23rd in 3rd down conversions - offensively.
21st in stopping 3rd downs - defensively
Among all P5 programs.
Of course - as has been shown numerous times before on this board - it is not "conversion %" that is most important (or, really, in and of itself - not important at all)..... it is how many times you STOP THE OTHER TEAM team on third down (or, get stopped on third down yourself)….. which is a function of both "%" success, and "how many times" you face those situations (the less on offense, the better - - - the more on defense, the better)
PSU's defense created 203 3rd down situations this year - 6th most per game for all P5 teams......
Only VaTech, Pitt, Boston College, Syracuse and Florida State (all from the offensively challenged ACC), and Baylor created more.....
ie PSU created more 3rd downs on defense of any teams in the B10 (or SEC or P12, for that matter)…. which is a HUGE reason they finished 7th in the nation in fewest points allowed.
PSU's offense created 172 3rd down situations for themselves...… that was 20th fewest per game among P5 teams