LOL PSU preparing to deal with TAMU

Are there people who seriously think Franklin would leave PSU for Texas AM. Go to a lower profile school in Texas just when he has PSU on the cusp of being a perennial top 5 program. Some people are wacky

His work is far from done at PSU and he knows it.

Now, if the powers that be think that football culture is showing it's ugly head again, they might dust off the playbook from 2011.
Wrong Penn State coach. I think they meant to say they're going after Shoop.
Any job in college football is only as good as the state of the program when you take it.

Texas is not a great job right now. They are in their second rebuild in five years. Other than a couple years under Mack, they have been relatively obscure since the Nixon administration. There name doesn't elicit the same thought as "Alabama", and truthfully there name didn't mean squat again until Saban arrived.

Look at the difference in our own school today vs when BOB or Franklin came in. It's night and day.

Not true - what was Alabama’s record the year before Saban arrived? What was his record the first year? Depends on the program and coach, but Texas won’t be down for long.
The voice of knowledge speaks!

Well, it ain't. Used to be that contracts restricted coaches contacts with other schools (note that they never restricted contact with the coach's agent), but that language pretty much disappeared over the last 5-6 years. So only a nimrod or a nimrod with a nimrod for an agent has that language. Franklin is no nimrod and Trace Armstrong certainly isn't.
Not true - what was Alabama’s record the year before Saban arrived? What was his record the first year? Depends on the program and coach, but Texas won’t be down for long.

Texas was in the top 5 how many times from "Nixon picks em" to Mack Brown? Alabama at least had the Bear in the early 80s and a Gene Stollings title in '92. Still yet, they weren't relevant again truly until Saban started winning.

Will they rise again? Probably so. At the rate they are running off coaches, it could be another large gap.
PSU is supposedly preparing to deal with TAMU coming after CJF.

I will say it now. ABSOLUTELY 0% Chance that he leaves PSU for TAMU

While I don’t think this is the job to be concerned about you have to realize other schools are certainly going to make a run at him. Him leaving is a you really think a fairly low buyout would be in his contract if not? I doubt the university suggested a 2 mil buyout...
Any job in college football is only as good as the state of the program when you take it.

Texas is not a great job right now. They are in their second rebuild in five years. Other than a couple years under Mack, they have been relatively obscure since the Nixon administration. There name doesn't elicit the same thought as "Alabama", and truthfully there name didn't mean squat again until Saban arrived.

Look at the difference in our own school today vs when BOB or Franklin came in. It's night and day.

This thread is about aTm and not about Texas.
Rumors! An earlier rumor: Univ. of Texas at Austin offered 130 million for 10 year contract to Saban that he declined. TAMU can easily come with 10 million a year if they want someone bad.

Coach Franklin is a perfect fit for Penn State. Just like JoePa, I hope he coaches at Penn State for a very long time.
Did I miss the headline that Texas A&M and Sumlin parted ways? And since when are other teams allowed to negotiate with another coach during the season when they still have a coach? Why do people get all jazzed about rumors half way through a season? Thank heavens there is only one bye week.
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Gambit is going to try to have it "his way"...

He's far more likely to hold the pickle because he diesn't have enough lettuce.
While I don’t think this is the job to be concerned about you have to realize other schools are certainly going to make a run at him. Him leaving is a you really think a fairly low buyout would be in his contract if not? I doubt the university suggested a 2 mil buyout...
I don't think the buyout amount means anything.
Why would James Franklin pick A&M? That would be a strange pick. To pick A&M? You have to really dig deep to believe he would pick A&M.
Are there people who seriously think Franklin would leave PSU for Texas AM. Go to a lower profile school in Texas just when he has PSU on the cusp of being a perennial top 5 program. Some people are wacky