Exactly what they should be doing.... nothing.
Now, if they could only expand to doing absolutely nothing in EVERY realm, and just go away for good, THAT would be ideal.
I agree with you... but there's too much money involved for them to just disappear.
... "What and leave college athletics to the Barry Switzers and the Jackie Sherrills?" ......
(sorry couldn't resist)
This is the NCAA's reality right now.
One of your most recognizable brands employs a physician who's accused over and over again of sexually abusing student athletes, which is the #1 reason why the NCAA exists in the first place! To protect the college athlete! ....
And after it's proved Michigan State did in fact cover up systematic abuse, you rule after it's been proven in court that MSU covered it up.. that you find no evidence of a lack of institutional control. Just a few years before, you played by completely different rules with Penn State, a school that is commonly referred to as a sister school/Land Grant Institution to MSU. You completely disregard the actions you had just taken.... How are these cases at ALL different from the NCAA's perspective?
That Lou Ann woman is a monster. She should be sentenced equally to Nassar. Actually, I'd say she deserves worse.
The ex-President of Michigan State University, with her smug narcissistic comments about PSU all the while covering up the same situation in her own backyard is a pathetic excuse for a human being.
I'm glad the victims got a chance to speak to Nassar. They should have had Lou Ann up there too.