Gable Steveson saga

No doubt we have benefited. I still don't like it.

I will go on record saying you should get 6 years to wrestle 4, and the clock starts when you first enroll as a freshman. 6 years no more, not matter the combination of red shirt, oly shirt, break in service or injury.
Unfortunately, we're closer to unlimited eligibility than a reasonable cap like this.
Not like Crosby at all considering his success at the pro level. Just sayin...


Maybe use a Ranger as your example.
(@tikk10 )
Steveson is a great wrestler;however,only,a ridiculous Minnesota law kept him for going to jail on rape charges. (The woman was intoxicated,supposedly.)

I understand this sentiment, but unless you were a member of the prosecution team, the defense team, or an eyewitness in that case, this is rank speculation.

The internet masses tend not to be fans of the bedrock principle of our criminal justice system that you are legally innocent until proven guilty. That is, until they want it applied to them or someone they love.
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Cassar eligibility clock is over . Athletes taking an Olympic RS and not competing for the Olympics happens more than you realize and it happens in many different Olympic sports as well. If you qualify for it with the criteria USAW sets at the end of that year you file the paperwork with the NCAA for that extra year. It doesn't state you've to compete it states you've to qualify for an Olympic RS. Saying Gable shouldn't have eligibility left isn't true he should according to the rules. Gable will probably join an RTC and train probably wrestle in a World Championship or two prior to the 2028 games.

You bring up D3 that's a totally different situation they don't have an eligibility clock. You've 10 semesters that you can use and compete in. So if you only did 8 semesters and at 35 decide I want to play a sport again you can.

For D1/D2 you must enroll within 1 year of your high school graduation. And once you enroll your eligibility clock starts. After it starts you've 5 years to compete after that. You also can get extra years for medical hardships and Olympic RS

So "everybody's doing it" is the justification? Gee I wish I thought of that when my Mom found the girly mag.

The reason I noted that the linebacker is D3 is that the "rules are different" which I think is another problem. If an older athlete takes a spot that might have gone to a regular student, that's still a problem, and since the payoff in D3 is only playing...

The guy I was thinking about was Mike Flynt, but here's a bunch of others, some at D1 schools. I know there's been others in their mid to late 20's.

Personally, I think the NCAA's Swiss cheese rules only serves its bureaucracy.

Ultimately, I think if there was some HWT on Minny's team who was put away so Gable could come back, I hope he has the brains to tell Eggum buh-bye, find another sucker.
No doubt we have benefited. I still don't like it.

I will go on record saying you should get 6 years to wrestle 4, and the clock starts when you first enroll as a freshman. 6 years no more, not matter the combination of red shirt, oly shirt, break in service or injury.

Well now that's fair, clear and simple. But it wouldn't require the army of NCAA parasite bureaucrats quote rules with silcrows and pilcrows, sections, subsections and paragraphs.
Ultimately, I think if there was some HWT on Minny's team who was put away so Gable could come back, I hope he has the brains to tell Eggum buh-bye, find another sucker.
They do -- NQ Bennett Tabor -- and he hasn't.

Tabor has next year left and might get beaten out by Hopke. Still hasn't left.

Kinda like how guys often don't leave PSU when someone better comes along.
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I don’t care how old any of the athletes are, if they have eligibility it is what it is. They use what the rules are.
My problem is retro Olympic shirts to skirt the system or “taking an Olympic” and never trying to make the team.
Facundo took an Olympic and tried to make the team. AJ just used it to milk another year.
They do -- NQ Bennett Tabor -- and he hasn't.

Tabor has next year left and might get beaten out by Hopke. Still hasn't left.

Kinda like how guys often don't leave PSU when someone better comes along.

Michael Beard has entered the chat.
I don’t care how old any of the athletes are, if they have eligibility it is what it is. They use what the rules are.
My problem is retro Olympic shirts to skirt the system or “taking an Olympic” and never trying to make the team.
Facundo took an Olympic and tried to make the team. AJ just used it to milk another year.

Maybe rules aren't supposed to apply to AJ and Gable. Funny how that works, you wouldn't want either one around your daughter.

Watching the NCAA rules applied is like watching an WWE ref get distracted by Doink the Clown.
Which is precisely why I said "often."

