Gathering of primates belligerently using JoePA “hit” articles for possible Crosby retrial


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Nov 7, 2012
North East PA, Backmountain area, age 75
AND THE BEAT GOES ON...thank you university leaders

Cosby prosecutor’s problematic push to honor Joe Paterno
Kevin Steele pushed statue of Penn St. coach

Published Saturday, September 9, 2017 5:02 pm
by Stacy M. Brown, Washington Informer


Montgomery County, Pennsylvania prosecutor Kevin Steele urged Penn State University trustees to honor former football coach Joe Paterno, who was fired in the wake of a child-abuse scandal.
The Montgomery County District Attorney prosecuting Bill Cosby’s sexual assault case encouraged administration officials at Pennsylvania State University to honor Joe Paterno, the once-revered football coach, who was fired in the wake of a child abuse scandal involving one-time assistant coach and convicted serial rapist Jerry Sandusky.

In a May 2016 letter that was addressed to Penn State President Eric Barron, chairman of the Board of Trustees Keith Masser, and Paterno’s wife, Kevin Steele and leaders of the Penn State Alumni Association acknowledged that more work needed to be done to heal wounds left over from the university’s “darkest hour.” The group also urged the university to develop plans to formally recognize Paterno’s contributions during the 50th anniversary of his first game as head football coach of the Nittany Lions.

The letter, signed by Steele, the president of the alumni association, Paul J. Clifford, the chief executive officer, Steve B. Wagman, the vice president, and Kay Frantz Salvino, the immediate past president, said that, “Overwhelmingly, Penn State alumni feel that Coach Paterno should and must be honored, not for his contributions on the football field, but also for his contributions to the academic life of this great University.”

The letter continued: “Ninety-one percent of alumni who responded to a recent survey conducted by the Penn State Alumni Association agreed that Penn State should publicly recognize Joe Paterno for his service to Penn State.”

The school celebrated Paterno’s achievements, on and off the field, during a game in September 2016 against Temple University.

According to court documents related to an insurance coverage case, “in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU's Head Coach Joseph Paterno that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky.”

The documents also reference incidents in 1987 and 1988 including at least one case that was referred to Penn State’s athletic director, reported.

In the executive summary of an independent, special report issued in 2012 about the actions Penn State officials took related to the child sexual abuse committed by Sandusky, investigators wrote that, “The most saddening finding by the Special Investigative Counsel is the total and consistent disregard by the most senior leaders at Penn State for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims.”

Paterno was one of those senior leaders, according to the report that,” failed to protect against a child sexual predator harming children for over a decade.”

In an interview with Sally Jenkins for The Washington Post, Paterno, who died from cancer a few months after he was fired, said that he didn’t know exactly how to handle the allegations and that he was afraid to do anything that could jeopardize “university procedure.”

“So, I backed away and turned it over to some other people, people I thought would have a little more expertise than I did,” Paterno told The Washington Post. “It didn’t work out that way.”

The Washington Post article noted that, “Paterno is accused of no wrongdoing, and in fact authorities have said he fulfilled his legal obligations by reporting to his superiors.”

Steele’s support for the fallen college football icon, even as allegations that Paterno didn’t do enough to stop Sandusky as he sexually assaulted young boys on Penn State’s campus, for decades, has caused some court watchers to question the district attorney’s motives for pursuing the Cosby sexual assault case.

When the jury in the Cosby sexual assault case deadlocked in June, Steele promised a retrial.

“This certainly suggests a double-standard, a zeal to prosecute Cosby for a crime he may have committed, while working to honor a man who acknowledged knowing of an even greater crime, in this case, the sexual abuse of children,” said Robert C. Smith, a political science professor at San Francisco State University. “An explanation of this apparent bias and moral obtuseness requires explanation and discussion.”

It’s vaguely possible that the defense could move to disqualify Steele, but the judge may not agree, said Robert Weisberg, the faculty co-director at the Stanford University Criminal Justice Center.

“Does it show that the prosecutor is a hypocrite? Why would that matter,” Weisberg said, noting that Steele may owe it to his colleagues to offer some explanation for his Paterno support. “Even if it has no effect on the case outcome, it may cause some public perception of his skewed motives and harm the reputation of his office. Certainly, he should have avoided doing this in the first place.”

