Iowa State!!!

Aren't we competing against everyone for the top 12 now. The Big 12 isn't getting an extra team because of that win and Iowa with their lousy schedule was more likely to end up having some ludicrous argument for them to be in the playoff. On top of that I no longer have any respect for that fan base or coaching staff.
If you think Iowa losing to Iowa state week 2 has any input on whether PSU makes playoffs lay off the sauce
Explain how Iowa losing to a Big XII team is good for Penn State.
Use logic as opposed to "I hate Iowa's fans"
You can say it's illogical and it isn't good for us but I'm still glad they lost and I'm fine with that but trying to pretend Iowa losing to a Big XII team can't negatively impact us is incorrect.
Just like we want Illinois to beat Kansas tonight and Nebraska to beat Colorado.
I no longer have any respect for that fan base or coaching staff.
Which is emotional not logic
Kansas Colorado and Iowa State winning today is not good for us--regardless of what spin you want to use. It's important for the SEC and Big Ten that the Big XII and ACC struggle against everyone from their conference. That is football with a 12 team playoff.
Just like ND losing was great--not because we hate ND but because they have a free path if they don't do anything stupid
We don't play Iowa. They do not control our destiny at all.
I didn't say we play Iowa or that they control our destiny. We have to adapt to a 12 team playoff where we want the Big Ten to get 4-5 teams because that gives us room for error. Same with the SEC. Any Big Ten loss to the ACC or Big XII (including Duke beating NW) is bad for us. This is the world of a 12 team playoff--it's all about conference strength. See March Madness