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I really appreciate the many posts in this thread. Many have posted important information and many have given me greater insight into what happened in 1998 and 2011. I guess I am known, if known at all, as someone who usually posts bombastic posts that are meant to make people think and perhaps get some answers to questions not often asked.

My extreme positions have been; firstly, that there is no way Sandusky is the single pedophile working the kids at The Second Mile and that there is no way people didn't notice and didn't say anything. Secondly, I believe Ray Gricar, Tom Corbett, State College Police, State Youth Services professionals, members of the BoT, the administration and lately it was revealed several assistant coaches knew about "something wrong" going on and also didn't say anything.

I stand by my post that people in power (see above) and powerful local businessmen conspired to hide Sandusky's crimes in order to protect the Golden Goose that Penn State Football is. We know that Corbett refused to investigate as A.G. for years until I guess they saw the end coming. They must have been desperate to find a fall guy and the dying Joe Paterno must been seen as a gift from hell. They threw him under the buss and refused to let him speak at the end under threat of the loss of his pension.
I believe that the Golden Goose being protected was the TSM not PSU football. How else do you explain the complete lack of scrutiny on it and Raykovitz?
So, here we are 5 years later and to this point Joe Paterno is the only person besides Sandusky has been punished, actually ruined, to this point. No trials yet, no discovery, no sworn testimonly. How about the assistant coaches names by the latest victims. OSU is standing behind Shiano. Scrap is still on UCLA's staff. What about Golden, Fran Ganter, Ron Anderson and the rest of them? Nobody is coming after them that I know of.

This is what really pisses me off, that Joe Paterno is left holding this bag of guano. Joe clearly has not been given the pass everybody else has been enjoying. This defies and logic or reason any intelligent person could gather from the rumors, there are no 'facts' that meet any version of due process one might have. I would love to get Shiano and Bradley on the witness stand.

Other Penn Staters and I have talked about all of this and all are in agreement that there was a conspiracy and cover up over the Millions of dollars PSU football continues to generate. And the money laundering idea has a lot of merit.

What is your opinion as to why there have been no books published, no movies made yet? There are millions to be made in both media. But why no books or movies? Our opinion is that is because these people know the complete story has not yet become known.

Any other cogent possibilities from anybody else?

I believe that the Golden Goose being protected was TSM not PSU Football. How else can you explain lack of scrutiny on TSM and Raykovitz?
As I understand it, the ruling says that Penn State did not hire Freeh, the SITF did. Thus, any communication between Freeh and the university, the NCAA or the OAG is discoverable.
I looked at the ruling quickly, but I believe the interviews are also discoverable
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Where are you getting this from!? 5 years, exhaustive investigating and no freaking evidence. Only bogus accuser after bogus accuser. Pedophilia is the red herring in this entire affair. I can not believe people cling to this fantasy.

I really appreciate the many posts in this thread. Many have posted important information and many have given me greater insight into what happened in 1998 and 2011. I guess I am known, if known at all, as someone who usually posts bombastic posts that are meant to make people think and perhaps get some answers to questions not often asked.

My extreme positions have been; firstly, that there is no way Sandusky is the single pedophile working the kids at The Second Mile and that there is no way people didn't notice and didn't say anything. Secondly, I believe Ray Gricar, Tom Corbett, State College Police, State Youth Services professionals, members of the BoT, the administration and lately it was revealed several assistant coaches knew about "something wrong" going on and also didn't say anything.

I stand by my post that people in power (see above) and powerful local businessmen conspired to hide Sandusky's crimes in order to protect the Golden Goose that Penn State Football is. We know that Corbett refused to investigate as A.G. for years until I guess they saw the end coming. They must have been desperate to find a fall guy and the dying Joe Paterno must have been seen as a gift from hell. They threw him under the buss and refused to let him speak at the end under threat of the loss of his pension.

