James Franklin Recruiting Visits


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2002
I ran into James Franklin today in the hall at the school I teach at - pretty cool! I'm pretty sure that he was here to see a sophomore WR, who holds offers from some smaller D1 teams, but that's just a guess. I teach around the Harrisburg area.

Update: He received his first P5 offer last month, so I imagine that CJF was here for him.
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I hope you don't teach English.

Then there's the one about the freshman at Harvard who got lost walking across campus. So he stopped a tweed-jacketed professor and said, "Excuse me sir. Can you tell me where the library is at?" The professor said, "Son, don't you know you should never end a sentence with a preposition?" To which the freshman replied, "Oh, sorry. Where's the library at, a**hole?"
Then there's the one about the freshman at Harvard who got lost walking across campus. So he stopped a tweed-jacketed professor and said, "Excuse me sir. Can you tell me where the library is at?" The professor said, "Son, don't you know you should never end a sentence with a preposition?" To which the freshman replied, "Oh, sorry. Where's the library at, a**hole?"
Or as Churchill replied when they tried to edit his speech, "this is a change up with which I shall not put"
Then there's the one about the freshman at Harvard who got lost walking across campus. So he stopped a tweed-jacketed professor and said, "Excuse me sir. Can you tell me where the library is at?" The professor said, "Son, don't you know you should never end a sentence with a preposition?" To which the freshman replied, "Oh, sorry. Where's the library at, a**hole?"
oh I thought he just said Yes, and kept on walking.
WTF is it with people here that bitch about spelling and grammar. I usually type on my phone and am lucky to get a complete sentence out. Must be a fun life to be bothered by spelling and grammar mistakes. Must be the same people that go nuts when Pitt is mentioned - with that “if they are not our rivals why mention them”
WTF is it with people here that bitch about spelling and grammar. I usually type on my phone and am lucky to get a complete sentence out. Must be a fun life to be bothered by spelling and grammar mistakes. Must be the same people that go nuts when Pitt is mentioned - with that “if they are not our rivals why mention them”

I type with on my phone too. There are times when I get done typing and I read what just wrote and I think: Where the hell did that word come from. Hear’s an example: I’m going to type CJF has to recruit some good grad transfers to fill holes in the roster - fast without correcting it when I “fat finger” the keyboard.

CJF ha drontecruit some good grad transfers to fill some holes in the rosary.
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LOL! Good one. Then it should be posters’ or posters’s. The grammar of posters or posters’ grammar shows possession, does it not?
LOL! Good one. Then it should be posters’ or posters’s. The grammar of posters or posters’ grammar shows possession, does it not?
poster (plural posters). (Internet) One who posts a message. Some posters left the online message board after the squabble.
poster (plural posters). (Internet) One who posts a message. Some posters left the online message board after the squabble.

Yeah, I get that it’s plural, but that would be like writing: Jims grammar is deplorable. It would be Jim’s. The apostrophe shows possession - who’s grammar...Jim’s grammar. (At least I’m pretty sure that’s right.)
I ran into James Franklin today in the hall at the school I teach at - pretty cool! I'm pretty sure that he was here to see a sophomore WR, who holds offers from some smaller D1 teams, but that's just a guess. I teach around the Harrisburg area.

Update: He received his first P5 offer last month, so I imagine that CJF was here for him.

Anywho.... forget about the grammer (see what I did there) police... Tell us about any convo you had with JF.
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So, he wasn't here to see the player that I assumed it was - so, not the WR. I do not personally know the kid that he was here for.
Then there's the one about the freshman at Harvard who got lost walking across campus. So he stopped a tweed-jacketed professor and said, "Excuse me sir. Can you tell me where the library is at?" The professor said, "Son, don't you know you should never end a sentence with a preposition?" To which the freshman replied, "Oh, sorry. Where's the library at, a**hole?"

Okay, this is not about recruiting, but since the thread has wandered to asshole Harvard professors, I'll post this classic piece from Iowahawk which actually has that particular language, maybe Choochburg picked it up there. (the whole piece is well worth reading, hilarious)

Cambridge Police Profiling Still A Grim Reality for Harvard Faculty Assholes

Guest Opinion
by Professor John Evans Evans-John
Harvard School of Harvard Faculty Asshole Studies
Harvard University

When I first learned of the arrest of my colleague Professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates after he stood up to the fascist jackboots of a declasse, ill-educated Cambridge police officer, I was of course angered -- but scarcely shocked. L'Affaire Gates simply aired, in public, the dirty 100-thread-count table linen of an American culture where Harvard faculty assholes still face a daily struggle against profiling, abuse, and insolence.

