Know Your Penn State Wrestlers (KYPSW) 2017-18

125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - Dom Giannangeli DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener 4th, 1
141 - Jered Cortez 5th, 3
141 - Nick Lee 1st, 5
149 - Bo Pipher DNP, 2
149 - Zain Retherford (1st, 8 Bonus)
149 - Jarod Verkleren 6th 2
157 - Jason Nolf (1st, 6.5 Bonus)
165 - Vincenzo Joseph (1st, 6 Bonus)
174 - Franny Bisono
174 - Mark Hall (1st, Bonus)
184 - Bo Nickal (1st, 7 Bonus)
184 - Devon Van Cura
197 - Anthony Cassar 1st 3
197 - Matt McCutcheon 2nd 1
197 - Shakur Rasheed 5th 5
285 - Nick Nevills (1st, 5)
285 - Alex Nicholas
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125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - Dom Giannangeli DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener 3rd, 1
141 - Jered Cortez 4th, 3
141 - Nick Lee 1st, 5
149 - Bo Pipher DNP, 2
149 - Zain Retherford (1st, 8 Bonus)
149 - Jarod Verkleren 5th 2 Bonus
157 - Jason Nolf (1st, 8.0 Bonus)
165 - Vincenzo Joseph (1st, 6 Bonus)
174 - Franny Bisono DNP
174 - Mark Hall (1st, 6 Bonus)
184 - Bo Nickal (1st, 8 Bonus)
184 - Devon Van Cura DNP
197 - Anthony Cassar 2nd, 2 Bonus
197 - Matt McCutcheon 3rd, 1 Bonus
197 - Shakur Rasheed 4th, 3 Bonus
285 - Nick Nevills (1st, 5 Bonus)
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP
125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - George Carpenter DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener 4 1
141 - Jered Cortez 4 0
141 - Nick Lee 3 2
149 - Bo Pipher DNP 0
149 - Zain Retherford 1 8
149 - Jarod Verkleeren 5 2
157 - Jason Nolf 1 7
165 - Vincenzo Joseph 1 4
174 - Franny Bisono DNP 0
174 - Mark Hall 1 5
184 - Bo Nickal 1 5
197 - Anthony Cassar 1 2
197 - Matt McCutcheon 2 3
197 - Shakur Rasheed 3 4
285 - Nick Nevills 1 2
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP 0
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Southern Scuffle

125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0 bonus
133 - Carpenter DNP 0 bonus
133 - Corey Keener 4th, 1.5 bonus
141 - Jered Cortez 4th, 3 bonus
141 - Nick Lee 1st, 4 bonus
149 - Bo Pipher DNP, 1 bonus
149 - Zain Retherford 1st, 8 bonus
149 - Jarod Verkleren 7th 2 bonus
157 - Jason Nolf 1st, 7.5 bonus
165 - Vincenzo Joseph 1st, 5 bonus
174 - Franny Bisono DNP, 0 bonus
174 - Mark Hall 1st, 7 bonus
184 - Bo Nickal 1st, 7 bonus
184 - Devon Van Cura DNP, 0 bonus
197 - Anthony Cassar 1st 3 bonus
197 - Matt McCutcheon 2nd 1.5 bonus
197 - Shakur Rasheed 5th 5 bonus
285 - Nick Nevills 1st, 4 bonus
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP, 0 bonus
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125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - Dom Giannangeli DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener 3 1
141 - Jered Cortez 4 1
141 - Nick Lee 4 2

149 - Bo Pipher DNP 0
149 - Zain Retherford 1 7
149 - Jarod Verkleeren 7 1
157 - Jason Nolf 1 7
165 - Vincenzo Joseph 1 4.5
174 - Franny Bisono DNP 0
174 - Mark Hall 1 4.5
184 - Bo Nickal 1 6.5
184 - Devon Van Cura DNP 0
197 - Anthony Cassar 2 2
197 - Matt McCutcheon 2 1.5
197 - Shakur Rasheed 5 1
285 - Nick Nevills 1 3
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP 0
How are bonus points determined for the tournament? I've always known for duals but I'm a little fuzzy in tournament formats
Southern Scuffle

