Jeffrey Epstein Documentary

I did. really sick. I agree she should be charged with sex trafficking. It appears like she acted as a madam. Not a perfect analogy but in some ways they operated like Sandusky and the Second mile in the way they groomed these poor girls. Very strategic in preying on troubled under aged girls for "massages" and also luring young but of age girls for what amounted to date rape. Pretty sure she would have been charged as an accessory if he was still alive but that's a whole other story. Not in the story, but interestingly, Bill Barr's father was the headmaster at the Dalton school in Manhattan that hired Epstein (without a college degree) to teach at the school.
Just watched it today. Very frustrating to see how the authorities weren’t able to do more in the 2005 timeframe despite some of the girls coming forward. I guess it all had to do with his money and connections, because today a person claiming rape seems to immediately make headlines. And of course social media comes into play.

Why does there have to be pedophiles in this world?
I did. really sick. I agree she should be charged with sex trafficking. It appears like she acted as a madam. Not a perfect analogy but in some ways they operated like Sandusky and the Second mile in the way they groomed these poor girls. Very strategic in preying on troubled under aged girls for "massages" and also luring young but of age girls for what amounted to date rape. Pretty sure she would have been charged as an accessory if he was still alive but that's a whole other story. Not in the story, but interestingly, Bill Barr's father was the headmaster at the Dalton school in Manhattan that hired Epstein (without a college degree) to teach at the school.
I just wonder if they’re not going after her because she’s a woman. I hope not because her being a woman was almost worse....she made the girls feel like somehow it was more okay because she was there. I’m shocked the victims aren’t making more noise about her not being prosecuted.
I just wonder if they’re not going after her because she’s a woman. I hope not because her being a woman was almost worse....she made the girls feel like somehow it was more okay because she was there. I’m shocked the victims aren’t making more noise about her not being prosecuted.
I watched the ID one, only 3 episodes and plan on watching the Netflix one soon.
The pictures from his cell were crazy, so many sheets plus his cpap machine in cell
as far a Is know, only charges filed in his death are the 2 minority prison guards
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Just watched it today. Very frustrating to see how the authorities weren’t able to do more in the 2005 timeframe despite some of the girls coming forward. I guess it all had to do with his money and connections, because today a person claiming rape seems to immediately make headlines. And of course social media comes into play.

Why does there have to be pedophiles in this world?
I think it had to do more with who his customers were and not having that exposed than anything else.
I think it had to do more with who his customers were and not having that exposed than anything else.
Yeah, the dude had a lot of dirt on a lot of people. What’s everyone’s thoughts on Alan Dershowitz? Was he involved or not?
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Yeah, the dude had a lot of dirt on a lot of people. What’s everyone’s thoughts on Alan Dershowitz? Was he involved or not?
He had trips on the Lolita Express, find it hard to believe it was just for the free drinks.
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He had trips on the Lolita Express, find it hard to believe it was just for the free drinks.
I prefer to think that Dershowitz is too smart a guy to have gotten into shit like this. I do have a hard time believing that he was oblivious to what was happening, though. In my mind there is zero chance that JE didn’t somehow invite him into the festivities. He absolutely knew at least that there were questionable things happening. He’s a smart guy. People as big as he is, they know how to read others, how to read a situation.

Doesn't matter though. The mistakes one makes, you either are able to move on from them or you aren’t. It appears that AD has been able to effectively put this particular matter behind him. Look, I’ve done my share of things which mortify me to recall, things where I could have ended up in jail, expelled, or dead. Call it luck or whatever, or think of Anton Chigurh flipping his coin, I got away with my stupidity. Perhaps being able get away with it is much more difficult these days but AD has gotten away with it, however stupid (or worse) his actions were.
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I was listening to a podcast about Epstein and the speaker said there is no evidence to believe anything about Epstein's wealth. He said there are no actual records of the Hedge fund he supposedly ran and no actual records of his wealth. He felt JE was almost a construct and was operating for Mossad, as was as the Maxwell woman, who apparently was perverse as Epstein. He thought she is being allowed to just disappear so the entire matter just goes away. as it appears to be doing.
To me it looks like many people of power including politicians on both sides of the aisle, royalty, Hollywood elites, academic elites, and law enforcement including FBI individuals were involved with this guy and we’re covering up for him. I believe someone above Acosta was pulling the strings and he was the delivery boy, and I have read that national intelligence people may have influenced the Acosta deal. There obviously was a lot going on behind the scenes that is being protected and will never be allowed to see the light of day.

