I take a different view in some respects. Attacking victims for their facebook posts and getting into facebook bitch fights with victims' mothers and other family members, and polling victims' HS friends to find out how many of them think he is a lying dick fits no definition of "rational discourse" which has ever been shared with me.
JZ is using some otherwise intelligent PSU fans to further goals of his own which have nothing whatever to do with PSU. The test is not whether JZ has published info we did not hear before. If that were the test I could make up some stuff you never heard before and garner the same credibility. Problem is you would not know whether it had any hope whatever of being true. JZ constantly casts doubt on others' motives, including the motives of such people as Eileen Morgan, who is as sweet and decent a person as God ever made. She will fight for PSU until they put her in a box and bury her in the ground. He has attacked Scott Paterno, Ray Blehar, Jay Paterno. He has not attacked Sue yet but I am sure that day is coming.
After 29 years, I have come to regard with suspicion a person who is always blasting the motives of others, someone who gets in fights with everyone, even those ostensibly on his own side. Have you ever seen JZ really rip Freeh or the BoT? No, he saves that for people like Eileen Morgan and Scott Paterno. Sorry, JZ's work is not part of any rational discourse.
What John has "made up" comes right from the mouths of those he talks to. Not necessarily from some court document or testimony. That we get from guys like Ryan, Jimmy, and Ray. Some of the stuff we have learned from John has come straight from his efforts and no one else's. What he gets comes straight from the horses mouth.
For example, now that this has morphed into an Aaron Fisher thread, why don't you find a Pennsylvania Attorney that will help out Dawn Hennessey in her quest to go after the entities she really blames for Aaron's abuse?
According to her, she's been literally begging for an attorney, any attorney, to help her bring suit against two of the three entities she blames the most for what happened to Aaron........Central Mountain High School and Tom Corbett.
The "attorney" (I use the word loosely) who "represented" Aaron against Penn State signed away Aaron's rights to sue the third entity/entities they blame, Jack Raykovitz and the Second Mile.
Dawn was told by "The Commissioners" as she calls them that the only Party she was permitted to bring suit against was Penn State, the entity she blames the least, if at all. Her whole Family was/is/are big Penn State and Joe Paterno fans. Didn't think Joe should have been sanctioned or lost his wins. Claims to have never even asked for Penn State's money. Neither her or Aaron ever even attended a Penn State hearing. Just signed a contingency agreement with Bag Boy Michael Boni (who knows less about this case than your local garbage man or dog catcher) allowing him to go collect some of the 60 million dollars being extorted from us.
Without John's work, we wouldn't have known any of this. But it's coming right from one of the Victim's Mother's mouths. She was basically threatened NOT to go against the three major entities she blames the most. Central Mountain High School, Tom Corbett, and The Second Mile/Jack Raykovitz. To me that is HUGE News and confirms that we (Penn State) are being used as an extortion conduit by the State of Pennsylvania.
You might not like his approach, but he does get results.