Jerry Sandusky Writes Interesting Letter Mocking the Most Recent Allegations Against Him

Oh, he's your boy alright. Look, you do not get to pick and choose between and among the things he has done. Naming the names of the people he interviewed does very little to change anything about the essence of what JZ did, which you support here--he has publicly attacked a number of the victims, including "inadvertently" outing one of them who wished to remain anonymous. Do you think it would be possible to launch a campaign to discredit those people he interviewed? Of course it would. Did they try to get some of the money and get shut down?

Whether you want to believe it or not, I am not a big fan of JZ. That does not mean that I don't think he has done good work uncovering relevant information in this case. Having people willing to be interviewed on the record using their real name adds to their credibility. I have listened to those interviews and I find the interviewees credible. I didn't see any financial motivations for their speaking out. On the other hand, I can easily envision some less than honorable motivations for AF speaking out.

Are you referring to JZ outing v2? Do you realize that he wrote several letters to the editor to local newspapers and was voluntarily interviewed by Joe Amendola's investigator using his actual name?
Are you referring to JZ outing v2? Do you realize that he wrote several letters to the editor to local newspapers and was voluntarily interviewed by Joe Amendola's investigator using his actual name?

This is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. So everyone already knew who he was. Is that why JZ told us he had decided not to use his name but then the editing got screwed up and his name was "inadvertently" left in the piece? Because everyone already knew who he was? Bull.
I take a different view in some respects. Attacking victims for their facebook posts and getting into facebook bitch fights with victims' mothers and other family members, and polling victims' HS friends to find out how many of them think he is a lying dick fits no definition of "rational discourse" which has ever been shared with me.

JZ is using some otherwise intelligent PSU fans to further goals of his own which have nothing whatever to do with PSU. The test is not whether JZ has published info we did not hear before. If that were the test I could make up some stuff you never heard before and garner the same credibility. Problem is you would not know whether it had any hope whatever of being true. JZ constantly casts doubt on others' motives, including the motives of such people as Eileen Morgan, who is as sweet and decent a person as God ever made. She will fight for PSU until they put her in a box and bury her in the ground. He has attacked Scott Paterno, Ray Blehar, Jay Paterno. He has not attacked Sue yet but I am sure that day is coming.

After 29 years, I have come to regard with suspicion a person who is always blasting the motives of others, someone who gets in fights with everyone, even those ostensibly on his own side. Have you ever seen JZ really rip Freeh or the BoT? No, he saves that for people like Eileen Morgan and Scott Paterno. Sorry, JZ's work is not part of any rational discourse.

What John has "made up" comes right from the mouths of those he talks to. Not necessarily from some court document or testimony. That we get from guys like Ryan, Jimmy, and Ray. Some of the stuff we have learned from John has come straight from his efforts and no one else's. What he gets comes straight from the horses mouth.

For example, now that this has morphed into an Aaron Fisher thread, why don't you find a Pennsylvania Attorney that will help out Dawn Hennessey in her quest to go after the entities she really blames for Aaron's abuse?

According to her, she's been literally begging for an attorney, any attorney, to help her bring suit against two of the three entities she blames the most for what happened to Aaron........Central Mountain High School and Tom Corbett.

The "attorney" (I use the word loosely) who "represented" Aaron against Penn State signed away Aaron's rights to sue the third entity/entities they blame, Jack Raykovitz and the Second Mile.

Dawn was told by "The Commissioners" as she calls them that the only Party she was permitted to bring suit against was Penn State, the entity she blames the least, if at all. Her whole Family was/is/are big Penn State and Joe Paterno fans. Didn't think Joe should have been sanctioned or lost his wins. Claims to have never even asked for Penn State's money. Neither her or Aaron ever even attended a Penn State hearing. Just signed a contingency agreement with Bag Boy Michael Boni (who knows less about this case than your local garbage man or dog catcher) allowing him to go collect some of the 60 million dollars being extorted from us.

Without John's work, we wouldn't have known any of this. But it's coming right from one of the Victim's Mother's mouths. She was basically threatened NOT to go against the three major entities she blames the most. Central Mountain High School, Tom Corbett, and The Second Mile/Jack Raykovitz. To me that is HUGE News and confirms that we (Penn State) are being used as an extortion conduit by the State of Pennsylvania.

You might not like his approach, but he does get results.
Which is exactly why it's disturbing that Tom/BWI allows this garbage to be posted here.

What makes you think what YOU post isn't "garbage"? Trying to shut someone up you don't agree with is just lame surrender. I don't agree with a lot of your "garbage". But that doesn't mean I want to shut you up.

John's gotten us a lot of good stuff. Not keeping us informed of something new he has uncovered would be just plain stupid.
This is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. So everyone already knew who he was. Is that why JZ told us he had decided not to use his name but then the editing got screwed up and his name was "inadvertently" left in the piece? Because everyone already knew who he was? Bull.

How can you out someone who has already outed themselves?

