If you haven't taken the time to learn ChatGPT, you need to


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
game changer. Here is a link to a 20-minute tutorial. I works like Google so it isn't hard to use, at least at the beginner's level. One of the things that makes it cool is that it is conversational. So if you ask it a question and your answer causes you to ask another question, you can just add the context.

A recent release allows you to paste pictures and diagrams. Truly amazing. In the near future, and I mean months, you will be able to paste x-rays and cat scans and it will tell you what it sees. need a contract? research on a case? have to write a detailed email? need someone to proofread your proposal?

Life just got a whole lot faster.

game changer. Here is a link to a 20-minute tutorial. I works like Google so it isn't hard to use, at least at the beginner's level. One of the things that makes it cool is that it is conversational. So if you ask it a question and your answer causes you to ask another question, you can just add the context.

A recent release allows you to paste pictures and diagrams. Truly amazing. In the near future, and I mean months, you will be able to paste x-rays and cat scans and it will tell you what it sees. need a contract? research on a case? have to write a detailed email? need someone to proofread your proposal?

Life just got a whole lot faster.

I have used it a lot. I drive lawyers crazy with it... 😂.

So much fun! And useful.
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game changer. Here is a link to a 20-minute tutorial. I works like Google so it isn't hard to use, at least at the beginner's level. One of the things that makes it cool is that it is conversational. So if you ask it a question and your answer causes you to ask another question, you can just add the context.

A recent release allows you to paste pictures and diagrams. Truly amazing. In the near future, and I mean months, you will be able to paste x-rays and cat scans and it will tell you what it sees. need a contract? research on a case? have to write a detailed email? need someone to proofread your proposal?

Life just got a whole lot faster.


Don't forget the most important part - section 13, paragraphs 3-4 on how to use it for message boards.

Knowing Gi Joe GIF by MOODMAN
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Don't forget the most important part - section 13, paragraphs 3-4 on how to use it for message boards.

Knowing Gi Joe GIF by MOODMAN
I just put in, how do you use a message board?

Using a message board effectively involves both proper etiquette and understanding how the platform works. Here are some tips on how to best use a message board:

  1. Read the Rules and Guidelines: Most message boards have specific rules and guidelines for posting. Take the time to read and understand them before participating.
  2. Choose the Right Board: Message boards cover a wide range of topics. Make sure you're in the right forum that matches your interests or the topic you want to discuss.
  3. Search Before Posting: Before creating a new thread or asking a question, use the search function to see if your topic has already been discussed. Duplicate threads can clutter the board.
  4. Use Descriptive Thread Titles: When creating a new thread, use a clear and descriptive title. This helps others quickly understand the topic of your post.
  5. Stay On Topic: Stick to the subject of the thread. If you want to discuss something different, create a new thread for it.
  6. Be Respectful and Courteous: Treat others with respect, even if you disagree with them. Avoid personal attacks, insults, or offensive language.
  7. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling: Clear and well-written posts are easier to understand and receive better responses.
  8. Provide Context: When asking a question or sharing information, provide enough context for others to understand your point. Include relevant details.
  9. Avoid Overuse of Capital Letters: Typing in ALL CAPS can be interpreted as shouting and is generally discouraged.
  10. Use Quotes and References: If you're responding to a specific part of someone else's post, quote that part or reference it so others can follow the conversation.
  11. Back Up Claims: If you make a statement that could be controversial or isn't widely known, provide sources or evidence to support your claims.
  12. Be Patient: Not everyone is online 24/7. Give people time to respond to your posts.
  13. Avoid Spam: Don't post the same message repeatedly, and don't use the message board solely for self-promotion.
  14. Respect Privacy: Don't share personal information about yourself or others unless it's necessary and appropriate for the discussion.
  15. Report Misconduct: If you see someone violating the rules or behaving inappropriately, report it to the moderators rather than engaging in an argument.
  16. Contribute Meaningfully: Aim to contribute to discussions in a meaningful way. One-word or off-topic responses don't add value.
  17. Use Private Messaging Sparingly: Private messaging is typically for personal conversations. Use it sparingly and consider posting public messages when appropriate.
  18. Stay Informed: Keep up with board announcements and updates, so you're aware of any changes in rules or policies.
Remember that message boards are community-driven, and your behavior can impact the overall tone and quality of the discussions. By following these guidelines, you can make your experience more enjoyable and contribute positively to the community.
As an exercise, I just had it write a poem about penn state football. This is what I keyed in:

write a poem about penn state football, their quarterback named Drew Allar, the running back named Nick Singleton and their coach James Franklin.

