It's official: Trautwein to PSU as OL Coach

Let me break a few ties: everyone on here is a “fan boy”. The more posts, the bigger the fan boy, no one is exempt.

James Franklin is A+ everything but clock manager. Roll the tape over the years, including end of Cotton Bowl half. This cannot be argued. After all, no one is perfect and JF would admit as much. You’d just like to see him handle it better at this stage of his career, but we see it all the time with other good coaches too. I’ll never understand why they don’t assign a person to it, but I get it. But he stinks at it, it’s known to objective people who don’t care about PSU, be pro gamblers, other fan boy groups etc. With how organized and crazy he is, I’m shocked it still rears it’s head so often. As the team has gotten more talented, it simply doesn’t bite him as much. Still an issue though.

From a discussion I had with a now former player, JF was irate about the loss to Minnesota, namely with Rahne. He was even more irate with the offensive performance against Rutgers. Said player is not convinced that a change wasn’t going to happen, despite the friendship. No players were surprised RR left at first chance and none cared much that he did from a game perspective, just personal. They all had a good idea changes in some capacity were happening. And no player left because it happened, which said player said with a smirk “that’s all you need to know about that”. Was RR going to be fired or demoted, not sure. Discussion I had probably provided more answers than 100 guesses on here. Nobody knows, therefore nobody is right or wrong.

Stay sane fan boys!

Yep, ANOTHER Fan Boy....
Great hirer will improve OL play which will lead to better rushing.

Yes a great hire would. But at this point (a few days on the job) isn't it a little early to say it is a great hire?

Unless you define the quality of the hire by only how much euphoria it generates when announced, and not the actual results that the hire brings about in the months and years to come..... Expectations are not always correlated to the eventual reality/results...


What was that line in Shawshank Redemption about "hope" ??
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Yes a great hire would. But at this point (a few days on the job) isn't it a little early to say it is a great hire?
Nope. It is a great hire. But the OP may be a little early on the rest: "will improve OL play which will lead to better rushing."

For now, we can only hope or expect. And I'd like slightly better pass protection as well, please. ;)
Lol how many seasons since Joe have we had less than 2 losses? Ten seasons of 0 or 1 loss is unbelievable for one coach.

Have you looked at the old schedules? Army, Navy, and Airforce in the same year????? Add Temple, Maryland, BC, Ohio U, Pitt, and WVU. Don't forget Brown, William and Mary, and Colgate. WOW. You complain about Clemson's schedule.
On whole, the teams PSU played in those years were - quantitatively and competitively - BETTER than the teams the B2 (OSU and Micigan) played during those years (and, probably, better than the teams just about any of the other "power programs" of the time played.... though I didn't, personally, go back through and verify that - - - - aside from the B2)

Your implied "take" is just stupid and lazy (and provably incorrect).
ie: "Your shit is all retarded"

Have to agree with SN. From top to bottom, the Big10 was not as strong at it has been since the 90's. I think playing East independents was probably more challenging than the Big10 at that time. For example, we were handling OSU pretty regularly in bowl games. Also, the '82 team won the national championship having played the toughest schedule the country!
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On whole, the teams PSU played in those years were - quantitatively and competitively - BETTER than the teams the B2 (OSU and Michigan) played during those years (and, probably, better than the teams just about any of the other "power programs" of the time played.... though I didn't, personally, go back through and verify that - - - - aside from the B2)

Your implied "take" is just stupid and lazy (and provably incorrect).
ie: "Your shit is all retarded"

Nope. On a whole the B10 is better and the top of the big is WAY better.
From the time PSU joined the B10, up through 2011, PSU won 69% (63% in conference) of their games

Under O'Brien, PSU won 63% (63% in conference) of their games (under, obviously, far more difficult circumstances than pre-2011)

Under CJF, PSU has won 71% (66% in conference) of their games (including a couple years under EXTREMELY trying circumstances).


Both O'Brien and CJF have been as competitive - if not more so - in their tenures to date than PSU was under Paterno.
And under FAR more trying circumstances.
That is factually non-debatable.... anything further on THAT issue is jibberish

Obviously, O'Brien and CJF (so far) have not had nearly the length of tenure - but that is another issue.
You are looking at only one window of Paterno’s career - not apples to apples.
Nope. On a whole the B10 is better and the top of the big is WAY better.

Are you using actual numbers to back this up?

Because I can think of at least three seasons in the late 70s/early 80s in which Penn State had the toughest schedule in the nation.