125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - George Carpenter DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener 4, 2
141 - Jered Cortez 4, 3.5
141 - Nick Lee 1, 5
149 - Bo Pipher 6, 3
149 - Zain Retherford 1, 9.5
149 - Jarod Verkleeren 4, 3.5
157 - Jason Nolf 1, 9.5
165 - Vincenzo Joseph 1st, 4.5
174 - Franny Bisono DNP, 0
174 - Mark Hall 1st, 5
184 - Bo Nickal 1st, 6.5
184 - Devon Van Cura DNP, 0
197 - Anthony Cassar 1, 2
197 - Matt McCutcheon 2, 2
197 - Shakur Rasheed 3, 2.5
285 - Nick Nevills 1st, 2.5
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP, 0
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Southern Scuffle

125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0 bonus
133 - G. Carpenter DNP 1 bonus
133 - Corey Keener 3rd, 3 bonus
141 - Jered Cortez 5th 2 bonus
141 - Nick Lee 1st, 4.5 bonus
149 - Bo Pipher DNP, 2 bonus
149 - Zain Retherford 1st, 8.5 bonus
149 - Jarod Verkleren 5th 2 bonus
157 - Jason Nolf 1st, 8.5 bonus
165 - V Joseph 1st, 4.5 bonus
174 - Franny Bisono DNP, 0 bonus
174 - Mark Hall 1st, 7 bonus
184 - Bo Nickal 1st, 8 bonus
184 - Devon Van Cura DNP, 1 bonus
197 - Anthony Cassar 1st 3 bonus
197 - M McCutcheon 2nd 2 bonus
197 - Shakur Rasheed 6th 2 bonus
285 - Nick Nevills 1st, 4 bonus
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP, 0 bonus
Southern Scuffle:

125: Schnupp Dnp 0
133: Carpenter Dnp 0
133: Keener. 5th. 1
141: Cortez. 5th. 1.5
141: Lee. 3rd. 3
149: Pipher. Dnp. 2
149: Retherford. 1st. 9
149: Verkleeren. 3rd. 2.5
157: Nolf. 1st. 9
165: Joseph. 2nd. 3
174: Bisono Dnp 0
174: Hall. 1st. 6.5
184: Nickal. 1st. 8
184: Van Cura? Dnp. 0
197: Cassar. 1st. 2
197: McCutchen. 2nd. 2
197: Rasheed. 5th. 2
285: Nevills. 1st. 4
285: Nichols Dnp 0
125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - George Carpenter DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener 4 2.5
141 - Jered Cortez 5 4
141 - Nick Lee 4 3.5
149 - Bo Pipher 7 2
149 - Zain Retherford 1 8.5
149 - Jarod Verkleeren 4 2
157 - Jason Nolf 1 8
165 - Vincenzo Joseph 1 3
174 - Franny Bisono DNP 0
174 - Mark Hall 1 6
184 - Bo Nickal 1 7
197 - Anthony Cassar 1 1
197 - Matt McCutcheon 2 2
197 - Shakur Rasheed 6 3
285 - Nick Nevills 1 4
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP 0
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Southern Scuffle
125 Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 George Carpenter DNP 0
133 Cory Keener 4th 1
141 Jered Cortez 7th 2
141 Nick Lee 4th 3.5
149 Bo Pipher DNP 2
149 Zain Retherford 1st 8.5
149 Jerod Verkleeren 7th 2.5
157 Jason Nolf 1st 8.5
165 Vincenzo Joseph 1st 3
174 Franny Bisono DNP 0
174 Mark Hll 1st 7.5
184 Bo Nickel 1st 8
184 Devon VanCura DNP 0
197 Anthony Cassar 1st 2
197 Matt McCutcheon 3rd 2
197 Shakur Rasheed 7th 2
285 Nick Nevills 1st 4.5
285 Alex Nicholas DNP 0

