I really appreciate the many posts in this thread. Many have posted important information and many have given me greater insight into what happened in 1998 and 2011. I guess I am known, if known at all, as someone who usually posts bombastic posts that are meant to make people think and perhaps get some answers to questions not often asked.
My extreme positions have been; firstly, that there is no way Sandusky is the single pedophile working the kids at The Second Mile and that there is no way people didn't notice and didn't say anything. Secondly, I believe Ray Gricar, Tom Corbett, State College Police, State Youth Services professionals, members of the BoT, the administration and lately it was revealed several assistant coaches knew about "something wrong" going on and also didn't say anything.
I stand by my post that people in power (see above) and powerful local businessmen conspired to hide Sandusky's crimes in order to protect the Golden Goose that Penn State Football is. We know that Corbett refused to investigate as A.G. for years until I guess they saw the end coming. They must have been desperate to find a fall guy and the dying Joe Paterno must been seen as a gift from hell. They threw him under the buss and refused to let him speak at the end under threat of the loss of his pension.
I believe that the Golden Goose being protected was the TSM not PSU football. How else do you explain the complete lack of scrutiny on it and Raykovitz?
So, here we are 5 years later and to this point Joe Paterno is the only person besides Sandusky has been punished, actually ruined, to this point. No trials yet, no discovery, no sworn testimonly. How about the assistant coaches names by the latest victims. OSU is standing behind Shiano. Scrap is still on UCLA's staff. What about Golden, Fran Ganter, Ron Anderson and the rest of them? Nobody is coming after them that I know of.
This is what really pisses me off, that Joe Paterno is left holding this bag of guano. Joe clearly has not been given the pass everybody else has been enjoying. This defies and logic or reason any intelligent person could gather from the rumors, there are no 'facts' that meet any version of due process one might have. I would love to get Shiano and Bradley on the witness stand.
Other Penn Staters and I have talked about all of this and all are in agreement that there was a conspiracy and cover up over the Millions of dollars PSU football continues to generate. And the money laundering idea has a lot of merit.
What is your opinion as to why there have been no books published, no movies made yet? There are millions to be made in both media. But why no books or movies? Our opinion is that is because these people know the complete story has not yet become known.
Any other cogent possibilities from anybody else?
I believe that the Golden Goose being protected was TSM not PSU Football. How else can you explain lack of scrutiny on TSM and Raykovitz?