Do you find AM credible? Was he being less than truthful in his LTE's and his statement to JA's investigator or is he being less than truthful in his settlement discussions with Penn State?

Why would he have JS stand with him at senior day for his last HS football game, invite JS to his wedding, and travel over 10 hours to attend JS mother's funeral if he had been sexually molested by JS?
How can you out someone who has already outed themselves?

Do you find AM credible? Was he being less than truthful in his LTE's and his statement to JA's investigator or is he being less than truthful in his settlement discussions with Penn State?

Why would he have JS stand with him at senior day for his last HS football game, invite JS to his wedding, and travel over 10 hours to attend JS mother's funeral if he had been sexually molested by JS?

The same reason the Duggar girls are defending their brother. Just because someone is close to a child doesn't mean they did not or were not capable of harming the child. The victims often don't speak up and try to maintain some type of normal relationship with the attackers. Again attacking the victim doesn't make the criminal innocent. Nothing you stated above clears JS.
What makes you think what YOU post isn't "garbage"? Trying to shut someone up you don't agree with is just lame surrender. I don't agree with a lot of your "garbage". But that doesn't mean I want to shut you up.

John's gotten us a lot of good stuff. Not keeping us informed of something new he has uncovered would be just plain stupid.

And the fact that you can be happy that he's keeping you informed under the means in which he does so is despicable for any self-respecting Penn Stater.
Facebook interviews aren't going to do that. JZ is a straight hack that comes here and posts this then disappeares till his next EPIC Facebook interview.

And a Michigan subway fan who failed out of Wayne State cares why?
Why do you have so many usernames?

I don't understand it.

The same reason the Duggar girls are defending their brother. Just because someone is close to a child doesn't mean they did not or were not capable of harming the child. The victims often don't speak up and try to maintain some type of normal relationship with the attackers. Again attacking the victim doesn't make the criminal innocent. Nothing you stated above clears JS.

Believe what you want to believe. I don't believe that AM would want to maintain anything close to a normal relationship with a person for 10+ years if that person had sexually assaulted them as a 13 year old.
And the fact that you can be happy that he's keeping you informed under the means in which he does so is despicable for any self-respecting Penn Stater.

Cry me a freakin river. We're being extorted out of well over 60 million dollars by the State of Pennsylvania.

Be a good Samaritan if you feel so bad, and go find Dawn (Aaron's Mother) a good Attorney to represent her against CMHS and Corbett if you believe so much in Aaron's innocence. According to Dawn, she can't find an attorney that will go near her or her son.
Believe what you want to believe. I don't believe that AM would want to maintain anything close to a normal relationship with a person for 10+ years if that person had sexually assaulted them as a 13 year old.

AM is on the witness list if a miracle happens and there is a new trial. That is some testimony I wouldn't want to miss. :)
Cry me a freakin river. We're being extorted out of well over 60 million dollars by the State of Pennsylvania.

Be a good Samaritan if you feel so bad, and go find Dawn (Aaron's Mother) a good Attorney to represent her against CMHS and Corbett if you believe so much in Aaron's innocence. According to Dawn, she can't find an attorney that will go near her or her son.

Get better sources. It's sad that Penn State's education led to someone like you who believes crackpots.
Believe what you want to believe. I don't believe that AM would want to maintain anything close to a normal relationship with a person for 10+ years if that person had sexually assaulted them as a 13 year old.

You apparently have no real history or knowledge on what happens with victims of abuse which is fine. Parents, Uncles, Aunts, cousins, siblings, coaches, and family friends do this and the victims would rather not stir the pot or bring it all up again. There is a reason why the reports go unreported for years and quite often never get reported.

Basically this is nothing more than attacking the victim since there is no real proof JS didn't molest kids. Maybe if you attack them all enough or all victims of abuse it will somehow justify your line of thinking.
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You apparently have no real history or knowledge on what happens with victims of abuse which is fine. Parents, Uncles, Aunts, cousins, siblings, coaches, and family friends do this and the victims would rather not stir the pot or bring it all up again. There is a reason why the reports go unreported for years and quite often never get reported.

Basically this is nothing more than attacking the victim since there is no real proof JS didn't molest kids. Maybe if you attack them all enough or all victims of abuse it will somehow justify your line of thinking.

Its like arguing with Scientologists or Sasquatch hunters.:)
You apparently have no real history or knowledge on what happens with victims of abuse which is fine. Parents, Uncles, Aunts, cousins, siblings, coaches, and family friends do this and the victims would rather not stir the pot or bring it all up again. There is a reason why the reports go unreported for years and quite often never get reported.

Basically this is nothing more than attacking the victim since there is no real proof JS didn't molest kids. Maybe if you attack them all enough or all victims of abuse it will somehow justify your line of thinking.

You are wrong. My own mother was a victim of CSA and I have seen first hand the damage that was done. I don't believe that fabricating allegations of CSA do actual victims any good and I don't find AM credible.