Beard also would've lost 2 years.

Seth Nevills, BearClaw, Verkleerin and I think at least one of the former room guys that is on somebody else's roster this year.

Maybe not "often" but not "infrequent" either. Only Beard had a similar situation, but he also could have avoided it had he just beaten Dean.
Regardless if you're enrolled or not your eligibility clock is still running. Also you must meet the % towards degree standards that are set. If you've already graduated that doesn't matter. A grad student needs to take 9 credit hours to be eligible.
My point is Gable, for two years trying everything other than wrestling to make a living. WWE, NFL, both failed. Now he is back to use his last year of eligibility essentially because he can get a bag of cash when all other avenues to make money have failed.

Nothing illegal about it, just don't like the direction that college sports are going.
in the past, former pro's would never think about coming back to college... now might they not consider if there is a bag waiting for them... in some cases, maybe more than what they were making.... the no amateur's and the amount of dollars is a new ballfield
Cassar eligibility clock is over . Athletes taking an Olympic RS and not competing for the Olympics happens more than you realize and it happens in many different Olympic sports as well. If you qualify for it with the criteria USAW sets at the end of that year you file the paperwork with the NCAA for that extra year. It doesn't state you've to compete it states you've to qualify for an Olympic RS. Saying Gable shouldn't have eligibility left isn't true he should according to the rules. Gable will probably join an RTC and train probably wrestle in a World Championship or two prior to the 2028 games.

You bring up D3 that's a totally different situation they don't have an eligibility clock. You've 10 semesters that you can use and compete in. So if you only did 8 semesters and at 35 decide I want to play a sport again you can.

For D1/D2 you must enroll within 1 year of your high school graduation. And once you enroll your eligibility clock starts. After it starts you've 5 years to compete after that. You also can get extra years for medical hardships and Olympic RS
I understand it’s the rules, but the rule is stupid. Steveson took an ORS to make a quixotic run at the NFL. AJ took an ORS to sort out legal troubles related to sexual assault and try to find any program who would accept him. That’s just wrong. The rules need to be changed. At the very least, in order to qualify for an ORS, you should have to at least qualify for and compete in the Olympic trials. What Facundo did should be the extent of how far the rules should be allowed to be stretched. He took an ORS because he lost his lineup spot, but at least he spent the year training freestyle and did qualify for and compete in the trials, even though he had no realistic shot at making the team.
Seth Nevills, BearClaw, Verkleerin and I think at least one of the former room guys that is on somebody else's roster this year.

Maybe not "often" but not "infrequent" either. Only Beard had a similar situation, but he also could have avoided it had he just beaten Dean.
Bearclaw and Verk graduated. Snacks and Beard did not.

Still, the point is why hasn't Tabor bolted? And there ia no obvious answer except: it's not a given.
They do -- NQ Bennett Tabor -- and he hasn't.

Tabor has next year left and might get beaten out by Hopke. Still hasn't left.

Kinda like how guys often don't leave PSU when someone better comes along.
Tabor is very happy here, and happy to have Gable here.
I get all the ire, but I will say, as a fan of wrestling, it’s nice that Gable actually hasn’t kept his shoes off. By FAR, I would prefer it was against Masoumi than DGK, but weirdly, there no money in that. He could have been the GOAT. Instead, he has other priorities. His choice. But it’s nice to see him wrestling because he’s fun to watch.
I understand it’s the rules, but the rule is stupid. Steveson took an ORS to make a quixotic run at the NFL. AJ took an ORS to sort out legal troubles related to sexual assault and try to find any program who would accept him. That’s just wrong. The rules need to be changed. At the very least, in order to qualify for an ORS, you should have to at least qualify for and compete in the Olympic trials. What Facundo did should be the extent of how far the rules should be allowed to be stretched. He took an ORS because he lost his lineup spot, but at least he spent the year training freestyle and did qualify for and compete in the trials, even though he had no realistic shot at making the team.
I understand many don't like it but you think the NCAA is gonna keep track of who trained freestyle and who actually wrestled at trials? They can't even police NIL . The NCAA has told universities to stop turning in teams for what they think is illegal recruiting and offering NIL to rostered athletes. Not 3rd parties contacting athletes which is LEGAL actual coaches
Funny how so many bitch about the NCAA having total control and STUDENT athletes should get rewarded for playing a sport. Then when the courts cut the legs off the NCAA everyone bitching its ruining the sport and the NCAA needs to do something about it.
I'd like to see an age cap at the college level. For instance, make it U23 or U24.

