funny sports event on 'Jeopardy'


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Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
A category was "NFL Teams". As you would suspect, the brainiacs avoided it until the last category. In this clip from TMZ, none of the three contestants knew who "Mean Joe Greene" was and then thought Marcus Allen played for The Colorado Rockies. that's not even an NFL team!
A category was "NFL Teams". As you would suspect, the brainiacs avoided it until the last category. In this clip from TMZ, none of the three contestants knew who "Mean Joe Greene" was and then thought Marcus Allen played for The Colorado Rockies. that's not even an NFL team!

I was watching that also and got a big laugh from it. Four more categories like that and I would be the champ.
They asked about two players who have not played in 30-40 years and this is somehow news that they don't know them?
Both hall of famers. You could ask most 26 year old fans and they'd know who joe greene and marcus allen are. yet, they'll look down their noses at me for not knowing pre-raphaelite painters of the 18th century.
Personally, I'd give the contestants some leeway. I knew the answers because I was alive when those guys played. If I was a Jeopardy contestant when I was 30 years old and a question was about Arnie Herber, I would have had no idea who the guy was even though he's a member of the HOF.
My wife knew who they were. As for the two guys on Jeopardy tonight - take their man cards away.

Yeah - at least the woman on Jeopardy! tried. She made an effort to get out of the negatives.

And the Colorado Rockies actually existed in BOTH baseball and ice hockey. If you're making a wild-ass guess, guessing the Rockies sort of maximizes your chances. (not that the woman knew all this, of course).

Those 2 guys, however, sucked.
Personally, I'd give the contestants some leeway. I knew the answers because I was alive when those guys played. If I was a Jeopardy contestant when I was 30 years old and a question was about Arnie Herber, I would have had no idea who the guy was even though he's a member of the HOF.
yeah...and the colorado rockies was brought over from the AFL with Herschel Walker.
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