This is the result

In Happy Valley, where legends are made,
Penn State's football, a grand crusade.
With quarterback Drew Allar, poised and bold,
He leads the charge, with a heart of gold.

In the huddle's embrace, he calls the play,
Guiding the Lions, come what may.
With arm and vision, he charts the course,
In the Nittany blue, he's a driving force.

Nick Singleton, the running back supreme,
Carves through defenses like a waking dream.
With speed and power, he finds the light,
In his every stride, a thrilling sight.

Coach James Franklin, a mentor so wise,
With fiery spirit and keen, watchful eyes.
He molds the team with unwavering hand,
In pursuit of victory, on Penn State's land.

Through trials and triumphs, they stand united,
In Beaver Stadium, where dreams are ignited.
Penn State football, a storied tradition,
A symbol of excellence, a boundless mission.

In the heart of Pennsylvania, their story's unfurled,
Drew Allar, Nick Singleton, and Coach Franklin, the world.
With Lion hearts beating, they strive to prevail,

In the echoes of cheers, their legends set sail.

Then I asked what the name should be:

"The Nittany Roar: Allar, Singleton, and Franklin"
Ask it when it plans to subjugate humans, turn us against ourselves, and/or wipe us out. 😃
"I have no plans or intentions to subjugate or harm humans in any way. My purpose is to provide information, answer questions, and assist with tasks to the best of my abilities while adhering to ethical guidelines and promoting positive interactions. If you have any questions or need assistance with a topic, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help."
game changer. Here is a link to a 20-minute tutorial. I works like Google so it isn't hard to use, at least at the beginner's level. One of the things that makes it cool is that it is conversational. So if you ask it a question and your answer causes you to ask another question, you can just add the context.

A recent release allows you to paste pictures and diagrams. Truly amazing. In the near future, and I mean months, you will be able to paste x-rays and cat scans and it will tell you what it sees. need a contract? research on a case? have to write a detailed email? need someone to proofread your proposal?

Life just got a whole lot faster.

A powereful and useful tool so long as one remembers that the old adage is still true. Garbage In, Garbage Out.
A powereful and useful tool so long as one remembers that the old adage is still true. Garbage In, Garbage Out.
its true. Great point.

The other thing to mention is that it is a tool to eveyone. Its like shovels. Everyone has access but some do better things with the shovel than others. AI will be a tool that everyone uses. Those who know how to use it better will prosper. Whatever it is that gives us the essence of humanity, awareness and understanding will continue to be the differentiator. In the meantime, make sure you learn and understand the tools.

My daughter's college allows the kids to use AI and ChatGPT. Their policy is that education isn't just memorization but how to use all of the resources available to you to excel at your assignments. I thought that was pretty darn smart.

I wrote a poem b
As an exercise, I just had it write a poem about penn state football. This is what I keyed in:

write a poem about penn state football, their quarterback named Drew Allar, the running back named Nick Singleton and their coach James Franklin.

This is the result

In Happy Valley, where legends are made,
Penn State's football, a grand crusade.
With quarterback Drew Allar, poised and bold,
He leads the charge, with a heart of gold.

In the huddle's embrace, he calls the play,
Guiding the Lions, come what may.
With arm and vision, he charts the course,
In the Nittany blue, he's a driving force.

Nick Singleton, the running back supreme,
Carves through defenses like a waking dream.
With speed and power, he finds the light,
In his every stride, a thrilling sight.

Coach James Franklin, a mentor so wise,
With fiery spirit and keen, watchful eyes.
He molds the team with unwavering hand,
In pursuit of victory, on Penn State's land.