This was an absolute travesty of justice and is a warning to those of us who are everyday people with no influence. If you get in trouble with certain individuals or try to mess with the wrong people who have power and influence, you are screwed unfortunately. Look at what those in power did to JoePa even though he was a somewhat influential person himself, but obviously less so than he thought. It is very scary when one thinks about it, because it seems like our so-called system is nearly as bad as the old Soviet Union or Russia under Putin. As for the FBI, the more I find out about that organization, the more it appears to be extremely corrupt. IMO, it needs to be dismantled and a new law enforcement entity needs to be developed to replace it. Unfortunately it will be the political elite who would start up the new agency and it will be back to business as usual.

As far as Maxwell is concerned, she is just as bad as Epstein. Also she has disappeared off the face of the earth. Apparently nobody knows where she has gone, although I suspect national intelligence agencies do, and not just ours.
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To me it looks like many people of power including politicians on both sides of the aisle, royalty, Hollywood elites, academic elites, and law enforcement including FBI individuals were involved with this guy and we’re covering up for him.
Haven't seen anything implicating Hollywood wrt Epsteain. Maybe i missed it
I was listening to a podcast about Epstein and the speaker said there is no evidence to believe anything about Epstein's wealth. He said there are no actual records of the Hedge fund he supposedly ran and no actual records of his wealth. He felt JE was almost a construct and was operating for Mossad, as was as the Maxwell woman, who apparently was perverse as Epstein. He thought she is being allowed to just disappear so the entire matter just goes away. as it appears to be doing.
His will outlined and showed his wealth including where it was all located. His brother got it and it was over a half a billion dollars.
I prefer to think that Dershowitz is too smart a guy to have gotten into shit like this. I do have a hard time believing that he was oblivious to what was happening, though. In my mind there is zero chance that JE didn’t somehow invite him into the festivities. He absolutely knew at least that there were questionable things happening. He’s a smart guy. People as big as he is, they know how to read others, how to read a situation.

Doesn't matter though. The mistakes one makes, you either are able to move on from them or you aren’t. It appears that AD has been able to effectively put this particular matter behind him. Look, I’ve done my share of things which mortify me to recall, things where I could have ended up in jail, expelled, or dead. Call it luck or whatever, or think of Anton Chigurh flipping his coin, I got away with my stupidity. Perhaps being able get away with it is much more difficult these days but AD has gotten away with it, however stupid (or worse) his actions were.
I’m quite sure he knew about Epstein and likely didn’t care. I’m sure he also knew OJ was guilty and didn’t care.
I watched it. Definitely a lot of powerful people involved. I think the US is trying to expedite his gf from UK but I’m not sure. Definitely a pedophile and creep. Karma or someone got him in the end.
I watched it. Definitely a lot of powerful people involved. I think the US is trying to expedite his gf from UK but I’m not sure. Definitely a pedophile and creep. Karma or someone got him in the end.
The claim is that nobody knows where she is. Sure. People are trying to serve civil complaints against her without luck. There were some earlier civil complaints that were settled. On the criminal side, the plea deal that Acosta made with Epstein's attorneys gave her and other groomers immunity from criminal prosecution. That is a problem.

There's a new book out that claims that Bill Clinton had an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell. Tough to keep up with the allegations concerning this tangled web.
One bit of comic relief in the entire sordid documentary was the snippet from Prince Andrew's BBC interview. That might have been the most unconvincing denial in recorded history.
I was listening to a podcast about Epstein and the speaker said there is no evidence to believe anything about Epstein's wealth. He said there are no actual records of the Hedge fund he supposedly ran and no actual records of his wealth. He felt JE was almost a construct and was operating for Mossad, as was as the Maxwell woman, who apparently was perverse as Epstein. He thought she is being allowed to just disappear so the entire matter just goes away. as it appears to be doing.

Wexner is the key to his wealth.

The claim is that nobody knows where she is. Sure. People are trying to serve civil complaints against her without luck. There were some earlier civil complaints that were settled. On the criminal side, the plea deal that Acosta made with Epstein's attorneys gave her and other groomers immunity from criminal prosecution. That is a problem.

There's a new book out that claims that Bill Clinton had an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell. Tough to keep up with the allegations concerning this tangled web.
Is it possible that she ended up like Jimmy Hoffa.
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