Jim Harbaugh says that he's not worth $5m per year


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
lets hope he's right!

A politically correct answer on his part ....

Anybody, no matter what their walk of life, should be able to immediately answer the question "tell me why you deserve the salary you currently receive?"

Frankly, he could currently answer that particular question. He has a very good track record and could point to that, a history of turning college teams' football programs around.

That said, if it's March 2018 and Michigan's best season has been a record of 8-5, then we can definitely say he doesn't earn the $$$. But for now, he does.
I recall one of the original Yankee free agent signings

being asked if he felt guilty about making so much money playing baseball. He gave the best response ever. "I used to, until I realized somebody had enough money to pay it."
I hope like heck that he flops. For years UM fans I know have thought he was their savior. I would laugh so hard if he's a bust.

However, if Harbaugh just gets them back to the Lloyd Carr level of winning then the Big House will be full every week, donations will be up and he'll be worth every penny of $5Mill.
No football coach is worth that much,

and in a moment of candor he admits it.

Let me know when he gives some of it back.
I'm not rooting for a flop, HOWEVER ...

there are MANY hypocritical Michigan fans who tarred and feathered Jim Harbaugh back in August 2007 when he made those academic comments. "Not a Michigan Man, screw that guy who has a DUI on his record, he's out of the Michigan family, et cetera et cetera."

Of course, that was in the era when Michigan won 10 games every year like clockwork, they had not experienced hard times. Literally thought Michigan was better than everyone else.

Experiencing humility does cause one to change their philosophical viewpoint ........ I know who those hypocritical U-M fans are, not shy about pointing them out.
Re: No football coach is worth that much,

THON should challenge him to make a sizable donation. :D
As you probably know as an AA resident,

JH does donate both money and time (does a 2-week Christian retreat down to Peru every single year) --- this has been in the news.

JH does "walk the walk" in that regard.
Re: No football coach is worth that much,

Originally posted by lionlurker:
and in a moment of candor he admits it.

Let me know when he gives some of it back.
What is your basis for this statement?

If you think the profits involved do not justify the salary, you are wrong. Coaches are in charge of programs that make millions of dollars for their university if they are successful. The difference in profit to PSU for its football program if James Franklin is able to lead PSU to a string of top 10 finishes in the next couple of years vs. being able to lead PSU to a string of 8-5 seasons is significantly greater than $5 million per year.

Programs like PSU and Michigan that have the support, facilities and reputation to maintain a top 10 football program should be paying coaches top dollar to place the programs in the top 10 on a consistent basis. The amount of dollars that roll into the University as a result of top 10 status far exceeds the coaches salary.

If you think they do not work hard enough or that their talents do not justify being paid top dollar, once again you are wrong. I believe if you compared the work schedule of a CEO making a comparable salary, I believe you would find that the work schedule of the coach is comparable to the CEO's work schedule. Further, as far as leadership qualities go, I believe a head coaches' leadership qualities are at least equal to the leadership abilities of the CEO's.
This post was edited on 3/25 9:40 AM by WPB_lion
I have no issue with Harbaugh or even Meyer doing well. What I focus my energy on is hoping James Franklin does well. There should be 3-5 good/great teams in the BIG Conference. That is what will make us better in the long run. We are not leaving this conference so we might as well hope that we along with everyone else does well.
In reality what person is worth what??? Business decides that and football is a business. I have no issue with his salary. I saw a photo of him playing what looked like a flute in the band during a basketball game. It is obvious he has a sense of humor and humility. I like him.
I think it is great when an alum comes home to help resurrect a program.
Blah blah blah.

At the end of the day, this is a game we're talking about. The President makes $400K a year, and he puts in a fair number of hours himself.
Re: Blah blah blah.

I think you have to look at how much revenue a football coach brings in....people never bought Graham Spanier bubbleheads or shirts...but they sure as heck bought Joe Paterno bubbleheads, cut outs, shirts, black cleats, photos, etc. Coaches bring in millions and millions and millions. I read this morning where Ohio State is nearly bringing in a billion dollars of revenue due to sports....not sure what those numbers include but still impressive.
Re: Blah blah blah.

Originally posted by lionlurker:
At the end of the day, this is a game we're talking about. The President makes $400K a year, and he puts in a fair number of hours himself.
It is a game that results in 100s of millions of dollars in revenue to the University. This is a fact that cannot be ignored merely because it "is a game." If those in charge of PSU are not investing sufficient funds towards this "game" to make sure that these revenues are maintained, then they are not doing their job. There is no single person (who can be paid) who is more responsible for these revenues in College Football than the head coach.

Entertainment is a big business whether it is sports, art, theatre, or movies. Money is always going to be thrown at people who can bring in significant entertainment dollars. The mere fact that people are in the entertainment business does not make them less worthy of being paid big dollars than persons capable of bringing in big dollars in other industries.
This post was edited on 3/25 10:44 AM by WPB_lion
It seems to me as if the guy likes to hear himself talk.

I mean, can't you just picture the talking heads swooning over this quote, "What a great guy, he gets that he's overpaid." At the same time he's still pulling in $5M per year; it's a completely self-serving quote. Not to bring Paterno into any thread at any possible opportunity, but Joe got paid a lot less than a lot of other coaches (the majority of the big conference coaches? dunno) but he never went around talking about how great and noble it was that he didn't get paid $5M a year.
Re: Blah blah blah.

Originally posted by lionlurker:
At the end of the day, this is a game we're talking about. The President makes $400K a year, and he puts in a fair number of hours himself.
By virtue of his position as President, he stands to make multiple millions of dollars. Same with many in Congress. Their official pay isn't really what they make or will make. So your example is a bad one. Basically the coaches are worth it because the price is being determined by the market. I know many of you have suffered through the NEA run educational system which doesn't teach these things, but supply and demand is actually quite a simple concept.
JH was asked the question by a media member in an interview

it's not like he just volunteered his thoughts without being asked.
I really don't know why this is even an issue

somebody, at UM, has a giant spread sheet and runs the numbers. Those numbers are then given to the mgt. team. That team determined that UM is better off with him at head coach and paying $5m a year than someone else.

Why would anyone apologize for that?

We are in a world where brand is so friggen important that it is hard to imagine (in the new, digital age). UM makes hundreds of millions directly and indirectly based upon the success of their football team. Somebody knows those numbers, and none of us (I am guessing) do. So they gave this guy $5m because they feel that they will make more than $5m. That's just the way it works now.
Re: Blah blah blah.

Originally posted by lionlurker:
At the end of the day, this is a game we're talking about. The President makes $400K a year, and he puts in a fair number of hours himself.
How much money does the President bring into his University? If Harbaugh is as successful expects him to be the money he will have helped to generate will be nothing compared to what he will be being paid. It's silly to say he or any coach isn't worth that much. There is a reason why these coaches are being paid this kind of money and it's not because the universities believe they are going to be losing money on the deals.
Re: No football coach is worth that much,

Are you suggesting that Michigan, or Alabama, or Ohio State, or Notre Dame, or Florida, or Florida State, or Texas A&M, or Texas, or USC, or more than a few others have a culture problem ? Oh yeah, should have mentioned PSU since we've been tagged that by Emmert, NCAA, our own BOT's, etc...
He's right. As a Niners fan I can tell you that he's worth much, much more than that. Please come back, Jim!!!!