So, here we are 5 years later and to this point Joe Paterno is the only person besides Sandusky has been punished, actually ruined, to this point. No trials yet, no discovery, no sworn testimonly. How about the assistant coaches names by the latest victims. OSU is standing behind Shiano. Scrap is still on UCLA's staff. What about Golden, Fran Ganter, Ron Anderson and the rest of them? Nobody is coming after them that I know of.

This is what really pisses me off, that Joe Paterno is left holding this bag of guano. Joe clearly has not been given the pass everybody else has been enjoying. This defies and logic or reason any intelligent person could gather from the rumors, there are no 'facts' that meet any version of due process one might have. I would love to get Shiano and Bradley on the witness stand.

Other Penn Staters and I have talked about all of this and all are in agreement that there was a conspiracy and cover up over the Millions of dollars PSU football continues to generate. And the money laundering idea has a lot of merit.

What is your opinion as to why there have been no books published, no movies made yet? There are millions to be made in both media. But why no books or movies? Our opinion is that is because these people know the complete story has not yet become known.

Any other cogent possibilities from anybody else?
Several BOT members had ties to TSM so I understand why they would be willing to dump on C/S/S/Joe in order to cover up for TSM.

Other than Corbett I don't understand why the PSU BOT would cover up for DPW/CPS.

They did so because they were part of the same corrupt "political patronage" Apparatchik that brought Corbutt to power both in the AG's and Governor's Office - IOW, they were lackies of the system especially when Corrupt Corbutt made it clear to them that the Hershey-MontCo axis of political-corruption Apparatchik could use its power to either protect them or prosecute them (i.e., tyrannize them) - their choice, all the corrupt cowards immediately fell into line, go figure!?!?
Several BOT members had ties to TSM so I understand why they would be willing to dump on C/S/S/Joe in order to cover up for TSM.

Other than Corbett I don't understand why the PSU BOT would cover up for DPW/CPS.

In this case I don't think they had to actively cover up for any state agency-all they had to do was passively cover up by not doing anything to take the focus off PSU football
In this case I don't think they had to actively cover up for any state agency-all they had to do was passively cover up by not doing anything to take the focus off PSU football

What do you call not filing Failure to Report charges against anybody at TSM when they had an obligation to Report under multiple Sections of PA Child Protective Services Law, the governing PA Statute of V1 Investigation, including TSM's Agency Relationship with DPW, under their Childcare Licenses and under their own Regulatory-filed Operating Policies & Pricedures???

That is not providing "prosecutorial protection"? Gee, I wonder what the Quid Pro Quo was when Bob Poole is the local GOP Chair and having political fundraisers for Corbutt at his own home....Corbutt is signing over $3 million grants over to TSM in July 2011...etc... This is just so hard to figure out....LMFAO!
Where are you getting this from!? 5 years, exhaustive investigating and no freaking evidence. Only bogus accuser after bogus accuser. Pedophilia is the red herring in this entire affair. I can not believe people cling to this fantasy.

You seem to lack the background information necessary to present a cogent comment. You fail to address important new additions to the narrative. A 'victim' stated for the record that he approached Schiano re: Sandusky. Urban Meyer has gone on record that he doesn't believe the accusations were true. Yet he failed to support Paterno then or since, This does not stand up to logic, reason or common sense. If you find this to be reasonable you are the person agenda driven and as dumb as a bag of hammers,

"The history of the race, and each individual's experience, are thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal" Mark Twain

“What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so” - Mark Twain

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
- John Adams
You seem to lack the background information necessary to present a cogent comment. You fail to address important new additions to the narrative. A 'victim' stated for the record that he approached Schiano re: Sandusky. Urban Meyer has gone on record that he doesn't believe the accusations were true. Yet he failed to support Paterno then or since, This does not stand up to logic, reason or common sense. If you find this to be reasonable you are the person agenda driven and as dumb as a bag of hammers,

"The history of the race, and each individual's experience, are thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal" Mark Twain

“What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so” - Mark Twain

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
- John Adams

As much as I don't like Urban Meyer, I have to ask why should he defend Paterno when it's obvious the PSUBOT and administration threw him under the bus? Why get involved?
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As much as I don't like Urban Meyer, I have to ask why should he defend Paterno when it's obvious the PSUBOT and administration threw him under the bus? Why get involved?


