How hypocritical is it for the system to rank B1G East Division absolute best in all of CFB...


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
....- daO$U #2, scUM #3 and PSU#8 currently - AND rank the B1G Conference the strongest in the country, fully one-half of the Top 8 in this week's CFB Playoff Ranking, but only maintain this position to the benefit of daO$U and scUM such that if PSU ends up winning the most powerful Division and Conference in all of CFB on the field of play they are not rewarded for this accomplishment??? How on earth is that in ANY WAY consistent with labeling this thing a "playoff" when you subjectively (biased beauty pageant style) reward teams that couldn't even win their own Division Crown, let alone their conference's title and you punish the team that won the most difficult Division in all of CFB, won the strongest conference in all of CFB AND FINALLY, BEAT THE TEAM THAT YOU ARE REWARDING WITH YOUR ANTI-PLAYOFF SUBJECTIVITY ON THE FIELD OF PLAY????

IOW, how precisely do you give daO$U and scUM all this credit at the top of the rankings during the regular season before the B1G East Divisional Crown is decided, but then not give the team that ACTUALLY WINS THE B1G EAST CROWN ON THE FIELD OF PLAY COMMENSURATE CREDIT FOR THE ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT????
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....- daO$U #2, scUM #3 and PSU#8 currently - AND rank the B1G Conference the strongest in the country, fully one-half of the Top 8 in this week's CFB Playoff Ranking, but only maintain this position to the benefit of daO$U and scUM such that if PSU ends up winning the most powerful Division and Conference in all of CFB on the field of play they are not rewarded for this accomplishment??? How on earth is that in ANY WAY consistent with labeling this thing a "playoff" when you subjectively (biased beauty pageant style) reward teams that couldn't even win their own Division Crown, let alone their conference's title and you punish the team that won the most difficult Division in all of CFB, won the strongest conference in all of CFB AND FINALLY, BEAT THE TEAM THAT YOU ARE REWARDING WITH YOUR ANTI-PLAYOFF SUBJECTIVITY ON THE FIELD OF PLAY????

IOW, how precisely do you give daO$U and scUM all this credit at the top of the rankings during the regular season before the B1G East Divisional Crown is decided, but then not give the team that ACTUALLY WINS THE B1G EAST CROWN ON THE FIELD OF PLAY COMMENSURATE CREDIT FOR THE ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT????
The honest answer is, right now, the system believes PSU will lose one of it's final two games.
BTW, PSU lost to UM by 39(!), so by your own logic, PSU has no case to be ahead of UM.
The honest answer is, right now, the system believes PSU will lose one of it's final two games.
BTW, PSU lost to UM by 39(!), so by your own logic, PSU has no case to be ahead of UM.

By my logic??? The B1G East Division, and B1G Championship, are won and lost ON THE FIELD PLAY idiot, not by people's subjective bull$hit. By your "logic", Iowa should be ranked in front of scUM dumb@ss! BTW moron, PSU, daO$U and scUM are all TIED FOR FIRST in the B1G East Division with 6-1 b1g records, LMFAO at your spinning, selective, highly-biased bull$hit as to how Division and Conference Champions should be declared which have NOTHING to do with the defined formula as to how it actually works there Mr. Logic!
The honest answer is, right now, the system believes PSU will lose one of it's final two games.
BTW, PSU lost to UM by 39(!), so by your own logic, PSU has no case to be ahead of UM.

Of course by "the system" we mean that the cheating b1g shizhole will engineer a loss in one of PSU's final two games to benefit daO$U just like 2014, LMFAO!
By my logic??? The B1G East Division, and B1G Championship, are won and lost ON THE FIELD PLAY idiot, not by people's subjective bull$hit. By your "logic", Iowa should be ranked in front of scUM dumb@ss! BTW moron, PSU, daO$U and scUM are all TIED FOR FIRST in the B1G East Division with 6-1 b1g records, LMFAO at your spinning, selective, highly-biased bull$hit as to how Division and Conference Champions should be declared which have NOTHING to do with the defined formula as to how it actually works there Mr. Logic!
Hey asshole. No one has won The B1G East Division, and B1G Championship yet.
The only team that controls it's destiny is UM.
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Hey asshole. No one has won The B1G East Division, and B1G Championship yet.
The only team that controls it's destiny is UM.

Too funny, nearly identical rant to when I said it was very possible that scUM could lose to Iowa @Kinnick because it would be the most difficult road game they'd played by many factors over....and scUM looked like crap on the road a couple weeks earlier against a really crappy MSU team in a game they easily could have lost. Comical, LMFAO! scUM isn't beating daO$U at The Shoe, least of all without their starting QB for the first 10 games - scUM will be lucky to beat Indiana this week! Keep dreaming douche-nozzle!
winning will take care of everything
I think the OP's point is that winning might not take care of everything. I am of the opinion that PSU will not get selected to the final four if it wins out, including Wisky. Just my gut instincts on all of this. The committee will spin a yarn about how one loss is better than two losses.
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