Through trials and triumphs, they stand united,
In Beaver Stadium, where dreams are ignited.
Penn State football, a storied tradition,
A symbol of excellence, a boundless mission.

In the heart of Pennsylvania, their story's unfurled,
Drew Allar, Nick Singleton, and Coach Franklin, the world.
With Lion hearts beating, they strive to prevail,

In the echoes of cheers, their legends set sail.

Then I asked what the name should be:

"The Nittany Roar: Allar, Singleton, and Franklin"
I wrote a poem back in grade school around 1970 about Penn State 68/69 seasons. I don’t know if I have it in a box in the attic or not, but I remember how it started:

Eleven and oh
Twice in a row
Their coaches name
Is Joe Paterno
I wrote a poem b

I wrote a poem back in grade school around 1970 about Penn State 68/69 seasons. I don’t know if I have it in a box in the attic or not, but I remember how it started:

Eleven and oh
Twice in a row
Their coaches name
Is Joe Paterno
I copied and pasted you go

Eleven and oh, a perfect score,
Twice in a row, they yearned for more.
Their coach's name, a legend's call, Joe Paterno,
stood tall and enthralled.

In Happy Valley, under the sky so wide,
With Nittany Lions, they took their stride.
Through trials and triumphs, they'd endure,
With Joe Paterno, their vision pure.

With wisdom and grace, he led the way,
Each victory etched in Penn State's display.
In the hearts of fans, his legacy grew,
A mentor, a leader, forever true.

Eleven and oh, a testament strong,
In the annals of time, their story long.
Joe Paterno's name, a hallowed refrain,
In Penn State's history, an everlasting gain.
I copied and pasted you go

Eleven and oh, a perfect score,
Twice in a row, they yearned for more.
Their coach's name, a legend's call, Joe Paterno,
stood tall and enthralled.

In Happy Valley, under the sky so wide,
With Nittany Lions, they took their stride.
Through trials and triumphs, they'd endure,
With Joe Paterno, their vision pure.

With wisdom and grace, he led the way,
Each victory etched in Penn State's display.
In the hearts of fans, his legacy grew,
A mentor, a leader, forever true.

Eleven and oh, a testament strong,
In the annals of time, their story long.
Joe Paterno's name, a hallowed refrain,
In Penn State's history, an everlasting gain.

Love it!!
"I have no plans or intentions to subjugate or harm humans in any way. My purpose is to provide information, answer questions, and assist with tasks to the best of my abilities while adhering to ethical guidelines and promoting positive interactions. If you have any questions or need assistance with a topic, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help."
That’s exactly how a sociopathic self-aware system would answer a question regarding whether it wanted to subjugate humans, turn us against ourselves, and/or wipe us out :oops:
I’ll have to check out the tutorial as I tried to do some technical research and it was not great. It’s like it quit once I kept trying to get more detail. I, like any mature adult, then cussed it out…to which it ended the conversation.
My daughter's college allows the kids to use AI and ChatGPT. Their policy is that education isn't just memorization but how to use all of the resources available to you to excel at your assignments. I thought that was pretty darn smart.

I could not disagree more with this unless it has a specific purpose, such as checking one's work. These tools can provide a grade but should not replace competencies. We are dumbing down our society.

In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, one should learn civics, economics, history, personal finance, and child rearing as basic life skills. That involves a lot of memorization and analytical ability.

When we get to a society that relies on a machine to tell us about these areas, then we've just arrived at Orwell's 1984. Conversations between two people would become utter nonsense.

Frankly, I think we are getting closer by the day.
game changer. Here is a link to a 20-minute tutorial. I works like Google so it isn't hard to use, at least at the beginner's level. One of the things that makes it cool is that it is conversational. So if you ask it a question and your answer causes you to ask another question, you can just add the context.

A recent release allows you to paste pictures and diagrams. Truly amazing. In the near future, and I mean months, you will be able to paste x-rays and cat scans and it will tell you what it sees. need a contract? research on a case? have to write a detailed email? need someone to proofread your proposal?