This is such a simple concept - when boiled down to a specific like you just did wrt Urban Meyer.....and yet some folks will make these types of arguments.

What is far MORE important to "get" that this same principle applies to the misdirected (well, maybe not completely misdirected - since many of these folks are certainly scorn worthy - but at least "mis-emphasized") scorn directed to everyone from the MSM, ESPN, Mark Emmert, etc etc etc .........
When the pure unadulterated, unqualified, undeniable absolute truth is:

The genesis for ALL of it is the unholy Cabal of bastards that created and supported - at every turn - the clearly stated FACT (in their words) that everyone at PSU "placed football ahead of basic human decency".

Those bastards - our own BOT - are the folks ultimately and undeniably responsible - - - - and that is the best place to focus any energy one might have towards trying to "right the wrongs" (the rest of them are simply a bunch of pimps, whores, and imbeciles).

And make no mistake, while many of the nameplates may have changed, that same group (as exemplified by the bold new leadership of Lubert/Dambly) continue their reign unabated.....and, seemingly, unopposed.
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Exactly how is that different from the position Paterno had found himself in? Victims have alleged they went to assistant coaches, why not treat them the same way they treated Paterno?..Perhaps I misnamed one of the assistants. Still, the super ethical head coach from Ohio State University has stated he believes Shaino isn't guilty of anything. Where was he when Joe was being accused, other than trying to steal recruits. Truly a ringing endorsement, of what exactly? You joined in March of this year so you must know what is going on.

The media will get a hold of Schiano and Bradley's sworn statements eventually and will print them. If they do not support what they've said publicly UCLA and OSU (including head coaches) will look very bad.

This is such a simple concept - when boiled down to a specific like you just did wrt Urban Meyer.....and yet some folks will make these types of arguments.

What is far MORE important to "get" that this same principle applies to the misdirected (well, maybe not completely misdirected - since many of these folks are certainly scorn worthy - but at least "mis-emphasized") scorn directed to everyone from the MSM, ESPN, Mark Emmert, etc etc etc .........
When the pure unadulterated, unqualified, undeniable absolute truth is:

The genesis for ALL of it is the unholy Cabal of bastards that created and supported - at every turn - the clearly stated FACT (in their words) that everyone at PSU "placed football ahead of basic human decency".

Those bastards - our own BOT - are the folks ultimately and undeniably responsible - - - - and that is the best place to focus any energy one might have towards trying to "right the wrongs" (the rest of them are simply a bunch of pimps, whores, and imbeciles).

And make no mistake, while many of the nameplates may have changed, that same group (as exemplified by the bold new leadership of Lubert/Dambly) continue their reign unabated.....and, seemingly, unopposed.

And yet the State of Pennsylvania whose Legislature or Attorney General could step in to have the PSU BOT investigated and reformed has done precisely nothing -- interesting, very interesting especially given that PSU as an "Institution of Higher Learning" was Founded by the State of Pennsylvania Government and an Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature (i.e., PA Law)!?!?
The media will get a hold of Schiano and Bradley's sworn statements eventually and will print them. If they do not support what they've said publicly UCLA and OSU (including head coaches) will look very bad.

And when they are completely consistent with what they've said, then what? A public apology from you and the media (LOL)?
Simple. Because he doesn't have it.

I'm surprised that only a few others seem to see this for what it is: a ridiculously interesting development.
"Simple. Because he doesn't have it."

Simpler: He doesn't NEED it. Not for Dambly, or, more importantly, for himself. But he got it anyway.