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125 - Schnupp (DNP, 0 bonus)
133 - Carpenter (DNP, 0)
133 - Keener (4th, 1)
141 - Cortez (5th, 2.5)
141 - Lee (2nd, 2.5)
149 - Pipher (DNP, 2)
149 - Retherford (1st, 8)
149 - Verkleeren (7th, 1.5)
157 - Jason Nolf (1st, 8.5)
165 - Vincenzo Joseph (2nd, 3.5)
174 - Franny Bisono (DNP, 0)
174 - Mark Hall (1st, 6)
184 - Bo Nickal (1st, 8)
184 - Devon Van Cura (DNP, 0)
197 - Anthony Cassar (1st, 2)
197 - Matt McCutcheon (3rd, 1.5)
197 - Shakur Rasheed (5th, 4)
285 - Nick Nevills (1st, 4)
285 - Alex Nicholas (DNP, 0)
125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - Dom Giannangeli DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener 4th, 1
141 - Jered Cortez 4th, 3
141 - Nick Lee 1st, 5
149 - Bo Pipher DNP, 2
149 - Zain Retherford (1st, 8 Bonus)
149 - Jarod Verkleren 6th 2
157 - Jason Nolf (1st, 6.5 Bonus)
165 - Vincenzo Joseph (1st, 6 Bonus)
174 - Franny Bisono
174 - Mark Hall (1st, 5 Bonus)
184 - Bo Nickal (1st, 7 Bonus)
184 - Devon Van Cura
197 - Anthony Cassar 1st 3
197 - Matt McCutcheon 2nd 1
197 - Shakur Rasheed 5th 5
285 - Nick Nevills (1st, 5)
285 - Alex Nicholas
I know what we said about only scoring the 15 scoring wrestlers for PSU. However, it appears that everyone copied and pasted all nineteen wrestlers and predicted all of them, so here's what I think we're doing...

Dropping Giannengeli/Carpenter and ignoring Van Cura. All these changes were late, so some people didn't make those changes.
Scoring the other 17.

Aside from those changes helping/hurting various people, can anyone think of reasons not to score it this way?
Can someone check me on this?

125 - Devin Schnupp DNP 0
133 - Corey Keener DNP, 3
141 - Jered Cortez DNP, 0
141 - Nick Lee 2, 6.5
149 - Bo Pipher DNP, 0
149 - Zain Retherford 1, 9.5
149 - Jarod Verkleren 7, 1
157 - Jason Nolf 1, 10
165 - Vincenzo Joseph 1, 6
174 - Franny Bisono DNP, 0
174 - Mark Hall 1, 5
184 - Bo Nickal 1, 8
197 - Anthony Cassar 3, 0
197 - Matt McCutcheon DNP, 2
197 - Shakur Rasheed 1, 8
285 - Nick Nevills 4, 5
285 - Alex Nicholas DNP, 0
Okay, we're going to play that "sit down if" game. Everybody stand up.

Sit down if you had Nick Lee 1st with 6.5 bonus. Why is everyone still standing? Try again.
Sit down if you had Rasheed winning. No one? This isn't working the way I thought it would.
Sit down if you had Nevills finishing other than first. Hmmm.
Well, okay, I'm just going to put an end to this. Sit down if you UNDERestimated Jason Nolf's 10 bonus points.

This Scuffle scoring always provides for some frustration, and is always very difficult. How else to you explain that the winner had just 36 points, out of a possible 144? (10 at 6 points, 7 at 3 points, 63 bonus) Well, when you can lose 7 points on a guy (Rasheed) that actually scores 14, the swing is -21. Whoof, that hurts. Right, Potter? Oh, I shouldn't pick on only him, jimbokropf lost 6.5 on Rasheed. And NO ONE was in positive territory on Rasheed.

So, below are the results, I think. (This is a brand new spreadsheet, so check your scores and get back to me.)

Congratulations to lionmd for persevering and winning the Scuffle by 0.5 over Justin6. I hope everyone enjoyed it, despite the Zain-like beating we all took.

125 Devin Schnupp Fr. Lititz, Pa./Warwick / 1-9
133 Corey Keener Sr. Schuylkill Haven, Pa./Blue Mountain / 9-2
141 Luke Gardner Fr. Pottsville, Pa./Pottsville / 6-4
Jered Cortez Jr. Carol Stream, Ill./Glenbard North / 11-1
149 #1 Zain Retherford Sr. Benton, Pa./Benton / 14-0
157 #1 Jason Nolf Jr. Yatesboro, Pa./Kittanning / 14-0
165 #1 Vincenzo Joseph So. Pittsburgh, Pa./Central Catholic / 9-0
174 #2 Mark Hall So. Apple Valley, Minn./Apple Valley / 15-0
184 #1 Bo Nickal Jr. Allen, Texas/Allen / 14-0
197 Anthony Cassar So. Rocky Hill, N.J./Montgomery / 12-2
#10 Shakur Rasheed Jr. Coram, N.Y./Longwood / 12-2
Matt McCutcheon Sr. Apollo, Pa./Kiski Area / 5-3
285 #8 Nick Nevills Jr. Clovis, Calif./Clovis / 15-2