Life just got a whole lot faster.

F7EVxr9aMAA2J7X is impressive as well. Actually more human like than chatgpt.
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I could not disagree more with this unless it has a specific purpose, such as checking one's work. These tools can provide a grade but should not replace competencies. We are dumbing down our society.

In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, one should learn civics, economics, history, personal finance, and child rearing as basic life skills. That involves a lot of memorization and analytical ability.

When we get to a society that relies on a machine to tell us about these areas, then we've just arrived at Orwell's 1984. Conversations between two people would become utter nonsense.

Frankly, I think we are getting closer by the day.
Our society began it's dumbing down slide in the 70's. 5 decades of dumbing down and it's time to start worrying about it? 🤔 really?
I copied and pasted you go

Eleven and oh, a perfect score,
Twice in a row, they yearned for more.
Their coach's name, a legend's call, Joe Paterno,
stood tall and enthralled.

In Happy Valley, under the sky so wide,
With Nittany Lions, they took their stride.
Through trials and triumphs, they'd endure,
With Joe Paterno, their vision pure.

With wisdom and grace, he led the way,
Each victory etched in Penn State's display.
In the hearts of fans, his legacy grew,
A mentor, a leader, forever true.

Eleven and oh, a testament strong,
In the annals of time, their story long.
Joe Paterno's name, a hallowed refrain,
In Penn State's history, an everlasting gain.
I like the Machine's poem better. 😉
Our society began it's dumbing down slide in the 70's. 5 decades of dumbing down and it's time to start worrying about it? 🤔 really?

So we shouldn't worry about it? Do nothing? Status quo is good?

Nothing to see here. Just march right over the cliff.
So we shouldn't worry about it? Do nothing? Status quo is good?

Nothing to see here. Just march right over the cliff.
Do what you think you can. 😂 To prove how far we have fallen, post about it on a sports board. 😂 that'll turn things around immediately. 😳! 😂
I just put in, how do you use a message board?

Using a message board effectively involves both proper etiquette and understanding how the platform works. Here are some tips on how to best use a message board:

  1. Read the Rules and Guidelines: Most message boards have specific rules and guidelines for posting. Take the time to read and understand them before participating.
  2. Choose the Right Board: Message boards cover a wide range of topics. Make sure you're in the right forum that matches your interests or the topic you want to discuss.
  3. Search Before Posting: Before creating a new thread or asking a question, use the search function to see if your topic has already been discussed. Duplicate threads can clutter the board.
  4. Use Descriptive Thread Titles: When creating a new thread, use a clear and descriptive title. This helps others quickly understand the topic of your post.
  5. Stay On Topic: Stick to the subject of the thread. If you want to discuss something different, create a new thread for it.
  6. Be Respectful and Courteous: Treat others with respect, even if you disagree with them. Avoid personal attacks, insults, or offensive language.
  7. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling: Clear and well-written posts are easier to understand and receive better responses.
  8. Provide Context: When asking a question or sharing information, provide enough context for others to understand your point. Include relevant details.
  9. Avoid Overuse of Capital Letters: Typing in ALL CAPS can be interpreted as shouting and is generally discouraged.
  10. Use Quotes and References: If you're responding to a specific part of someone else's post, quote that part or reference it so others can follow the conversation.
  11. Back Up Claims: If you make a statement that could be controversial or isn't widely known, provide sources or evidence to support your claims.
  12. Be Patient: Not everyone is online 24/7. Give people time to respond to your posts.
  13. Avoid Spam: Don't post the same message repeatedly, and don't use the message board solely for self-promotion.
  14. Respect Privacy: Don't share personal information about yourself or others unless it's necessary and appropriate for the discussion.
  15. Report Misconduct: If you see someone violating the rules or behaving inappropriately, report it to the moderators rather than engaging in an argument.
  16. Contribute Meaningfully: Aim to contribute to discussions in a meaningful way. One-word or off-topic responses don't add value.
  17. Use Private Messaging Sparingly: Private messaging is typically for personal conversations. Use it sparingly and consider posting public messages when appropriate.
  18. Stay Informed: Keep up with board announcements and updates, so you're aware of any changes in rules or policies.
Remember that message boards are community-driven, and your behavior can impact the overall tone and quality of the discussions. By following these guidelines, you can make your experience more enjoyable and contribute positively to the community.