"I'm surprised that only a few others seem to see this for what it is"

Agreed. But "what it is" is very simple - and undeniable.
Where are you getting this from!? 5 years, exhaustive investigating and no freaking evidence. Only bogus accuser after bogus accuser. Pedophilia is the red herring in this entire affair. I can not believe people cling to this fantasy.

You say nothing. What are you even writing about? Fantasy? No, stupidity, your stupidity.
As much as I don't like Urban Meyer, I have to ask why should he defend Paterno when it's obvious the PSUBOT and administration threw him under the bus? Why get involved?

You obviously lack moral courage and a moral compass as well as common sense. A trump supporter I imagine, not that Clinton is any better.
I have been following the Second Mile Scandal since this miscarriage of justice began. There are many sources of information in regard to this mess. Your choice of wording shows you for what you are, agenda driven. Rest assured you have proven length of time registered on this board does not equal knowledge or critical thinking skills.

Only someone lacking knowledge or conviction resorts to demeaning comments while ignoring the substance of the point being made. I see no evidence of critical thinking on your part new person. I rest assured in my knowledge and understanding of our program and Joe Paterno is based on having been an active fan since 1967. What you don't know fills volumes. But you stated your opinion and opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one. Clearly you are a small minded person content on just insulting people rather than adding to the conversation. Do you even know who Richard Casey is?
As much as I don't like Urban Meyer, I have to ask why should he defend Paterno when it's obvious the PSUBOT and administration threw him under the bus? Why get involved?

Why did he defend Shiano? But he did get involved, but only now because his morals can be questioned. I think it looks worse for Meyer, hiring a known pedophile protector.
there are so many more victims out there Joe told to go away because he was busy preparing for a football game.

we all know how Joe would routinely turn away students during the football season because he was too busy.

Why in the world would he want to listen to a kid who didn't have the courage to tell the police? The only this that could come from Joe listening would be to lose his job if Sandusky wasn't arrested, which would only have happened if the kid himself reported it to the police. Please take your head out of your ass.
And when they are completely consistent with what they've said, then what? A public apology from you and the media (LOL)?

I don't know whether they are consistent or not...just pointing out that this issue won't stay in limbo forever. We'll find out eventually.
You obviously lack moral courage and a moral compass as well as common sense. A trump supporter I imagine, not that Clinton is any better.
I officially designate you an idiot. Who the hell are you to comment on my moral compass, and how do you even attempt to extrapolate that to who I support for President? Nice way to hedge by mentioning both, btw.

I pointed out a simple fact-- you expect coaches from other programs to stick their necks out to say that Joe Paterno is innocent when our own BOT spent several hundred million dollars to create a narrative that he's guilty. Even within the past 3 months, they had to reinforce that narrative by introducing 2 totally unbelievable claimants that were for some reason paid millions of dollars. You want to demand that somebody say that Paterno is innocent, go to a Board meeting. They're the ones you need to go off on.
What do you make of Jack Raykovitz' marriage to Katherine "Kitty" Genovese? Apparently, very few people at The Second Mile knew they were husband and wife. Meanwhile, they were making bank.

Yea, how about that, I had forgotten that. I didn't mean to suggest that Raykovitz, by being queer, meaning Gay, but queer as in hinky, a weasel and just not 'right'
I officially designate you an idiot. Who the hell are you to comment on my moral compass, and how do you even attempt to extrapolate that to who I support for President? Nice way to hedge by mentioning both, btw.

I pointed out a simple fact-- you expect coaches from other programs to stick their necks out to say that Joe Paterno is innocent when our own BOT spent several hundred million dollars to create a narrative that he's guilty. Even within the past 3 months, they had to reinforce that narrative by introducing 2 totally unbelievable claimants that were for some reason paid millions of dollars. You want to demand that somebody say that Paterno is innocent, go to a Board meeting. They're the ones you need to go off on.

