I like Christmas eve more than Christmas Day because there is a certain magic in the air............

Agree....I think I miss my mom and dad the most on Christmas Eve. Both have been gone did many years.
Yeah, our last Christmas with my mother was when I was nine. Given that we didn't have that many years with her, I suppose it's natural that my clearest and happiest memories of her are associated with Christmas Eve. We didn't have much (the hand-me-down bike I got that last Christmas was the best gift ever), but I never felt deprived.
Yeah, our last Christmas with my mother was when I was nine. Given that we didn't have that many years with her, I suppose it's natural that my clearest and happiest memories of her are associated with Christmas Eve. We didn't have much (the hand-me-down bike I got that last Christmas was the best gift ever), but I never felt deprived.
Perfect description of my childhood too. I never realized we were poor......financially poor that is.
I recall this simple quote about Christmas by Alexander Smith, but it is just as easily applied to Christmas Eve and so I shall. (The original quote is below it).

"Christmas Eve is the night that holds all time together".

"Christmas is the day that holds all time together". (original quote)
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Christmas was banned in England and the U.S. for much of the 17th century (Puritan Protestant influence). In fact in many cities in the U S. the 25th was not a holiday until after the civil war. Maybe we can all chip in for a time machine and ship Felli back to 1670.

We Humanists are way ahead of you.

We've been building a vast spaceship at AREA 51. As soon as we scientists find a hospitable planet, we are going to ship you people of faith to a NEW planet. Don't worry, you can take two of every animal with you.

On that note; I had a friend swear to me that in the end Potter puts the money back in the basket. Never saw that version
I like the old SNL lost ending better - where Potter gets up and walks, then the townspeople take turns laying him out.

Agree with the OP. Christmas Day is almost anti-climactic (maybe it’s becauae now I only get gifts I probably had to buy myself, while wife and kids are getting all the new shiny stuff). Probably why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday anyway.
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I agree that Christmas Eve has a glow about it kind of like the day before your wife is expecting. Then comes the day of the birth. The rest of your life begins!!! This time it is Jesus Christ. What time was he born on Christmas Day? Before 11am? What was that? Rejoice for the lord is here? Or rejoice I received all of the presents that i wanted this morning. Lol.
It's a nightmare for me from Halloween through New Years - mental illness everywhere.

You need to lighten up, Frances. I don't believe in any of the religious stuff but, I celebrate Christmas like a boss. It's all about family, time off from work and giving gifts. My only problem is Santa getting all the credit for the gifts I get my son. Should only be a couple of more years before he figures it out.