Lubrano was just on the Glenn Beck Program discussing how poorly the scandal was handled

Who ever said this didn't happen (other than Zeigler)?
Who ever said that C&S handled things appropriately?

I think that I'm part of the majority on this board who have always thought the following:
  1. MM experienced something that was quite disturbing to him.
  2. He couldn't be absolutely sure what it was so he was very careful with his language to his dad, Dranov, Joe, C, & S.
  3. C&S may or may not have known about 1998 but they would also know that the authorities didn't think it was sexual assault.
  4. Good chance that C&S thought MM's report was about something similar - boundary issues, inappropriate touching, horseplay.
  5. MM embellished his story under pressure when he was being accused of doing too little to stop it.
  6. Therefore the incident was reported to TSM instead of police or DPW.
  7. Spanier probably gave a soft story to selected BOT members because he didn't think it was as serious as it turned out to be.
  8. At a minimum C&S failed in their administrative duties by not documenting the case properly - what MM reported, their thought process, and their ultimate decision on how to handle things. This is human resources 101 so there's not excuse for doing such a poor job.
  9. The claims by some (not all) of the victims seem shaky and PSU seemed too willing to settle without proper vetting.
  10. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to protect football.
That has been my take from the beginning. I suspect that's what many on this board believe(d). I'm not sure that the plea deal changes any of that. It seems to me that it's an admission by C&S that they should have done more with the information they had.

Maybe I'll be surprised and they'll testify that MM told them about rape and that Joe & Spanier told them to cover it up. I doubt it. Let's hope we learn one way or the other.

I'm in general agreement with everything except #5 (though I may be misinterpreting what you're implying). I don't think Spanier had significant involvement with anything re: Sandusky. I think he told everyone everything he knew to the best of his knowledge when asked.
The thing is they had knowledge of Jerry being accused before and that isn't "limited" knowledge. I would totally agree if this was Jerry's first time or they had absolutely no idea about 98...but you can't call it limited knowledge when they discuss the prior incident and threaten to call a state agency. Do I think it sucks that Jerry screwed up so many people's lives including these a HUGE way. Do I think these guys were going all cloak and dagger trying to hide this...nope. I gave them plenty of doubt leading up to the plea. I'm not buying the scared of a jury talking points being put out either. The state kind of had them and they kind of knew it IMO, but maybe when the info is released or GS's trial occurs we'll find out exactly what the dirt was. Probably not, but one can hope.


Thing is...Sandusky was investigated in '98 and the DA didn't bring charges. So if you know about '98 and then you hear about 2001, do you think Sandusky is a pedo. or, knowing that no charges were brought in '98, do you think this guy who does all this great charitable work (think of all the people that have sat on the board of TSM over the years) is naive and putting himself in a bad position that is going to ruin his rep. and charity? They didn't have the benefit of hindsight in 2001. I don't think anyone - including child psychologist Jack Raykovitz (sp?) - thought Sandusky was a pedo.
For anyone doing any victory laps on this thread and shouting "See ...SEEEEE - the admins WERE GUILTY - I win!"

There ARE NO winners. There is no cause for celebration.
  • We have a corrupt Office of Attorney General that is perfectly happy to let a children's charitable non-profit and it's leadership to have been a hunting ground for children in our state AND THEY DON'T CARE.
  • Since our OAG doesn't care, this means a "Sandusky" will just happen again here in Pennsylvania. Hell - a Nassar could happen.
  • Our CPS will continue to fail kids - and PSU will never be that "national leader" - that's a smokescreen so they could just funnel $12M back into another non-profit under their control.
  • The University could give a shit about it's alumni - they never had our back - and the place is now run by lawyers and corporate thugs, many with their hands in the cookie jar.
  • We have a crummy newspaper out of Mechanicsburg, of all places, never finish the story and covets it's local Pulitzer like Gollum and his Precious - having completely failed those children in it's readership area - as well as continue to shit on that same readership - because Pulitzer.
  • Mike's life is destroyed, if and when he gets any settlement, and IF he's not a victim of identity theft and a major chunk of this money is then stolen (because his SSN and other personal info is out there) - he's radioactive to any employer - who would be insane to hire a "squeal" and a "whistleblower".
  • The Nation still thinks Mike witnessed "anal rape in a Penn State shower", therefore Joe's legacy is a part of that. As is Sue Paterno and her family.
  • The Lettermen's legacy is part of the "anal rape" mantra.
  • Penn State - instead of apologizing - has paid how much for a can of FREEHbreze to make something "go away" that will always have the stench clinging to it and wafting across campus.
  • Average folks that would normally be community-minded and volunteer their time to work with youth in some capacity (sports, church, literacy programs, clubs) in order to give back to their community, would NEVER go there now. Why risk ourselves and our families - there's ZERO incentive to give back now.
  • For you State College residents who have been complaining about Bruce Heim, Bob Poole & the Second Mile mafia controlling what goes on in your community - and you know who you are - well, guess what - YOU STILL HAVE THEM CONTROLLING YOUR COMMUNITY.
  • Ray Gricar is still missing.
So for anyone dancing around with glee, no matter what happens next week - there's nothing to celebrate.

