Centre County's foster care program had some real issues, as noted in this 2001 federal case vs. Centre County and CC CYS:
"After its investigation, CYS officials examined the records of Centre County's foster care program. They found a pattern of physical and sexual abuse among foster children:
As of March 31, 1999, CYS had 125 children in placement. Of those children:
(a) 49% (61 children) had behavioral or emotional problems,
(b) 24% (30 children) had been victims only of sexual abuse[,]
(c) 5% (6 children) were perpetrators only of sexual abuse[,] and
(d) 7% (9 children) were both victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse.
Doe II, 80 F.Supp.2d at 441 (internal quotations and citation omitted). According to CYS officials, a “perpetrator,” as used in (c), is a child who has assaulted another child sexually, but CYS's definition of “assault” includes such activities as fondling and disrobing others.
CYS officials further concluded that, given the emergency nature of foster child placement, there was inadequate time to assess each foster child for behavioral or emotional problems prior to placement. While able to identify some sexual perpetrators, CYS officials found that a number of foster children were not identified as sexual perpetrators until after foster placement. Especially disturbing were documented instances of sexual assault by foster children on other children in foster homes."