This is your pick:Thanks for all you do pawrrestlerintn. I think you have me for a 2 on 133 & 285 when the should be 3's. Thank you Sir !
And you gave me bonus at 285 when I predicted just a decision.....
Sorry my bad .. Thank you !This is your pick:
133 - RBY Dec Medley Micic Dec RBY RBY TF other
RBY beat Ragusin by decision, not Medley.
Oh how the mighty have fallen, first to thirteenth with the entry of an excel cell..... Of course it helps to have a number before your name so you get further up the list with tied scores....285 Corrected.
Oh how the mighty have fallen, first to thirteenth with the entry of an excel cell..... Of course it helps to have a number before your name so you get further up the list with tied scores....
You remember the Excel issue from the last dual? That got you in this dual, because I can't decipher a 125 pick for you involving Howard and Medley.I'm not sure what happened with my scoring for the Michigan dual. I see you gave me a few points at a few weights, but the total is zero. I reviewed my picks and I count 18 points (I also picked Howard over Medley, but neglected to put that down among all the options). Could you check my picks again--I'm pretty sure I got more than 0. 😀
I think we all saw your mistake ... about 6 weeks ago.I see my mistake. Will be corrected in the morning.
Anyone interested in a little KYPSW, since it looks like we might have a season, after all?
125: Howard (PSU) DEC Heinselman |
or Heinselman (OSU) DEC Shunk |
or Howard (PSU) DEC Decatur |
or Shunk (PSU) DEC Decatur |
or Howard (PSU) DEC Koontz |
or Shunk (PSU) DEC Koontz |
133: RBY (PSU) DEC Decatur |
or RBY (PSU) DEC Koontz |
141: Lee (PSU) FALL D'Emilio |
or Bartlett (PSU) DEC D'Emilio |
or Lee (PSU) MAJ Echemendia |
or Bartlett (PSU) DEC Echemendia |
149: Sasso (OSU) MAJ Verk |
or Sasso (OSU) TF Barraclough |
or Sasso (OSU) MAJ Gardner |
or Sasso (OSU) FALL Pipher |
or Sasso (OSU) MAJ Bartlett |
or Verk (PSU) DEC Stickley |
or Barraclough (PSU) DEC Stickley |
or Gardner (PSU) DEC Stickley |
or Pipher (PSU) DEC Stickley |
or Bartlett (PSU) DEC Stickley |
157: Berge (PSU) DEC Cleary |
or Cleary (OSU) DEC Pipher |
or Berge (PSU) DEC Hepner |
or Hepner (OSU) DEC Pipher |
165: Lee (PSU) DEC Smith |
or Smith (OSU) DEC Manville |
174: Starocci (PSU) DEC Romero |
or Romero (OSU) MAJ Edsell |
or Romero (OSU) MAJ Manville |
or Starocci (PSU) DEC Schierl |
or Schierl (OSU) DEC Edsell |
or Schierl (OSU) DEC Manville |
184: Brooks (PSU) DEC Jordan |
or Brooks (PSU) FALL Steiner |
197: Beard (PSU) DEC Hoffman |
or Beard (PSU) DEC Singletary |
or Beard (PSU) DEC Boykin |
HWT: Nevills (PSU) DEC Orndorff |
I'm looking at this on my phone, so I can't tell if I am going to be able to see all of your possible combinations on one screen on my computer. If I can't then this format is a no-go. I open an xl window and a picks window, and if I have to move from excel over to the picks just to Scroll the screen down, That's really going to slow me down. If I can see them, then I don't care if you use it or not. I will let you know later this evening.Ok, this is getting too confusing with up to 5 guys in a weight class per team and it cost me points last match, so I wrote a spreadsheet to generate all possible matchups based on all of the potential wrestlers you list for each team by weight. It makes the output long, but I hope easier for you to decipher. Let me know if you have a problem with submissions this format, and I will change it. Thanks.
125: Howard (PSU) DEC Heinselman or Heinselman (OSU) DEC Shunk or Howard (PSU) DEC Decatur or Shunk (PSU) DEC Decatur or Howard (PSU) DEC Koontz or Shunk (PSU) DEC Koontz 133: RBY (PSU) DEC Decatur or RBY (PSU) DEC Koontz 141: Lee (PSU) FALL D'Emilio or Bartlett (PSU) DEC D'Emilio or Lee (PSU) MAJ Echemendia or Bartlett (PSU) DEC Echemendia 149: Sasso (OSU) MAJ Verk or Sasso (OSU) TF Barraclough or Sasso (OSU) MAJ Gardner or Sasso (OSU) FALL Pipher or Sasso (OSU) MAJ Bartlett or Verk (PSU) DEC Stickley or Barraclough (PSU) DEC Stickley or Gardner (PSU) DEC Stickley or Pipher (PSU) DEC Stickley or Bartlett (PSU) DEC Stickley 157: Berge (PSU) DEC Cleary or Cleary (OSU) DEC Pipher or Berge (PSU) DEC Hepner or Hepner (OSU) DEC Pipher 165: Lee (PSU) DEC Smith or Smith (OSU) DEC Manville 174: Starocci (PSU) DEC Romero or Romero (OSU) MAJ Edsell or Romero (OSU) MAJ Manville or Starocci (PSU) DEC Schierl or Schierl (OSU) DEC Edsell or Schierl (OSU) DEC Manville 184: Brooks (PSU) DEC Jordan or Brooks (PSU) FALL Steiner 197: Beard (PSU) DEC Hoffman or Beard (PSU) DEC Singletary or Beard (PSU) DEC Boykin HWT: Nevills (PSU) DEC Orndorff
Ok, no problem. I'll rework it tonight.Seriously Random! I'm backing pa up on this game. Your format just created a lot more effort on our part. Try again, please.
I just looked at it on my computer, and I had to scroll three times to see all of the picks. What you have for 125 is:Ok, no problem. I'll rework it tonight.
The correction has been made, and you do, indeed, have 18 points for the Michigan match. It will be reflected in tonight's season to date standings.I'm not sure what happened with my scoring for the Michigan dual. I see you gave me a few points at a few weights, but the total is zero. I reviewed my picks and I count 18 points (I also picked Howard over Medley, but neglected to put that down among all the options). Could you check my picks again--I'm pretty sure I got more than 0. 😀