I stumbled on this article when I logged onto my computer this morning. I realize that posting this is probably like tossing chunks of chateaubriand to the highly conservative and (in some cases) xenophobic impulses of conservatives posting on this Board, but I nonetheless gotta say that a frickin' hijab has no place on a basketball court. I therefore have no sympathy for the girl in this video.
If a female wants to wear a hijab (or even go full beekeeper), I generally have no big issue with it, but don't insist on being entitled to wear one during athletic contests, and don't insist on being entitled to wear one in any and all employment settings, either. The European Union (or is it just France?) apparently concurs with this.
If a female wants to wear a hijab (or even go full beekeeper), I generally have no big issue with it, but don't insist on being entitled to wear one during athletic contests, and don't insist on being entitled to wear one in any and all employment settings, either. The European Union (or is it just France?) apparently concurs with this.
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