125 #15 Drew Martin Fr. Delta, Ohio/Delta / 13-6
133 #6 Stevan Micic So. Cedar Lake, Ind./Hanover Central / 10-2
141 Sal Profaci So. Monroe Twp., N.J./Monroe Twp. / 9-6
149 Malik Amine Jr. Brighton, Mich./Detroit Catholic Central / 10-6
157 #5 Alec Pantaleo Jr. Canton, Mich./Canton / 9-2
165 #5 Logan Massa So. St. Johns, Mich./St. Johns / 9-1
174 #6 Myles Amine So. Brighton, Mich./Detroit Catholic Central / 12-3
184 #5 Domenic Abounader Sr. Gates Mills, Ohio/St. Edward / 13-2
197 #11 Kevin Beazley Sr. Highland, Mich./Detroit Catholic Central / 11-2
285 #2 Adam Coon Sr. Fowlerville, Mich./Fowlerville / 15-0

125 Rayvon Foley Fr. Ann Arbor, Mich./Pioneer / 18-5
133 Matt Santos Fr. Saginaw, Mich./Swan Valley / 4-6
141 #20 Javier Gasca Sr. Kingsburg, Calif./Kingsburg / 11-4
149 Jwan Britton Fr. Muskegon, Mich./Whitehall / 9-7
OR Austin Eicher Jr. Fenton, Mich./Fenton / 5-3
157 Jake Tucker Fr. Lowell, INd./Mt. Carmell (Ill.) / 15-9
165 Austin Hiles Fr. Brecksville, Ohio/Brecksville / 9-11
OR Logan Ritchie So. New Boston, Mich./Huron / 8-13
174 Austin Hiles Fr. Brecksville, Ohio/Brecksville / 9-11
OR Logan Ritchie So. New Boston, Mich./Huron / 8-13
184 Nick May Fr. Kalamazoo, Mich./Loy Norrix / 5-13
OR Shwan Shadaia Jr. Rochester Hills, Mich./Rochester / 7-11
197 Nick May Fr. Kalamazoo, Mich./Loy Norrix / 5-13
OR Shwan Shadaia Jr. Rochester Hills, Mich./Rochester / 7-11
285 Matt Lloyd Fr. Lansing, Mich./Grand Ledge / 6-9
You can already see the cluster F that is coming.. NO Lee listed at 41... No Kuhn at 25... going to be tough to even know what line up we are really putting out there..
You can already see the cluster F that is coming.. NO Lee listed at 41... No Kuhn at 25... going to be tough to even know what line up we are really putting out there..
It’ll all be fine if everyone follows the suggestion at beginning of the season and that is to list each wrestler at each weight that could wrestle.
It’ll all be fine if everyone follows the suggestion at beginning of the season and that is to list each wrestler at each weight that could wrestle.

yeah, i get that.. been doing this with these guys since the beginning.. problem is Kuhn isn't even listed.. nor is Lee.. so it is tough to know who to list.. I mean technically anyone at all on the roster could be thrown in there.. just a lot of unknowns these next two matches.. I think it will become clearer who we have to choose from as the next matches approach..

125 Mattin MD over Schnupp or Kuhn DEC
133 Micic DEC
141 Profaci DEC over Gardner or Lee MD
149 Retherford FALL
157 Nolf TF
165 Joseph DEC over Massa, FALL over any other
174 Hall DEC
184 Nickal MD
197 Cassar or Rasheed DEC
285 Coon DEC


