High school football recruit nelson signs with agent

Not to hijack the thread but I did read an article about a QB from LSU that took a ton in NIL and then decided to leave the program, perhaps leave football altogether. The article stated that NIL was not recoverable so the kid got paid in full with no NIL benefit for the company.

There is a lot of shaking out of this process.
Not to hijack the thread but I did read an article about a QB from LSU that took a ton in NIL and then decided to leave the program, perhaps leave football altogether. The article stated that NIL was not recoverable so the kid got paid in full with no NIL benefit for the company.

There is a lot of shaking out of this process.

It is a mess.
With the new B1G media deal... Shawn Clifford's revenue sharing idea looks very wise to me.
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Not to hijack the thread but I did read an article about a QB from LSU that took a ton in NIL and then decided to leave the program, perhaps leave football altogether. The article stated that NIL was not recoverable so the kid got paid in full with no NIL benefit for the company.

There is a lot of shaking out of this process.
NIL money can not be based on playing time, performance, bowl participation, injuries, nothing. So if a contract is signed the funds have to be paid regardless of what happens with the student athlete.
Not to hijack the thread but I did read an article about a QB from LSU that took a ton in NIL and then decided to leave the program, perhaps leave football altogether. The article stated that NIL was not recoverable so the kid got paid in full with no NIL benefit for the company.

There is a lot of shaking out of this process.
Yeah, this is the first full year for NIL but after a few get burnt (like this), I think it will start to settle down. But it's a mess right now.
Not to hijack the thread but I did read an article about a QB from LSU that took a ton in NIL and then decided to leave the program, perhaps leave football altogether. The article stated that NIL was not recoverable so the kid got paid in full with no NIL benefit for the company.

There is a lot of shaking out of this process.
In my mind that is unethical on that QBs part.

In my mind that is unethical on that QBs part.
if it was because he took the money knowing he wasn't going to play ok. But there are a lot of other issues (grades, drugs, ability, mental challenges). The way I look at it, is that the NIL company that screwed up. They knew the rules going in.
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NIL money can not be based on playing time, performance, bowl participation, injuries, nothing. So if a contract is signed the funds have to be paid regardless of what happens with the student athlete.
Can't sponsors link it to appearances or autographs though? I think that's what we'll see once some of these sponsors feel the impact of paying out big bucks to kids that don't see the field or leave a particular college, or football altogether. Can't say I blame the kids for trying to take advantage, as long as they do what they are obligated by contract and follow the rules I'd do the same in their shoes.
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Isn't having an agent an NCAA violation, or has that also gone by the wayside?
Didn't Joe dismiss an RB from a bowl game for, I think, taking a suit from an agent. Thought the player was a high draft choice but never made it in the league. Who was it???
Yes, he was the one. If I recall the story, he later signed with a "fluky" agent who negotiated a terrible contract for him. Anyone remember details? Was it the same bowl where Joe would not allow WR Joe J to play because of academics?
Yes, it was the same game as the Joe Jurevicius (sp?) suspension who was academically eligible by NCAA standards but not Joe standards. The bowl game was against Florida. We lost, unsurprisingly.

I guess coaches will now be talking to high school recruits agents?
Isn't having an agent an NCAA violation, or has that also gone by the wayside?
Yes, methinks so. Signing with an agent is considered turning professional so eligibility is toast. Since this kid did this ......expect lawsuit against NCAA in 3.....2........1...........
Not to hijack the thread but I did read an article about a QB from LSU that took a ton in NIL and then decided to leave the program, perhaps leave football altogether. The article stated that NIL was not recoverable so the kid got paid in full with no NIL benefit for the company.

There is a lot of shaking out of this process.
That young man will make a fortune in politics.
Can't sponsors link it to appearances or autographs though? I think that's what we'll see once some of these sponsors feel the impact of paying out big bucks to kids that don't see the field or leave a particular college, or football altogether. Can't say I blame the kids for trying to take advantage, as long as they do what they are obligated by contract and follow the rules I'd do the same in their shoes.
So I did some sleuthing on Quinn Ewers deal at OSU. Apparently the marketing agency got him a 3 year $1.4mm deal, plus a car dealer gave him a truck (likely a free loaner) and he had another deal with a start up company that gave him six figures plus some ownership.

Kid came with a large social media presence and was very high profile. In a past life I did spokesperson contracts for a sports marketing firm. Typically there were appearances, autographs, meet and greets with execs and a morals clause that could invalidate the terms. I also saw some actual player contracts during my time in Marketing with a pro sports team that included guarateed appearances at the teams discretion within the broader salary package.

Evers played 2 snaps this year and bolted. While it is likely someone in Texas made sure that their NIL terms were better for him to encourage the transfer, I do wonder if he re-paid any upfront money. Also a 3 year term is interesting. We know Coach Franklin is trying to get our guys through school in 3 years so he can either welcome back performers for a 4th year- or at least fulfill the degree part of his "player recruiting pitch" to families before brooming (or encouraging players to move on either to the NFL or with their lives).

There is a helluva lot of money flying around for this to be so unregulated. The smartest player would agree to autographs and frontload signing fees like NFL contracts for essentially picking a school. Then they could transfer wherever they wanted...and not have to forfeit a percentage if they didn'tdo commercials or appearances. The autograph of a transferred QB wouldn't have much value, but could easily be fulfilled to complete the terms. Oddly, they could maybe transfer every year for a better NIL...and then retire before graduating....

This all just sucks....the beginning of the end for me
My prediction is that letters of intent will be replaced by contracts. I see no other way to control the player free agency and sitting out games.
Yes, methinks so. Signing with an agent is considered turning professional so eligibility is toast. Since this kid did this ......expect lawsuit against NCAA in 3.....2........1...........
I’m not sure why this would still be illegal. They are managing his nil contracts.