In February 2016, Cosby’s lawyers sought to bar Steele from prosecuting the first case, citing campaign promises that Steele made to charge Cosby, if he was elected Montgomery County District Attorney.

The Times Chronicle reported, “In a 30-second television ad, Steele attacked [former district attorney Bruce] Castor for not charging Cosby in 2005 when former Temple University athletic department employee Andrea Constand first claimed Cosby sexually assaulted her at his Cheltenham home.”

Cosby’s lawyers argued the entertainer was a political football leading up to the election in the fall of 2015, according to the Times Chronicle.
Montgomery County Court Judge Steven T. O’Neill disagreed and ruled that there had been no misconduct.

Carolyn M. Byerly, a professor and chair of the Department of Communication, Culture and Media Studies at the School of Communications at Howard University said that the prosecutor serves the public and his values and professional conduct must be in the public’s interest.

“With that in mind, yes, the public has the right to know why he would support the honoring of [Paterno] while he prosecutes Cosby…something seems to be out of moral and ethical alignment,” Byerly said.

Retired Air Force Major General Charles J. Dunlap Jr. said he was confounded by the Steele-Paterno news.

“You can say it’s apples-to-oranges, but I’m not so ready to just dismiss it as that, because Kevin Steele, if he stood for justice, would not be standing for Joe Paterno and standing for Paterno is tantamount, in my eyes, to standing for Jerry Sandusky,” said Carla Askew, a paralegal who works in Washington, D.C. and who previously attended Temple University.

Temple, where Cosby served on the board of trustees until 2014, counted among the many colleges and universities who withdrew honorary degrees bestowed upon the actor after dozens of women claimed that he assaulted them.

“So, is it fair to say that, because Joe Paterno was a great coach, all should be forgiven?” Askew continued. “Bill Cosby has won a bunch of Emmys and Grammys, so I’d like to ask Mr. Steele if he’ll be writing a letter of recommendation for a Bill Cosby honor.”
The leech bed is wide, deep, long and full......and also full of it.

It is starting to get funny .... the need for a slander and libel suit revival in the country is overwhelming.
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The leech bed is wide, deep, long and full......and also full of it.

It is starting to get funny .... the need for a slander and libel suit revival in the country is overwhelming.
Years ago I stated that PSU needed to champion something that was not constructed on the mountains of misinformation that has created this Sandusky-Paterno-Penn State Pedophilia public linkage and perception.

A Slander and Libel Suit Revival - A truly Great Idea whose time has come!!

Ideally,the time for changing this illusion was 2012 - not today, but like many, I believed that the legal system would eventually ignore the propaganda of the Corbett years, disqualify the absurd Freeh abuse and then find C/S/S properly "Not Guilty" based upon the facts which exist and the distortions of reality exposed in the 2012-16 time period.

This would have allowed the public to "re-think" this entire situation and then see the mountains of flaws, deceptions and collusive abuses of the legal practices throughout these years. This would reduce greatly the damages the media knowingly created to PSU and the PSU people involved.

Unfortunately...It has not turned out that way. Rather than dwell on what "Should (as a minimum) have happened" what we now must do is work with the following facts;
  • The GROUP controlling the media is STILL actively applying the services of professional "Spin Doctors" to create the illusions needed to maintain their "Story" of PSU Criminality -
  • ALL legal results in the courts of PA have been based upon standard "destroy your opponent" Political methods of negative image making - NOT ANY PROOF, just managed speculation based on misinformation. This methodology alone places the origination of "The Scandal" squarely in Harrisburg and at the feet of Tom Corbett. The Corbett connection is so overwhelming that it would take a "Gone with the Wind" length book to cover just what is known today about the Corbett connection.
  • Ganum's Latest CNN piece concerning '70s "...Joe Must Have Known..." allegations confirm that the Controlling Criminal Group with deep Harrisburg ties are still willing to invest time, money and political capital in keeping PSU and Paterno as public criminals . This must be one Hell of a criminal issue for Harrisburg to NEED TO MAINTAIN THIS ILLUION as cover-up for something!
  • Ganum DID NOT WRITE THIS Latest Paterno hit piece. This article was PROFESSIONALLY constructed (or at least edited) to do what all media coverage for PSU in 6 years has had as its objective - to IMPLY "monster guilt" without providing any concrete evidence. Throughout these years, exceptional care has been taken with the "wording" that has been released - this article continues with skillful "legal" wording and effective negative imaging.
  • In spite of NUMEROUS Legal abuses there has been no FEDERAL action taken to address these profoundly criminal court actions. This implies STRONGLY that the controlling group (PACORN) has deep "IOUs" being called in at the federal level. The courts in PA are controlled and the Federal protections normal to our system of justice have been disabled. NO LEGAL PROTECTIONS FOR ANYONE.
What we have to acknowledge is that as long as there is no NATIONAL media dialog created pointing out the MOUNTAINS OF SUSPICIOUS features of the pats 6 years...nothing will change. Media malpractice and abuses in the area of personal image protection need updating (at the least). Without fair and honest media, what we all have is NO justice system - just a set of courts who cater to what is Politically Correct - and Political correctness is solely based on media coverage. Bye-Bye any form of American Justice without profound changes!

