And we got......?One very big "get" from all this was that the state of PA finally saw corbutt for what he was and voted him out. Our state certainly deserves better ....
Who "forgot" that?What you are forgetting is that almost everyone with a close relationship with the university understands how thoroughly screwed up the administration is.
We're like Yosarian.
And we got......?
OK, maybe he is better in some ways (but let's avoid any "R" vs "D" idiocy)........but the DNA between them is a 95+% match
and jury selection to begin on Monday. ORDER DATED OCTOBER 6 2016.pdf
Well, since so many here are afraid PSU will settle. Why not have Anthony Lubrano and AL Lord match whatever settlement PSU offers MM and have this go to court, instead. That way MM can live the remainder of his life with some dignity.
Maybe MackDaddy should fund this "endowment"? Or start a GOFUNDME?Well, since so many here are afraid PSU will settle. Why not have Anthony Lubrano and AL Lord match whatever settlement PSU offers MM and have this go to court, instead. That way MM can live the remainder of his life with some dignity.
Looking forward to the great "Tell All" books coming out soon by Curley and Spanier.
Well, since so many here are afraid PSU will settle. Why not have Anthony Lubrano and AL Lord match whatever settlement PSU offers MM and have this go to court, instead. That way MM can live the remainder of his life with some dignity.
Well, everyone is always so good at spending other people's money..
We will see how this case goes but if PSU suddenly settles then the A9 should start to question how the BoT does business and the competence of PSU lawyers ( ? Dunham (sp?)) ad the legal subcommittee. Why not settle years ago and save the expense of lawsuit preparation the past few years?
IMO, the A9 has been questioning how the BoT does business for years.
How would we know? SeriouslyIMO, the A9 has been questioning how the BoT does business for years.
2 pillars of the case are McQueary and Aaron Fisher. Ziegler often references this interview with AF:
Refer to the 7:45 to 8:05 minute mark and notice the inflection in his voice and body language. Is this a victim hearing his abuser - Or - a Con Artist frightened his scam will be found out?
It is very strange. It's almost enough to make me think that McQueary is colluding with Dunham. If this actually goes to trial McQueary will have another chance to tell his BS version of what he purportedly told people in 2001. Knowing Dunham, PSU's attorneys will sit there like doofuses and fail to vigorously attack Mike's BS "I would have told them..." "I would have said..." testimony.
Police Dispatcher.Just out of curiosity, anyone know what MM does for a living now? I'm guessing that coaching football isn't an option for him but people still need money to live.
I don't believe JS is entirely innocent. He was, if nothing else too fond of showering with boys.
But this I do wonder about.....AF was a known teller of tales at CMHS. Did JS abuse him? Did his step father abuse him? Was he abused by both or not at all? He wasn't particularly credible in his GJ testimony, and finally was permitted to read his testimony. The "victim" of the McQueary saga never came forward to collect his easy 3 million or (AM) did he? Finally, we have the crying janitor fairy tale. Yes the man who faced 1 million pissed of Chinese in Korea, was brought to tears by the sight of some guy giving a hummer to another unknown victim.
It is difficult for me to believe that JS is one of the worst "nice guy" offenders in history and this is the best the OAG could come up with.
To me at least, there are missing pieces in order for this to add up.
I don't believe JS is entirely innocent. He was, if nothing else too fond of showering with boys.
But this I do wonder about.....AF was a known teller of tales at CMHS. Did JS abuse him? Did his step father abuse him? Was he abused by both or not at all? He wasn't particularly credible in his GJ testimony, and finally was permitted to read his testimony. The "victim" of the McQueary saga never came forward to collect his easy 3 million or (AM) did he? Finally, we have the crying janitor fairy tale. Yes the man who faced 1 million pissed of Chinese in Korea, was brought to tears by the sight of some guy giving a hummer to another unknown victim.
It is difficult for me to believe that JS is one of the worst "nice guy" offenders in history and this is the best the OAG could come up with.
To me at least, there are missing pieces in order for this to add up.
Just out of curiosity, anyone know what MM does for a living now? I'm guessing that coaching football isn't an option for him but people still need money to live.
Serious question: will Dr. Raykovitz have his ass hauled into this trial? Dr. Jack is the bad actor here - he has Penn State on his doorstep complaining. He is just as much to blame for letting this all burn away on PSU.
What about Cynthia Baldwin? She could have made one phone call and headed off this crisis. What did the AG's office threaten her with?
Lastly - what about Franky "Porn Fingers" Fina? Can he be made to explain his role in that GJP that gave rise to the firestorm that enveloped Mike?
IMO these 3 have yet to answer for destroying so many lives - of which Mike's is one.
Serious question: will Dr. Raykovitz have his ass hauled into this trial? Dr. Jack is the bad actor here - he has Penn State on his doorstep complaining. He is just as much to blame for letting this all burn away on PSU.
What about Cynthia Baldwin? She could have made one phone call and headed off this crisis. What did the AG's office threaten her with?