And as Norm mentioned, the teams we traditionally played prior to '93 were better than the teams that Ohio State and Michigan played. Somebody ran these numbers a few months ago.......don't remember in which thread, but I believe they took our typical opponents (Syracuse, WV, Pitt, Maryland, Notre Dame, etc.) and compared it to the Little 8. Our opponents had a better W-L record, and actually had an overall winning record head-to-head against the Little 8.

If you're looking at the "top", Penn State + Notre Dame + Alabama far outperformed Ohio State + Michigan + whatever turd came in third in the Big Ten.

You know, there's actual data on this. Data that shatters this myth of Joe accumulating wins by virtue of a weak schedule.
I concur. I think the Eastern independents of the 70s and 80s were superior to the Big10, which were essentially OSU, MI and nobody’s. Think about it. For OSU that was the end of Woody Hayes to Earle Bruce and John Cooper; for MI it was still the mediocre Bo until 1990. Hadyn Fry didn’t start at Iowa until 1979, Barry Alvarez didn’t get to WI until 1990, same as Moeller at Michigan.

In the meantime we were playing the Eastern teams, and other independents UMiami, ND, and SEC and Big12 members like AL and Neb. We were beating OSU in Bowl after Bowl, Heisman winner or not! And we won our first championship against the toughest schedule in nation. 1981 may have been toughest too. We actually entered the Big10 when it was on the climb.

Are you using actual numbers to back this up?

Because I can think of at least three seasons in the late 70s/early 80s in which Penn State had the toughest schedule in the nation.

And as Norm mentioned, the teams we traditionally played prior to '93 were better than the teams that Ohio State and Michigan played. Somebody ran these numbers a few months ago.......don't remember in which thread, but I believe they took our typical opponents (Syracuse, WV, Pitt, Maryland, Notre Dame, etc.) and compared it to the Little 8. Our opponents had a better W-L record, and actually had an overall winning record head-to-head against the Little 8.

If you're looking at the "top", Penn State + Notre Dame + Alabama far outperformed Ohio State + Michigan + whatever turd came in third in the Big Ten.

You know, there's actual data on this. Data that shatters this myth of Joe accumulating wins by virtue of a weak schedule.
I concur. I think the Eastern independents of the 70s and 80s were superior to the Big10, which were essentially OSU, MI and nobody’s. Think about it. For OSU that was the end of Woody Hayes to Earle Bruce and John Cooper; for MI it was still the mediocre Bo until 1990. Hadyn Fry didn’t start at Iowa until 1979, Barry Alvarez didn’t get to WI until 1990, same as Moeller at Michigan.

In the meantime we were playing the Eastern teams, and other independents UMiami, ND, and SEC and Big12 members like AL and Neb. We were beating OSU in Bowl after Bowl, Heisman winner or not! And we won our first championship against the toughest schedule in nation. 1981 may have been toughest too. We actually entered the Big10 when it was on the climb.

Where would the b1g be without us?
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I concur. I think the Eastern independents of the 70s and 80s were superior to the Big10, which were essentially OSU, MI and nobody’s. Think about it. For OSU that was the end of Woody Hayes to Earle Bruce and John Cooper; for MI it was still the mediocre Bo until 1990. Hadyn Fry didn’t start at Iowa until 1979, Barry Alvarez didn’t get to WI until 1990, same as Moeller at Michigan.

In the meantime we were playing the Eastern teams, and other independents UMiami, ND, and SEC and Big12 members like AL and Neb. We were beating OSU in Bowl after Bowl, Heisman winner or not! And we won our first championship against the toughest schedule in nation. 1981 may have been toughest too. We actually entered the Big10 when it was on the climb.

Yep. At least early on, PSU was more important for the Big Ten than the Big Ten was for PSU. In the 80s and early 90s, we were routinely playing Notre Dame, Miami, Alabama, Nebraska, etc.

And perceptions are shaped in part by how programs like BC, WV, Pitt, Syracuse, and Maryland perform now. In the 70s and 80s, however, those programs were frequently ranked nationally, and in many cases, top-10.

That 1982 schedule, for instance.......brutal. #2 Nebraska, @ #4 Alabama, @ #13 West Virginia, @ #13 Notre Dame, #5 Pitt, and of course #1 Georgia.

4 games against top-5 teams. That's crazy.

And we still won it all.
If you hate the Big 10 you have to hate us.

Of course.

My point is that Penn State deserves a lot of credit for the b1g becoming more competitive since its entry to the conference. With Penn State, suddenly you had a third BLUE. BLOOD. :eek: , one outside the parochial midwest, and one with a history of doing more than just losing the same bowl game year after year. Penn State raised the b1g's profile when it needed considerable raising (or without Penn State, razing). This, coupled with Joe's Success With Honor, is why everyone hates us (and I hate us more).