I suggest that, rather than become the poster child for pedophilia (where we are now - a subliminal link to the "Story") - Penn State needs to become publicly known as the champion for improving legal processes so that they are more effective in preventing crimes. Prevention has to be sold as possible by focusing on better laws and legal processes that are more effectively uncoupled the legal system from pure political pollution and political agendas. After all - Penn State (as a community) knows how much damage can be created under a legal system where media bias and hidden political controls exist.

Admittedly, this is a tall order, but, as a group, we have both the skills and creative resources to make "positive" lemonade from all of this.
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I suggest that, rather than become the poster child for pedophilia (where we are now - a subliminal link to the "Story") - Penn State needs to become publicly known as the champion for improving legal processes so that they are more effective in preventing crimes. Prevention has to be sold as possible by focusing on better laws and legal processes that are more effectively uncoupled the legal system from pure political pollution and political agendas. After all - Penn State (as a community) knows how much damage can be created under a legal system where media bias and hidden political controls exist..

In addition to these admirable goals, shouldn't PSU advocate for the most basic and FUNDAMENTAL protections and supposedly "INALIENABLE CITIZEN RIGHTS" the Founding Fathers baked into the Constitution and Founding Documents/Structure of this Great Country to avoid the injustices that lead to its Founding - TYRANNY BY A CORRUPT DESPOTIC GOVERNMENT AND ITS OFFICIALS!?!? The Constitution Guarantees that the Bill of Citizens' Rights are "inalienable", so why do our wonderful PA State and Federal "lawyers-turned-Politicians" stand idly by while citizens rights within the "Republic" and "Commonwealth" are wontly trampled by CORRUPT, IMMORAL, HYPOCRITICAL, UNETHICAL fellow lawyers-turned-power-abusing-politicians or lawyers-turned-corrupt-power-abusing-judges or lawyers-turned-corrupt-power-abusing-government-employees???
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In addition to these admirable goals, shouldn't PSU advocate for the most basic and FUNDAMENTAL protections and supposedly "INALIENABLE CITIZEN RIGHTS" the Founding Fathers baked into the Constitution and Founding Documents/Structure of this Great Country to avoid the injustices that lead to its Founding - TYRANNY BY A CORRUPT DESPOTIC GOVERNMENT AND ITS OFFICIALS!?!? The Constitution Guarantees that the Bill of Citizens' Rights are "inalienable", so why do our wonderful PA State and Federal "lawyers-turned-Politicians" stand idly by while citizens rights within the "Republic" and "Commonwealth" are wontly trampled by CORRUPT, IMMORAL, HYPOCRITICAL, UNETHICAL fellow lawyers-turned-power-abusing-politicians or lawyers-turned-corrupt-power-abusing-judges or lawyers-turned-corrupt-power-abusing-government-employees???
Glad to see, you are still hanging around Sir.
Your reputation precedes you. :cool:
DA's in general, but especially those from the Philly area, have a lot of resources and information at the tips of their fingers. I'm sure there's a shit ton of people looking over their shoulders at him right now concerning PSU for the last 6 years. This may not be a bad thing if he gets pissed off enough.
Fear not, and be patient.
This is just one more of the many media hit pieces that will be exposed when the Penn State Board of Trustees releases the findings of their investigation that will debunk the Freeh Report.

Its coming soon, and will expose these ridiculous slanders for what they are.
Thanks, Barry.
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