What proof do you have that JS sexually molested kids? There were no (0) contemporaneous accusations of sexual molestation, all of the accuser's stories have changed over time, and all of the accusers had financial motivations.
I have more proof he did than you have that he didn't. He was there with the victims. He doesn't deny it. He had a history of using the abused kids and started a children's charity as a front for his appetite. He would not take the stand in his own defense and there has been zero evidence that he is innocent unless you think attacking every single victim is really a sign of his innocence.

What were you doing on June 8th 2003. What exactly were you doing at 5:58pm? Oh wait, you may not have a clear recollection of everything you were doing a decade back. The man is not innocent and is a monster. You are harming Joe's legacy, not helping it. He's not innocent and he's not getting out of jail. Santa isn't real either. Unless your Mom was the exception, it probably was someone the family knew and she probably didn't report it right away. Unfortunately most cases go unreported for years if not long so Jerry not getting busted right away is not some shock. Nothing really odd about what happened with the victims. It's also very common for those accused to attack the victims if they can't believe something is true. Maybe someday every victim and the state get busted for this huge money grab scam, but don't hold your breath on that happening. I'll be sure to man up and eat the crow when that does occur, but it's not really even a possibility at this point in time.
Yes, you've been burned troll.

From what I can see, the only one getting burned here is you. If you're forced to operate under several names, then it's because you're getting banned.

Good guys don't get banned. Trolls get banned
I have more proof he did than you have that he didn't. He was there with the victims. He doesn't deny it. He had a history of using the abused kids and started a children's charity as a front for his appetite. He would not take the stand in his own defense and there has been zero evidence that he is innocent unless you think attacking every single victim is really a sign of his innocence.

JS has never confessed and has consistently maintained his innocence. He was under no obligation to take the stand and the prosecutor's closing argument contained an unconstitutional reference to his fifth amendment right to remain silent. He did not receive a fair trial and IMO his Petition for Post Conviction Relief makes a very strong case for a hearing to determine if a new trial is warranted. You have shown no proof that he sexually molested kids.
JS has never confessed and has consistently maintained his innocence. He was under no obligation to take the stand and the prosecutor's closing argument contained an unconstitutional reference to his fifth amendment right to remain silent. He did not receive a fair trial and IMO his Petition for Post Conviction Relief makes a very strong case for a hearing to determine if a new trial is warranted. You have shown no proof that he sexually molested kids.

The proof is there, but your fingers are in your ears while you scream. The VICTIMS testified to what Jerry did to them. You want to ignore it, which is fine because your in some type of warped denial. He molested kids, is in jail, and is a serial pedophile. The whole show me pictures or DNA from 15+ years ago doesn't hold water here, but you sure seem to think that proves he is innocent. The whole world was out to get him, hell I'm in on it too. We were bored and forgot to cover our tracks better....damn you and JZ, you're on to us.
JS has never confessed and has consistently maintained his innocence. He was under no obligation to take the stand and the prosecutor's closing argument contained an unconstitutional reference to his fifth amendment right to remain silent. He did not receive a fair trial and IMO his Petition for Post Conviction Relief makes a very strong case for a hearing to determine if a new trial is warranted. You have shown no proof that he sexually molested kids.
Oh well if JS never confessed then by all means he's innocent of any wrong doing. Cmon man.
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Believe what you want to believe. I don't believe that AM would want to maintain anything close to a normal relationship with a person for 10+ years if that person had sexually assaulted them as a 13 year old.
How about if he was "in love" with Jerry? What if he thought he was having a meaningful relationship with Jerry?
Jerry was not some creep that felt these kids up when he sat next to them on the bus one time. He developed these relationships with them, much the same an typical adult would with another adult. They then progressed into physical relationships. But even at that, the sexual stuff was probably less than 1% of the time they spent together. What we often hear about as grooming is really similar to the way a lot of adults begin physical relationships.
The proof is there, but your fingers are in your ears while you scream. The VICTIMS testified to what Jerry did to them. You want to ignore it, which is fine because your in some type of warped denial. He molested kids, is in jail, and is a serial pedophile. The whole show me pictures or DNA from 15+ years ago doesn't hold water here, but you sure seem to think that proves he is innocent. The whole world was out to get him, hell I'm in on it too. We were bored and forgot to cover our tracks better....damn you and JZ, you're on to us.

The accuser testimony is not proof. It is evidence that must be considered as a part of the totality of all of the evidence. I have not offered proof of innocence. I believe that JS did not receive a fair trial and that his Petition for Post Conviction Relief makes a compelling case that Judge Cleland should order a hearing into whether a new trial is warranted. If he does, I believe he will find that a new trial is warranted. If there is a new trial, I believe there is a good chance that the result would be far different from the first trial.
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From what I can see, the only one getting burned here is you. If you're forced to operate under several names, then it's because you're getting banned.

Good guys don't get banned. Trolls get banned

"Half past the monkey's ass....