Jammenz Shirts


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Mar 13, 2012
With Day #1 in the books, is it too early for Jammy to break out his Minny Championship T-Shirt?
You might want to forgo having a Third World country face the embarrassment that a third world kind of guy... wouldn't mind facing.
I would say there is always next year, but the goofers graduation losses probably post pone that again.

Thank goodness we have a coach that can coach
Glad to see that Penn State fans haven't totally quit on the season as I had thought after the B1Gs. You'll be happy to know that I have tweeted "If Penn State manages to win this thing I am quitting the sport".
so much for this gem from last week:

posted on March 11th:

"Diceman, you forgot about Kroells. Forfeiting to him at B1Gs was probably smart cuz he's getting better with every match he wrestles."

So LawDog took a medical forfeit in the placement match at B1Gs due to being injured in his prior match. jaammenz posted the above gem about that (you can view his post at this link), and then yesterday LawDog defeated Kroells 5-2 in Round 2.

Originally posted by jammenz:
Glad to see that Penn State fans haven't totally quit on the season as I had thought after the B1Gs. You'll be happy to know that I have tweeted "If Penn State manages to win this thing I am quitting the sport".
Opportunity lost! Give us another chance.
so much for this gem from last week:

Tom, both Lawson and Kroells are in the rd of 12 looking to AA. If Kroells AA's and Lawson doesn't we may hae to revisit this thread.
can you give us an update on the round robin record of the Big 4 at 174

You bandied that about when your boys were 1 and 2 in the standings, but I think the Stormin Mormon is moving up the list.
Re: can you give us an update on the round robin record of the Big 4 at 174

Originally posted by Chickenman Testa:
You bandied that about when your boys were 1 and 2 in the standings, but I think the Stormin Mormon is moving up the list.
CM, link or it didn't happen. LOL.
Zing!! Would 87 separate links suffice??

As an aside, great development of Storley and Big Dardanes since they were freshman. You don't see that kind of improvement from Cael's charges.
No, that's not how it works ...

if you make a stupid claim or statement, you don't get the opportunity to change the context of it at a later date. your statement had nothing to do about AAing when you made it. if wish to claim as much, that's total BS.
