so just don't agree then dude. what do you want me to give up and say you won. when you really win I will do that. I support taking the names off now because that is what the coach wants and that obviously is what the lettermen want. Do you want me to slow down and say that again. Let me clear this up and I will talk slow for you. I like the idea of giving recognition and I like the idea of going back to the old way. The two ideas are not mutually exclusive.
No, I don't want you to slow down. I want you to answer the question. If it is an honor for the 2012/13/14 teams to have their names on their jerseys, don't the 2015 athletes deserve to be honored?
Now try to answer the question; don't go circuitous, don't try to insult me, answer the question. Don't give me this is what the coach wants. You stated that the names were an honor; if they are an honor, why don't you want the 2015 and successors so honored? Don't they deserved to be honored?
Coach Franklin quite eloquently stated that the "honor" is the PRIVILEGE of wearing The Pennsylvania State University Football Uniform - the same uniform, representing the same "core values" and "integrity" that thousands of former PSU Football players wore in the same way, representing those same "core values".
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