I commented on your lack of moral compass because I have the right to, and yours is off line. Yes, I do expect the coaches from other programs to speak out about a wrong being done to one of their own, if they had a moral compass. The other coaches in question, perhaps only Schiano by Urban Meyer and Scrap, if only by keeping/getting his job, have had their Boss's support and approval. The Allegations, as now presented, include the two new names and they should be viewed as being as culpable as Joe Paterno. Urban Meyer, by association, has refused to accept the false accusations attributed to Paterno, yet said nothing then or since has been suggested by Meyer that upon further review Joe was hosed. So, in a real world, you could expect that the Coaches Association be forced to support their member until Due Process was completed lest the next coach face the same character assignation Paterno suffered.

Or don't you get that? And that is what I thought every Penn Stater should have the education and class to get. Joe was fu#ked and I will never stop fighting against the forces of greed behind all of the clusterf#ck. I see nothing classy about your comments. You are right, the BoT needs a visit. Until then I have you, the horses' ass.
What do you make of Jack Raykovitz' marriage to Katherine "Kitty" Genovese? Apparently, very few people at The Second Mile knew they were husband and wife. Meanwhile, they were making bank.

P.S. CHI_TOWN, I love the graphic info in your post. It really is a short exchange that sums up this whole mess as well as anything else I have seen. There seems to me that there has been a general moral decline or malaise in Penn State graduates. Perhaps they didn't really know Paterno the way older fans do. IMHO
I think it's obvious that some sort of a deal was brokered. Absolutely no other conceivable reason Lubrano would have gone as he has. What that deal is I have absolutely no idea. But obviously something was agreed to with his portion of the deal being his silence.
And regardless of whatever the deal is, it really can't excuse his praising of Lubert after attacking him in this forum.[/QUOT
Whatever that deal was, it had to have major leverage to silence Lubrano. I'm guessing it's the same leverage/information that keeps the entire board in line.

Yeah, more off-the-record backroom deals. Our BoT keeps secrets better than the CIA. Maybe we should put in a call to Edward Snowden?
It's time to end this thread. Anthony isn't giving anymore updates. It's over. The fat lady is singing. Good guys go down again. Kane goes down, Gansler emails was all hype. Is there ever going to be good news. Like really good news when someone gets arrested or beat up or anything. This sucks.

It's time to end this thread. Anthony isn't giving anymore updates. It's over. The fat lady is singing. Good guys go down again. Kane goes down, Gansler emails was all hype. Is there ever going to be good news. Like really good news when someone gets arrested or beat up or anything. This sucks.

Fu#k Anthony, it isn't over until we, the Alumni, we the people who spend the money they depend on, say it's over. There will be trials, and in some cases the lack of trials both of which will likely supports our objections. How long ago was the 'Move on' movement abandoned? Even the additional "victims" coming forward with new names, as heinous as it is, supports the assertion that there is more to the story still to be uncovered. To me the lack of product from the real journalists, not the TV and Radio Media, is very telling for me. You would think they would be falling over each other to publish their book first, make their movie first, yet 5 years in and nothing yet. It suggests that there is much more to learn. I also wonder how much longer the people who know the details of this travesty will be able to live with themselves. The pressure will continue to build on them as the trials and books and movies coming threaten to out them. For example, how long does Scrap Bradley and Schiano have before they will be forced to talk. Perhaps it is not a surprise the ex-PSU coaches have found it so hard to find work and we will see how long Bradley and Schiano last. Also how long will it be until Golden, Ruhle and any other Penn State coach from Joe's tenure is asked the questions, and before or after they are named by some future "victim" who brings their names into it, which they will because Penn State is so anxious to pay them off. This whole clusterfu$k is far from over. Still we support out team and look forward to a bright future.
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To me the lack of product from the real journalists, not the TV and Radio Media, is very telling for me. You would think they would be falling over each other to publish their book first, make their movie first, yet 5 years in and nothing yet. It suggests that there is much more to learn.

When the CSS trials either go forward or fall through I would expect a lot of information to come out via media.