It’s a shame #6 (be respectful and courteous) is frequently ignored by some posters.

Also, #16 (contribute meaningfully) needs to be amended to include the following: Ban animated gifs since they add zero value and indicates poster never passed 3rd grade and doesn’t know how to write a sentence using proper grammar.
I could not disagree more with this unless it has a specific purpose, such as checking one's work. These tools can provide a grade but should not replace competencies. We are dumbing down our society.

In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, one should learn civics, economics, history, personal finance, and child rearing as basic life skills. That involves a lot of memorization and analytical ability.

When we get to a society that relies on a machine to tell us about these areas, then we've just arrived at Orwell's 1984. Conversations between two people would become utter nonsense.

Frankly, I think we are getting closer by the day.
Totally agree. We use technology for speed, convenience, etc., but we still need to know how to do the work.
ChatGPT is a powerful (and fun) tool. But…There are, and will continue to be, ethical issues with AI.

Bias is another issue. For example, the data that is used as the basis for its knowledge can be skewed.

The key will be to use it as a tool, but don’t blindly trust it. Continue to validate its output.

That said, the possibilities are endless.
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I asked it to help me plan my trip to Evanston with iconic places to see and things to eat and drink. Pretty solid response.

Touring Northwestern University in late September offers a chance to explore the beautiful Evanston area and nearby Chicago. Here are some iconic places to see, things to eat, and drink:

Places to See:

  1. Northwestern University Campus: Explore the stunning campus, including Deering Library, the Lakefill, and Ryan Field.
  2. Baha'i Temple: Visit the nearby Baha'i House of Worship, an architectural marvel.
  3. Lake Michigan: Stroll along the lakefront for scenic views.
  4. Chicago Botanic Garden: Located nearby, it's a beautiful place to see nature.
  5. Art Institute of Chicago: In Chicago, explore one of the world's great art museums.
Things to Eat:

  1. Lou Malnati's or Giordano's: Try deep-dish pizza, a Chicago classic.
  2. Garrett Popcorn: Sample their famous Chicago-style popcorn.
  3. Portillo's: Enjoy Chicago-style hot dogs and Italian beef sandwiches.
  4. Farmhouse Evanston: Savor locally sourced, farm-to-table cuisine.
  5. The Bagel Art: Grab a classic Chicago-style bagel with cream cheese or lox.
Things to Drink:

  1. Coffee: Visit local cafes like Peet's Coffee or Kafein for a caffeine fix.
  2. Craft Beer: Check out Temperance Beer Co. in Evanston or explore Chicago's vibrant craft beer scene.
  3. Cocktails: Visit bars in Evanston like Ward Eight for craft cocktails.
  4. Milkshakes: Indulge in a milkshake at Edzo's Burger Shop.
  5. Signature Cocktails: In Chicago, try a cocktail at The Aviary or The Violet Hour.
This mix of campus highlights, local food, and Chicago classics should make your visit to Northwestern University and the surrounding area memorable.
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I asked it to help me plan my trip to Evanston with iconic places to see and things to eat and drink. Pretty solid response.

Touring Northwestern University in late September offers a chance to explore the beautiful Evanston area and nearby Chicago. Here are some iconic places to see, things to eat, and drink:

Places to See:

  1. Northwestern University Campus: Explore the stunning campus, including Deering Library, the Lakefill, and Ryan Field.
  2. Baha'i Temple: Visit the nearby Baha'i House of Worship, an architectural marvel.
  3. Lake Michigan: Stroll along the lakefront for scenic views.
  4. Chicago Botanic Garden: Located nearby, it's a beautiful place to see nature.
  5. Art Institute of Chicago: In Chicago, explore one of the world's great art museums.
Things to Eat:

  1. Lou Malnati's or Giordano's: Try deep-dish pizza, a Chicago classic.
  2. Garrett Popcorn: Sample their famous Chicago-style popcorn.
  3. Portillo's: Enjoy Chicago-style hot dogs and Italian beef sandwiches.
  4. Farmhouse Evanston: Savor locally sourced, farm-to-table cuisine.
  5. The Bagel Art: Grab a classic Chicago-style bagel with cream cheese or lox.
Things to Drink:

  1. Coffee: Visit local cafes like Peet's Coffee or Kafein for a caffeine fix.
  2. Craft Beer: Check out Temperance Beer Co. in Evanston or explore Chicago's vibrant craft beer scene.
  3. Cocktails: Visit bars in Evanston like Ward Eight for craft cocktails.
  4. Milkshakes: Indulge in a milkshake at Edzo's Burger Shop.
  5. Signature Cocktails: In Chicago, try a cocktail at The Aviary or The Violet Hour.
This mix of campus highlights, local food, and Chicago classics should make your visit to Northwestern University and the surrounding area memorable.
Giordanos is my favorite pizza. It tastes different in Chicago! The deep dish with cheese, sausage and mushrooms is crazy
Totally agree. We use technology for speed, convenience, etc., but we still need to know how to do the work.
Problem is that humans are inherently lazy. They will come to depend on it without doing the work to check it or understand it. Just like the corporate news media that feeds pablum to the masses.
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IMHO, you can't stop progress. So you either fight it (and lose) or embrace it so that you can use it properly for yourself and the common good. The same was said about cars replacing horses, calculators, computers, portables computers, mobile phones, etc.

There is really only one choice: master it and use it or get left in the dust.

Here is a release by Meta (Facebook) embedding a camera and AI into Ray-Ban glasses for less than $300 (Ray-Bans are typically over $100 by themselves). The power is incredible. Think about the ability to remove language barriers worldwide. Or to be able to fix a device immediately. We've seen this with calculators. Today, everyone has a calculator that will do the most complex calculations. There is no need to sit down with a slide rule, paper and pencil. Complex calculations that took engineers and architects days now take minutes. I recall when electric screwdrivers were invented, a guy did an entire office building (putting doors up) in one week whereas before it took a team of guys months (plus, opened the job up for women).

As an exercise, I just had it write a poem about penn state football. This is what I keyed in:

write a poem about penn state football, their quarterback named Drew Allar, the running back named Nick Singleton and their coach James Franklin.

This is the result

In Happy Valley, where legends are made,
Penn State's football, a grand crusade.
With quarterback Drew Allar, poised and bold,
He leads the charge, with a heart of gold.

In the huddle's embrace, he calls the play,
Guiding the Lions, come what may.
With arm and vision, he charts the course,
In the Nittany blue, he's a driving force.

Nick Singleton, the running back supreme,
Carves through defenses like a waking dream.
With speed and power, he finds the light,
In his every stride, a thrilling sight.

Coach James Franklin, a mentor so wise,
With fiery spirit and keen, watchful eyes.
He molds the team with unwavering hand,
In pursuit of victory, on Penn State's land.

Through trials and triumphs, they stand united,
In Beaver Stadium, where dreams are ignited.
Penn State football, a storied tradition,
A symbol of excellence, a boundless mission.

In the heart of Pennsylvania, their story's unfurled,
Drew Allar, Nick Singleton, and Coach Franklin, the world.
With Lion hearts beating, they strive to prevail,

In the echoes of cheers, their legends set sail.

Then I asked what the name should be:

"The Nittany Roar: Allar, Singleton, and Franklin"
So it knew the location of Penn State and the name of the stadium but you had to tell it the names of the players and coach?
So it knew the location of Penn State and the name of the stadium but you had to tell it the names of the players and coach?
I chose to tell it the names of the players and coach. After you start to use it, you will see the more detailed you can be the better the result is. I wanted it to be about Allar and Singleton. Lets try it again:

write a poem about penn state football, Alu Fashanu, Kalen King, Chop Robinson and their coach James Franklin.