There are no winners.

Wait - I take that back. Tom Corbett has won. Louis Freeh (maybe) has won. The Second Mile mafia has won. John Surma has won. And all the lawyers involved - they win no matter what.

The rest of us? LOSERS.
It's up on The Blaze. Headline is Zeigler claiming Sandusky is "innocent, and it's not even close" with a picture of a very old and tired looking Paterno...of course.
that was his testimony and may have been his best recollection at the time. But there was a subsequent filing where it was admitted that DPW was ultimately not contacted.
thanks- I did not know about the other filings. That said, if I were GS, I think I would have stuck with my testimony, unless of course I knew for sure it was not done. and that said, why do I think Harmon was given this job to do?
For anyone doing any victory laps on this thread and shouting "See ...SEEEEE - the admins WERE GUILTY - I win!"

There ARE NO winners. There is no cause for celebration.
  • We have a corrupt Office of Attorney General that is perfectly happy to let a children's charitable non-profit and it's leadership to have been a hunting ground for children in our state AND THEY DON'T CARE.
  • Since our OAG doesn't care, this means a "Sandusky" will just happen again here in Pennsylvania. Hell - a Nassar could happen.
  • Our CPS will continue to fail kids - and PSU will never be that "national leader" - that's a smokescreen so they could just funnel $12M back into another non-profit under their control.
  • The University could give a shit about it's alumni - they never had our back - and the place is now run by lawyers and corporate thugs, many with their hands in the cookie jar.
  • We have a crummy newspaper out of Mechanicsburg, of all places, never finish the story and covets it's local Pulitzer like Gollum and his Precious - having completely failed those children in it's readership area - as well as continue to shit on that same readership - because Pulitzer.
  • Mike's life is destroyed, if and when he gets any settlement, and IF he's not a victim of identity theft and a major chunk of this money is then stolen (because his SSN and other personal info is out there) - he's radioactive to any employer - who would be insane to hire a "squeal" and a "whistleblower".
  • The Nation still thinks Mike witnessed "anal rape in a Penn State shower", therefore Joe's legacy is a part of that. As is Sue Paterno and her family.
  • The Lettermen's legacy is part of the "anal rape" mantra.
  • Penn State - instead of apologizing - has paid how much for a can of FREEHbreze to make something "go away" that will always have the stench clinging to it and wafting across campus.
  • Average folks that would normally be community-minded and volunteer their time to work with youth in some capacity (sports, church, literacy programs, clubs) in order to give back to their community, would NEVER go there now. Why risk ourselves and our families - there's ZERO incentive to give back now.
  • For you State College residents who have been complaining about Bruce Heim, Bob Poole & the Second Mile mafia controlling what goes on in your community - and you know who you are - well, guess what - YOU STILL HAVE THEM CONTROLLING YOUR COMMUNITY.
  • Ray Gricar is still missing.
So for anyone dancing around with glee, no matter what happens next week - there's nothing to celebrate.

There are no winners.

Wait - I take that back. Tom Corbett has won. Louis Freeh (maybe) has won. The Second Mile mafia has won. John Surma has won. And all the lawyers involved - they win no matter what.

The rest of us? LOSERS.
The first 7 words in your first bullet point (without even mentioning the word "children") should be enough to scare the shit out of any sane Pennsylvanian. Especially considering it is 100% correct.
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It would depend on what part of the scandal Lubrano is referring to.

The preparation, those 7 months between Ganim's first story and the presentment , was handled badly.

The first weeks were handled badly.

The release of the Freeh Report was handled badly.
If I have it right they plead guilty to a law not in effect at the time written or modified years later. That is insane at best because that should be overturned easily. I know it is almost impossible to overturn something you plead guilty to in a plea deal but it goes to show how desperate the AOG is. While we hoped that the two of them would go through the trial understanding the survey the wall was too high.

I cannot fault them for what they did and I still believe that they did not break the law and I wish that they took a different course of action. Being in their smhoes at that time with their limited knowledge who knows what any of us would have realized. In the end they had to do what was right for them. They were and are victims of the AOG, not as bad as those boys by any stretch but victims none the less.

For those of you like Elvis, few, stuff todo and you ilk, you are project things that you know with all likelihood are not true. Shame on you, you are dispicable.
I don't think you do have it right. I think you are confusing the EWOC to which they plead guilty with the child abuse reporting statute charges that were dropped.
For anyone doing any victory laps on this thread and shouting "See ...SEEEEE - the admins WERE GUILTY - I win!"

