot of success running but now FSU is loading up to stop them. IMO GT has to throw on first down to keep FSU off balance.
GT has had a lot of success running but now FSU is loading up to stop them. IMO GT has to throw on first down to keep FSU off balance.

I didn't like how they got cute with 2 straight QB runs after opening the 3rd quarter with a huge RB Counter for about 40 yards. They got 5 yards, but they were an awkward 5 yards and hits to the QB.

King will need some passing to open up the field again for sure, but I'd keep pounding the ball because I don't think FSU can contain it.
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You didn't--it's all in there for you.
Then why did you bring up schedule? Why won't you go on record stating whether record counts? Because you can't admit you are wrong? Perhaps you need to read how fbi is calculated. To say scheldule is not part of it is asinine. Any predictive model will use schedule in their prediction.
Are you a shill for espn?
Then why did you bring up schedule? Why won't you go on record stating whether record counts? Because you can't admit you are wrong? Perhaps you need to read how fbi is calculated. To say scheldule is not part of it is asinine. Any predictive model will use schedule in their prediction.
Are you a shill for espn?
You're not making any sense
Then why did you bring up schedule? Why won't you go on record stating whether record counts? Because you can't admit you are wrong? Perhaps you need to read how fbi is calculated. To say scheldule is not part of it is asinine. Any predictive model will use schedule in their prediction.
Are you a shill for espn?
Commando has long been on ignore for the nonstop, never ending, infinite, limitless, nonstop, eternal bickering over the same micro point for weeks at a time on as many threads as possible.

You just joined him for constantly engaging him and feeding the troll,
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Commando has long been on ignore for the nonstop, never ending, infinite, limitless, nonstop, eternal bickering over the same micro point for weeks at a time on as many threads as possible.

You just joined him for constantly engaging him and feeding the troll,
Love to see the Seminoles lose. Tech almost flubbed it away and still got their kicker back in FG range.

Great start to the season!
Norvell's seat is hot already...ACC almost has no shot at being a 2 bid league now. Congrats to Ga Tech

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