It will come as no surprise that Skip's arrest was the talk of the Douchebag Room at the Harvard Faculty Club last Friday. I and a group of colleagues had assembled for our weekly lunch; I opted for their competently-prepared Ahi Tuna Tartare and an amusing glass of '05 Hospices de Beaune Premier Cru Cuvee Cyrot-Chaudron. I had noticed that the Frantz Fanon Memorial Booth -- Skip's long-reserved lunch spot -- was uncharacteristically empty, and asked our waiter Sergio for an explanation.

"Professor Skeep, he no is come today," said Sergio. "I tink he is in the jail."

Our table exchanged knowing glances, for we knew immediately that Skip was only the latest victim of a system that singles out the Harvard faculty asshole for stigmatization and unequal justice. It is a system that all of us knew too well, and provided an opportunity for an open conversation about our shared experiences as Harvard faculty assholes in America while waiting for Sergio to bring the dessert cart.

One after one came the cascade of stark stories: the rolled eyes of our department secretaries. The Spanish language mockery of our office janitors. The foul gestures of drunken strap-hanging Red Sox lumpenproles aboard the Red Line. The frequent police stops on the highway to Cape Ann and Martha's Vineyard for "Volvoing While Asshole." And then there are the insulting media stereotypes, where we are routinely caricatured as pompous, effete, self-important, irrelevant elitists. All, I might add, by a motley collection of lowbrow inferiors, few of whom have ever published in a peer-reviewed journal. Let alone edit one.

Sometimes it even comes at the hand of self-styled "peers" from D-list state ampersand institutions. One colleague recounted the tale of his restroom confrontation with a Texas A&M professor at a national academic conference last year. After relieving themselves at adjacent urinals, my colleague noticed the oaf leaving hastily for the plenary session and decided to gently point out his hygienic forgetfulness. "A Harvard man washes his hands after urinating," he said. "And an Aggie don't piss all over his hands, asshole," came the reply.

A female colleague from the English department recalled a recent incident along the Charles River jogging path during her regular morning run. A confused passer-by rudely interrupted her progress and requested directions, as if my colleague were some sort of lowly campus guide or untenured adjunct. "Where is the library at?" she demanded. Naturally, my colleague took the opportunity to correct her, noting that "at Harvard we do not end our sentences in prepositions."

"Okay, where is the library at, asshole?" barked the interloper. Needless to say, my colleague's daily morning runs have since been replaced with tear-filled visits to the Faculty Asshole Self Esteem Counseling Center.

For untold hundreds of Harvard faculty assholes such indignities are, sadly, still part and parcel of being "The Other." As Associate Director of the School of Harvard Faculty Asshole Studies, I have worked to institute policies to insure that Harvard maintains a nurturing environment for all assholes in our community, be they faculty, students, or alumni. Some progress has been made, such as Harvard's mandatory sensitivity and deference training program for all incoming freshassholes. But such internal programs do little to address the impertinence and discrimination we still face outside campus. Some have suggested that we involve the Cambridge Police Department in an educational outreach program, but in my experience the CPD is among the worst offenders......
WTF is it with people here that bitch about spelling and grammar. I usually type on my phone and am lucky to get a complete sentence out. Must be a fun life to be bothered by spelling and grammar mistakes. Must be the same people that go nuts when Pitt is mentioned - with that “if they are not our rivals why mention them”

Same people who call you "stoopid" for having a different opinion or thought on a discussion board. They have a horrible life so this behavior makes them feel better and relevant.
I type with on my phone too. There are times when I get done typing and I read what just wrote and I think: Where the hell did that word come from. Hear’s an example: I’m going to type CJF has to recruit some good grad transfers to fill holes in the roster - fast without correcting it when I “fat finger” the keyboard.

CJF ha drontecruit some good grad transfers to fill some holes in the rosary.
You're likely right. I'm not the grammer police.
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My neighbor’s pen is in my wife’s mouth.
My neighbor’s penis in my wife’s mouth.

No difference. No need for grammar police.

Let’s run over to grandma’s.
Let’s run over two grandmas.

No difference. No need for grammar police.