Then eliminate redshirts, greyshirts, Olympic shirts, etc.
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The guys directly impacted -- in Minny's case, Tabor -- don't have a problem with this. So what exactly is the problem that requires a solution?
I understand many don't like it but you think the NCAA is gonna keep track of who trained freestyle and who actually wrestled at trials? They can't even police NIL . The NCAA has told universities to stop turning in teams for what they think is illegal recruiting and offering NIL to rostered athletes. Not 3rd parties contacting athletes which is LEGAL actual coaches
They don’t have to monitor or investigate anything. ORS would be granted only if you compete in the trials. Otherwise, no additional year of eligibility Is granted. That’s all public knowledge.
They don’t have to monitor or investigate anything. ORS would be granted only if you compete in the trials. Otherwise, no additional year of eligibility Is granted. That’s all public knowledge.
So if a guy gets injured a week before Trials, he wastes a year of eligibility?

Let's look at the big picture here: the Olympic Shirt does not exist for NCAA purposes. It exists for the long-term development of Team USA.

As such, a few overshoots is preferable to undershoots. Or worse, overreactions that make it untenable for the athletes.
So if a guy gets injured a week before Trials, he wastes a year of eligibility?

Let's look at the big picture here: the Olympic Shirt does not exist for NCAA purposes. It exists for the long-term development of Team USA.

As such, a few overshoots is preferable to undershoots. Or worse, overreactions that make it untenable for the athletes.
In that case, they could get a medical RS, which is also granted retrospectively.
In that case, they could get a medical RS, which is also granted retrospectively.

"aw man, i pulled a hammy the week before trials and can't participate. guess i'll just have to take a medical RS instead of an olympic RS. woe is me."
It was the absence of a provision in the Minnesota penal code related to intoxicated victims cited by the DA as the reason for letting him skate.

You can't cite something that doesn't exist.
Went back and read DA’s statement. It was a CYA statement to avoid political blowback for not filing charges. Not saying Gable was innocent, I don’t know. What I do know is that was scummy of the DA to do. He didn’t hav3 sufficient evidence to make a case or had down other reason to not file charges, but to avoid political blowback he implies it is the law’s fault.
Which does not address the real gripe here, wrestler ages/# seasons.
That's not my gripe. If there are legitimate injuries that cause people to lose seasons, I'm OK with extending their careers for that. People taking fake ORSs when they are not even actively wrestling in any capacity is an embarrassment to the sport. The issue with the 6th, 7th, and even 8th year guys for me is that they typically underperform due to HEW, but if they didn't have to game the system to get the extra years, I have no issue with them competing if they want to.
The whole premise is discussing stupid rules that need to be changed, so that little tweak wouldn't be an issue, either.
You think the NCAA would let non rostered athletes take a medical? That would make the age thing in college athletics even worse because it would be abused left and right. High school kid takes 2 gap years before he enrolls and uses them as a medical and starts college at 21. Fixing the problem isn't as easy as you think
Well now that's fair, clear and simple. But it wouldn't require the army of NCAA parasite bureaucrats quote rules with silcrows and pilcrows, sections, subsections and paragraphs.
After reading through this whole thread the greatest benefit I gained was learning the meaning of pilcrows and silcrows. It is always good to learn something new. Of course I will have completely forgotten their meaning in a few weeks, so I do have that going for me as the years roll by.
After reading through this whole thread the greatest benefit I gained was learning the meaning of pilcrows and silcrows. It is always good to learn something new. Of course I will have completely forgotten their meaning in a few weeks, so I do have that going for me as the years roll by.
I didn't know those names before...
I just called them the "paragraph symbol" and the "section symbol". Now I can use their real names and sound sophisticated (or duochey).
After reading through this whole thread the greatest benefit I gained was learning the meaning of pilcrows and silcrows. It is always good to learn something new. Of course I will have completely forgotten their meaning in a few weeks, so I do have that going for me as the years roll by.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Cheers.

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