"How the college debt debate shifted with one big idea"

When I had a mortgage, of course I did. What's your point?

Are you old enough to remember when credit card interest was also deductible?

No one has an obligation to pay one red cent more than they owe in taxes.

My point is that the government has to collect taxes to run essential government services. We can argue about what is and what is not essential. All I'm saying is that it's not government's job to use the tax code to manipulate our behavior.

That’s fine, I just don’t want a lecture about how wrong it is for me to want my student loan interest repayments to be deducted from someone who gladly took a similar deduction himself.
That’s fine, I just don’t want a lecture about how wrong it is for me to want my student loan interest repayments to be deducted from someone who gladly took a similar deduction himself.
I don't blame you for wanting to be able to deduct that interest. I just don't agree that you should have that option.
I’m sure these students have cell phones WiFi cable nice laptops etc in school etc. heck how many here lived on Ramon noodles and could barely pay their phone bill with several roommates sharing the load. I worked 30-40 hours a week at 3.35 and barely paid the bills. When i left I found a job and started paying down my debt. I rented a room around dc and again paid down debt and barely had enough gas to get to work by end of pay period. So many students today are moving back home or say they don’t have a job and don’t give up all the cell phone and extra stuff they had when perhaps living with mommy and daddy.

Well you went to school to get a better job and learn about responsibility and take ownership of your life.

Fantasy land is over it is time to go to work where nothing is given but everything can be achieved.

What the fvck is it with you? Again with the cell phone rant.

If kids gave up their cell phones, how would they make phone calls? Telephone booths? Dumbass.

$3.35/hr? That means you and I are in the same age group. I, too, remember $3.35/he.

You grew up and became a bitter old man. Rent, HEALTHCARE costs, and tuition have EXPLODED. Just Google it, dumbass.

And, at the same time, wages have fallen. Is this NEWS to you?
Why? The same reason mortgage interest is deducted. Please tell me you don't deduct your home mortgage interest if you're going to be so holier than thou. If I followed your logic, homeowners shouldn't get a "bennie" that those didn't buy homes won't get, and those who didn't shouldn't be coerced into paying for it. Except there are benefits to the economy in encouraging homeownership, as there are with getting college educations. So that's why.

And of course I grasp that government intervention cause this in the first place. It's also the only thing that can rectify it any way.
Theoretically renters receive a benefit from the landlord being able to deduct mortgage interest on for example apartment buildings