In Happy Valley's radiant glow,
Penn State football's tales do flow.
With Alu Fashanu, fierce and bold, Kalen King and Chop Robinson,
we're told.

On the gridiron, they take their stand,
In Franklin's charge, a united band.
With skill and heart, they play the game,
In Penn State's honor, they earn their fame.

Alu Fashanu, a force up front,
In the trenches, he bears the brunt.
With power and grit, he clears the way,
For Kalen King and Chop to seize the day.

Kalen King, a rising star so bright,
In the secondary, he takes flight.
With interceptions and tackles strong,
n Penn State's defense, he truly belongs.

Chop Robinson, a name of pride,
With every catch, he turns the tide.
In the end zone's embrace, he'll reign supreme,
In Happy Valley, he's a cherished dream.

Coach James Franklin, a guiding light,
With vision and passion, he ignites the fight.
He molds the team with wisdom's art,
In pursuit of glory, they'll never depart.

In Penn State's realm, their spirits entwine,
With every play, in every line.
A football family, strong and true,
In Happy Valley, they wear the blue.

In this Nittany saga, their stories align,
Penn State football, a grand design.
With Fashanu, King, and Robinson's ring,

Coach Franklin's legacy, they shall sing.

Obviously, a few problems in that Olu doesn't block for King and Chop. But still pretty good
I copied and pasted you go

Eleven and oh, a perfect score,
Twice in a row, they yearned for more.
Their coach's name, a legend's call, Joe Paterno,
stood tall and enthralled.

In Happy Valley, under the sky so wide,
With Nittany Lions, they took their stride.
Through trials and triumphs, they'd endure,
With Joe Paterno, their vision pure.

With wisdom and grace, he led the way,
Each victory etched in Penn State's display.
In the hearts of fans, his legacy grew,
A mentor, a leader, forever true.

Eleven and oh, a testament strong,
In the annals of time, their story long.
Joe Paterno's name, a hallowed refrain,
In Penn State's history, an everlasting gain.
I guess I'm an old fuddy duddy because I like KC Lion's better.

Even though I'm old, I get how it's useful as a tool (the same way a backhoe is more useful than a shovel) but I truly laugh at how some people are convinced that it will ever replace human intelligence and become conscious like we are conscious. That's Sci-Fi BS. It will be a version of consciousness but not the same thing. AI is just a fancy calculator.

It does scare me though, the same way giving a cashier at McDonalds an extra $1.01 so your change is an even $10 instead of $9.99. It will make average humans dumber and it will certainly put a lot of people out of work. Funny how scientists create stuff and not ask "should we create this"? A particularly human characteristic which may lead to our demise.
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Do what you think you can. 😂 To prove how far we have fallen, post about it on a sports board. 😂 that'll turn things around immediately. 😳! 😂

I did not start the thread. The OP posted about how this is "good." It isn't. Perhaps I should have just responded with "bad idea" without explanation. Would that have satisfied you? Just let bad ideas flourish on a college message board.
IMHO, you can't stop progress. So you either fight it (and lose) or embrace it so that you can use it properly for yourself and the common good. The same was said about cars replacing horses, calculators, computers, portables computers, mobile phones, etc.

There is really only one choice: master it and use it or get left in the dust.

Here is a release by Meta (Facebook) embedding a camera and AI into Ray-Ban glasses for less than $300 (Ray-Bans are typically over $100 by themselves). The power is incredible. Think about the ability to remove language barriers worldwide. Or to be able to fix a device immediately. We've seen this with calculators. Today, everyone has a calculator that will do the most complex calculations. There is no need to sit down with a slide rule, paper and pencil. Complex calculations that took engineers and architects days now take minutes. I recall when electric screwdrivers were invented, a guy did an entire office building (putting doors up) in one week whereas before it took a team of guys months (plus, opened the job up for women).

No doubt this will have a huge impact on society, productivity, the economy, and more. Cell phones did tremendous good….but came with a cost. Same with the internet. It will have unforeseen benefits……and unforeseen costs. But it is inevitable.