125 Foley DEC over Schnupp or Kuhn DEC
133 Keener FALL over Santos
141 Gasca DEC over Gardner or Lee DEC
149 Retherford FALL
157 Nolf FALL
165 Joseph TF
174 Hall FALL
184 Nickal FALL
197 Cassar TF or Rasheed FALL
285 Nevills FALL
vs Michigan
125: Mattin majdec Schnupp; dec Kuhn
133: Micic majdec Kuhn; majdec Keener
141: Lee Fall Profaci; or Profaci Dec Gardner
149: Zain Fall over any UM
157: Nolf Techfall over Pantaleo; Fall any other UM
165: Cenzo Dec over Massa; Fall any other UM
174: Hall dec over Amine; Fall any other UM
184: Bo MajDec over Abounader
197: Shaq Dec over Any UM; Cassar Dec over any UM
285: Coon Dec over Nevills

vs MSU
125: Foley dec Schnup; Kuhn dec Foley
133: Kuhn dec Santos; Keener dec Santos
141: Lee Majdec Gasca; Gasca dec Gardner
149: Zain Fall over any MSU
157: Nolf Fall any MSU
165: Cenzo Fall any MSU
174: Hall Fall any MSU
184: Bo Fall any MSU
197: Shaq Fall any MSU; Cassar MajDec any MSU
285: Nevills Fall any MSU
Penn State vs. Michigan

125: Any Mich. MD over Schnupp; or Mattin Dec. over Kuhn
133: Micic Dec. over Keener
141: Profaci Dec. over Gardner; or Cortez Dec. over Profaci; or Lee TF over Profaci
149: Retherford by Fall
157: Nolf by Fall
165: Joseph by MD
174: Hall by Dec.
184: Nickal by Dec.
197: Beazley Dec. over Cassar; or Rasheed Dec. over Beazley
285: Coon by Dec.

Penn State vs. Mich. State

125: Schnupp Dec. over Foley; or Kuhn Dec. over Foley
133: Keener by MD
141: Gasca Dec. over Gardner; or Cortez Dec. over Gasca; or Lee MD over Gasca
149: Retherford by Fall
157: Nolf by Fall
165: Joseph by Fall
174: Hall by Fall
184: Nickal by Fall
197: Cassar by TF; or Rasheed by Fall
285: Nevills by Fall
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You can already see the cluster F that is coming.. NO Lee listed at 41... No Kuhn at 25... going to be tough to even know what line up we are really putting out there..
HG, this is not directed at you...
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Michigan Dual

125: Mattin MD Schnupp/Other PSU or DEC Kuhn
133: Micic DEC Keener
141: Cortez DEC Profaci or Lee MD Profaci or Profaci DEC Other PSU
149: Retherford FALL Amine
157: Nolf FALL Pantaleo
165: Joseph DEC Massa or TECH Other Mich
174: Hall DEC Amine
184: Nickal DEC Abounader
197: Cassar/Rasheed DEC Beazley
285: Coon DEC Nevills
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]vs Michigan
125: Mattin majdec Schnupp; Kuhn dec
133: Micic majdec Kuhn; majdec Keener
141: Lee Maj dec Profaci; or Profaci Dec Gardner
149: Zain Fall over any UM
157: Nolf Techfall over Pantaleo; Fall any other UM
165: Cenzo Dec over Massa; Fall any other UM
174: Hall Fall any UM
184: Bo Fall over Abounader
197: Shakur Fall over Any UM; Cassar Dec over any UM
285: Coon Dec over Nevills

vs MSU
125: Foley dec Schnup; Kuhn dec Foley
133: Kuhn Md Santos; Keener dec Santos
141: Lee dec Gasca; Gasca dec Gardner
149: Zain Fall over any MSU
157: Nolf Fall any MSU
165: Cenzo Fall any MSU
174: Hall Fall any MSU
184: Bo Fall any MSU
197: Shakur Fall any MSU; Cassar MajDec any MSU
285: Nevills Fall any MSU[/QUOTE]
Michigan Dual (1/12)

125 Mattin (UM) MD over any PSU
133 Micic (UM) DEC
141 Profaci (UM) DEC over Gardner, Other PSU MD over Profaci
149 Retherford FALL
157 Nolf TF
165 Joseph DEC over Massa, FALL over any other UM
174 Hall DEC
184 Nickal DEC
197 Any PSU DEC
285 Coon (UM) DEC
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125: Mattin DEC Schnupp or Kuhn DEC Mattin
133: Micic MD
141: Lee MD Profaci or Profaci DEC other PSU
149: Retherford FALL
157: Nolf TF
165: Joseph DEC Massa, FALL any other
174: Hall DEC
184: Nickal MD
197: Rasheed or Cassar DEC.
285: Coon DEC Nevills
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State vs. Michigan

