Junior Worlds

for a big man, gable never seems to get out of a position.
Deakin with Howe in corner. Gets a step out off of a shot, counters for a takedown, then hits two attacks for takedowns. up 7-0 at the half
Valencia up 3-2 @half. AZE goes on clock, again, and Valencia gets a td. Gets 2 more takedowns, and breaks AZE. Wins 11-2!
Fix goes throw-by for takedown. Hits leg-turk to trap-arm twice. Out of bounds.
Now AZE crying about his eye.
Go-behind, to turn. Fix Techs 10-0!
Gable slick takedown. Flurry on the edge where Gable throws AZE by, scored 2 US, but AZE challenges. Challenge must've been lost, missed it. 1 more takedown Gable. 7-0 at half.
HUGE takedown going out for 2 for Gable. Damn, he's explosive. Another re-direct GIGANTIC 4 and it's a techfall for Gable over AZE!
The USA talent is insane. I think we all know how Steveson-Seth Nevills would go lol
Valencia snap-down go-behind. Should've got two on a gut, but didn't. Another snap/shuck to a trap-arm. 6-0. Takedown and a gut makes it 10-0. These dudes are slaughtering!
I am actually starting to feel slightly bad for AZE...A defending champion as well as a returning silver medalist go down by a combined 23-0 before the quarterfinals.

EDIT: Just saw that Z took out a 2016 bronze medalist earlier in the day....Damn, three top-3 guys and none of them were even close to the American contingent.
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Deakin gives up passivity shot clock point, followed by a go behind (after having one of his own just slip away) into a trap-arm. MGL gets a step-out. 6-0 MGL at half.
Deep low single for 2 for Deakin. And another. Mongolia got a bum wheel, here. I smell a comeback. DEAKIN GETS GO AHEAD TD WITH 15 to go! DEAKIN WINS! 6-6 CRITERIA!
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our conditioning is fantastic. Deakin just smothered him in the 2nd pd.
The USA members are 8-0 at 5:35 AM. But so are the Russians and the Iranians. USA has 6 TF and 2 Dec.
Beautiful defense to a takedown, right into... you guessed it... turk-trap-arm. Warned for hands to face. Another great counter to takedown. Goes straight turk to exposure. 9-0. Looks inside trip, nothing goes. Snap-down throw-by for 2 and he wins 11-0!

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