Lastly - what about Franky "Porn Fingers" Fina? Can he be made to explain his role in that GJP that gave rise to the firestorm that enveloped Mike?
IMO these 3 have yet to answer for destroying so many lives - of which Mike's is one.
I know where one of them is (or was recently), because I had the good fortune of bearing witness to him being detained by law enforcement a few weeks ago.These misfits all pushed a narrative for self-interest and/or self preservation. Just a few among many - but let's start with this crew.
After they pulled the pin - lobbed the grenade - then scampered away while the place blew up, leaving Mike, Joe, the Lettermen, the larger PSU community to deal with the aftermath.
Where are they today?
Why would you say something like that - without saying who it was? And what the situation was?I know where one of them is (or was recently), because I had the good fortune of bearing witness to him being detained by law enforcement a few weeks ago.
This action certainly doesn't have reach into any of those realms.........but just about every action EXCEPT this one would have had an arguable cause to bring at least some of those actors into the picture.
No one did.
That's was bewildering 5 years ago......and more so every day.
Well...IIRC, Gary Schultz will be filing a suit against Baldwin, I am not sure how that will all work. We all pegged her from the beginning in this debacle. I am told by a former Federal Prosecutor that this suit against Baldwin is worth $80 million.
Just think, this entire mess birthed out of Harrisburg by porn-addled lawyers, fueled along by an incompetent lawyer, flared up into a conflagration by media (cough... Patriot-News, ESPN... cough) lawyers & even more underprepared and incompetent lawyers and now we are expecting even more lawyers to resolve and bring closure to this crisis.
And all along, who's been making coin off of all this? Lawyers.
But hey, I gotta keep telling myself, it's because it was always about "the children".
Masser already stated - under oath - that the reason the Scoundrels commissioned the Freeh Report was to short circuit the Dept of Education (and others) from conducting "real" investigations.........Listen....This entire "Story" was crafted by a political "spin master" (group) who usually is only found anywhere there is a dirty political campaign which need to create a "monster image" of a political opponent.
SORRY....This is NOT bad luck attacking a casual group of innocents - our BOT - who were unprepared for anything.... and.... it CERTAINLY was not an accident how the OAG Presentment and media blitz was crafted. You only need to take all the key players used in accusing ANYONE here and any key players who promoted the illusion created by the "Story" and link them to persons within the "power structure" of this event. Guess which AG/Gov is connected to all of them???
There is both an Ego and Money angle here and the crisis (most people call it crime) created is so big, no one wants to admit it exists!!!! That's the way it has been planned - TOO BIG TO FAIL !!
Many very talented people have analyzed the Sandusky-Paterno-PSU "Story" over the past 5 years and each person who has done this work exposes PART of what is going on here. The total scope of the real crimes committed throughout are MANY DOZEN TIMES WORSE than any of the crimes Sandusky is "convicted" of. (NO I am not promoting Sandusky in any way - it is just the Crimes committed in created and promoting these PSU falsehoods effects so many MILLIONS of citizens - that's why its worse).
With the "Federal Investigation" on PSU about to be released, we enter a new chapter in corruption through unseen influence - for it is ONLY the Feds who can bring the organization - and its methods of "story telling" deceptions to the public - to an end. Problem is....the Fed's Clery Investigation will be "spun" into more support for the original Penn State Criminal fabrication. That's because the Media controls that exist still have PSU image destruction as a target.
If the Feds DON'T investigate the REAL CRIMINAL ACTIONS which constructed this "crisis", I can assure you no PA entities will. Crime is "not the tail on this dog" in PA.
It's my understanding that Mr. McCue getting arrested isn't exactly front page news (but it was the first time I'd actually seen it live & in person).Why would you say something like that - without saying who it was? And what the situation was?
I mean, I'm all for having everyone thinking that maybe every "aforementioned He" was arrested for some reason......but I doubt that is true
Yup. And Erickson did likewise. I'm betting there's something to this.Masser already stated - under oath - that the reason the Scoundrels commissioned the Freeh Report was to short circuit the Dept of Education (and others) from conducting "real" investigations.........
This just reminds me of my favorite TV lawyer, Lionel Hutz.
Hutz: "I move for a bad court thingy."
Judge: "You mean a mistrial?"
Hutz: "Yeah!...That's why you're the Judge and I'm the law talkin' guy."
It most clearly illustrates the level of legal acumen on the part of both PA government and Penn State officials that we have seen throughout this entire sh!t storm.
>>> Sandusky was convicted in 2012 of dozens of counts of sexual abuse of children, although he maintains his innocence and is pursuing appeals. Curley, Schultz and Spanier await trial in Harrisburg, after a state appeals court earlier this year threw out several of the more serious counts against them. A pretrial hearing in those cases is scheduled for Thursday. <<<
Forgive me if was posted earlier, but the last sentence in the paragraph above. Anyone know what is going to be heard in those pretrial hearings scheduled on Thursday for Curley/Schultz/Spanier?