125: Mattin dec over Schnupp; or Mattin Dec. over Kuhn
133: Micic Dec. over Keener
141: Profaci Dec. over Gardner; or Cortez Dec. over Profaci; or Lee TF over Profaci
149: Retherford by Fall
157: Nolf by Fall
165: Joseph by TF
174: Hall by MD.
184: Nickal by Fall.
197: Beazley Dec. over Cassar; or Rasheed Pin over Beazley
285: Coon by Dec.
125 Mattin DEC Kuhn, Mattin MD Schnupp
133 Micic MD
141 Cortez DEC Profaci, Lee MD Profaci, Profaci DEC any other PSU
149 Retherford FALL
157 Nolf TF
165 Joseph DEC Massa, Joseph FALL any other UM
174 Hall DEC
184 Nickal DEC
197 Rasheed FALL, Beazley DEC any other PSU
285 Coon DEC

125 Kuhn DEC Foley, Foley DEC Schnupp
133 Keener FALL
141 Lee MD, Cortez DEC, Gasca DEC any other PSU
149 Retherford FALL
157 Nolf FALL
165 Joseph TF
174 Hall FALL
184 Nickal FALL
197 Rasheed TF, Cassar DEC, McCutcheon MD
285 Nevills MD
125: Mattin md Schnup or Kuhn dec Mattin
133: Micic md Kuhn or Micic md Keener
141: Lee Fall Profaci or Profaci dec Gardner
149: Zain Fall over any UM
157: Nolf Techfall over Pantaleo; Fall any other UM
165: Cenzo Dec over Massa; Fall any other UM
174: Hall dec over Amine; Fall any other UM
184: Bo Dec over Abounader
197: Shaq Dec over Any UM; Cassar Dec over any UM
285: Coon Dec over Nevills

vs MSU
125: Foley dec Schnup; Kuhn dec Foley
133: Kuhn dec Santos; Keener dec Santos
141: Lee md Gasca; Gasca md Gardner
149: Zain Fall over any MSU
157: Nolf Fall any MSU
165: Cenzo Fall any MSU
174: Hall Fall any MSU
184: Bo Fall any MSU
197: Shaq Fall any MSU; Cassar md any MSU
285: Nevills Fall any MSU
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125 Mattin MD Schnupp or Dec over Kuhn
133 Micic DEC over Keener
141 Profaci DEC over Gardner, Lee MD over Profaci
149 Retherford FALL
157 Nolf TF
165 Joseph DEC over Massa, FALL over any other
174 Hall DEC
184 Nickal DEC
197 Any PSU DEC
285 Coon DEC

125 Any UM MD Schnupp, Kuhn Dec any UM
133 Micic Dec Keener, Keener MD any other UM
141 Profacci Dec Gardner, Lee Fall any UM
149 Retherford Fall any UM
157 Nolf Fall any UM
165 Joseph Dec Massa, TF any other UM
174 Hall Dec Amine, Fall any other UM
184 Nickal MD Abounader, Fall any other UM
197 Rasheed Fall any UM, Cassar Dec any UM
H Nevills Dec Coon

Edited: to make Meatchicken free
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125 Any MSU Dec Schnupp, Kuhn MD any MSU
133 Keener TF Any MSU
141 Gasca MD Gardner, Lee MD Gasca
149 Retherford Fall any MSU
157 Nolf Fall any MSU
165 Jospeh Fall any MSU
174 Hall Fall any MSU
184 Nickal Fall any MSU
197 Rasheed Fall any MSU, Cassar MD any MSU
H Nevills Fall any MSU
125 UM dec Schnupp,OR Kuhn dec UM
133 Micic dec Keener, OR TF other PSU
141 Lee TF UM, OR UM dec any other PSU
149 Zain Fall
157 Nolf Fall
165 Joseph Dec Massa OR Fall any other UM
174 Hall MD Amine OR Fall other UM
184 Bo MD UM
197 SHAK MD Beazley OR Cassar Dec UM
HWT Coon Fall Nevills
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125 Martin FALL over Schnupp;
or Martin DEC over Kuhn
133 Micic MD
141 Profaci DEC over Cortez;
or Profaci MD over Gardner
or Lee DEC over Profaci
149 Retherford TF
157 Nolf FALL
165 Joseph DEC over Massa
or Joseph TF over ANY OTHER
174 Hall DEC
184 Nickal DEC
197 Rasheed DEC over Beazley
or Beazley DEC over Cassar