There ARE NO winners. There is no cause for celebration.
  • We have a corrupt Office of Attorney General that is perfectly happy to let a children's charitable non-profit and it's leadership to have been a hunting ground for children in our state AND THEY DON'T CARE.
  • Since our OAG doesn't care, this means a "Sandusky" will just happen again here in Pennsylvania. Hell - a Nassar could happen.
  • Our CPS will continue to fail kids - and PSU will never be that "national leader" - that's a smokescreen so they could just funnel $12M back into another non-profit under their control.
  • The University could give a shit about it's alumni - they never had our back - and the place is now run by lawyers and corporate thugs, many with their hands in the cookie jar.
  • We have a crummy newspaper out of Mechanicsburg, of all places, never finish the story and covets it's local Pulitzer like Gollum and his Precious - having completely failed those children in it's readership area - as well as continue to shit on that same readership - because Pulitzer.
  • Mike's life is destroyed, if and when he gets any settlement, and IF he's not a victim of identity theft and a major chunk of this money is then stolen (because his SSN and other personal info is out there) - he's radioactive to any employer - who would be insane to hire a "squeal" and a "whistleblower".
  • The Nation still thinks Mike witnessed "anal rape in a Penn State shower", therefore Joe's legacy is a part of that. As is Sue Paterno and her family.
  • The Lettermen's legacy is part of the "anal rape" mantra.
  • Penn State - instead of apologizing - has paid how much for a can of FREEHbreze to make something "go away" that will always have the stench clinging to it and wafting across campus.
  • Average folks that would normally be community-minded and volunteer their time to work with youth in some capacity (sports, church, literacy programs, clubs) in order to give back to their community, would NEVER go there now. Why risk ourselves and our families - there's ZERO incentive to give back now.
  • For you State College residents who have been complaining about Bruce Heim, Bob Poole & the Second Mile mafia controlling what goes on in your community - and you know who you are - well, guess what - YOU STILL HAVE THEM CONTROLLING YOUR COMMUNITY.
  • Ray Gricar is still missing.
So for anyone dancing around with glee, no matter what happens next week - there's nothing to celebrate.

There are no winners.

Wait - I take that back. Tom Corbett has won. Louis Freeh (maybe) has won. The Second Mile mafia has won. John Surma has won. And all the lawyers involved - they win no matter what.

The rest of us? LOSERS.

The average folks bullet point is spot on, especially if you're a guy. No way would I volunteer to work with children, especially "at risk" children. Imaging volunteering to be a Big Brother in the State College area. Don't they normally take kids out by themselves? You'd have to be nuts to do something like that now.
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Ok, I have a question after reading through most of this thread.
Could C/S/S have gone for a trial by judge rather than jury?
It certainly worked the cops favor in the Freddie Gray case.
But then maybe the judges in MD aren't on the take like some of the ones in PA.
Just curious.
Great question and the answer is yes. The rationale to take that route is you hope you eliminate emotion as a reason to convict and look only at the law. The reason not to do that is, with a jury, you only have to convince 1 person that there is reasonable doubt and there is no conviction. With a Judge you are dealing with a very public figure whose reputation will be important to him. In this case I was struck by the fact that, when he accepted the guilty please, the Judge felt the need to point out that nothing is binding on him. Almost a grandstanding type of comment. That would worry me if I were TC/GS.
Thing is...Sandusky was investigated in '98 and the DA didn't bring charges. So if you know about '98 and then you hear about 2001, do you think Sandusky is a pedo. or, knowing that no charges were brought in '98, do you think this guy who does all this great charitable work (think of all the people that have sat on the board of TSM over the years) is naive and putting himself in a bad position that is going to ruin his rep. and charity? They didn't have the benefit of hindsight in 2001. I don't think anyone - including child psychologist Jack Raykovitz (sp?) - thought Sandusky was a pedo.
It has to raise an eyebrow and as an executive you have to error on the side of caution. Is it fair when a Captain in the navy is asleep and someone under him screws up and runs a ship aground? He still loses the command of that ship and is often set off to retire. Dr. Jack is out of this as Mike didn't go to Jack or TSM...he went to these guys for some reason along with a football coach. Why..who in the hell knows why? They went to Jack after they declined to make that call. Now they thought about calling it in so it entered their mind as it did kind of raise their eyebrows or it wouldn't have been a part of the discussion at all. I get people want to look at TSM and everyone else as they all missed the boat as well, but MM didn't take it to them sadly. Somehow, someway, this ended up on their lap. Is that totally fair,,,no way as JS was retired for 2 years already. It is what occurred though and for better or worse they didn't error on the side of caution.
Great question and the answer is yes. The rationale to take that route is you hope you eliminate emotion as a reason to convict and look only at the law. The reason not to do that is, with a jury, you only have to convince 1 person that there is reasonable doubt and there is no conviction. With a Judge you are dealing with a very public figure whose reputation will be important to him. In this case I was struck by the fact that, when he accepted the guilty please, the Judge felt the need to point out that nothing is binding on him. Almost a grandstanding type of comment. That would worry me if I were TC/GS.

I thought you could but wasn't sure. And yes I thought the last 2 judges were of the "grandstanding" variety.
12-1 still equals guilty. Congrats on them taking advantage of PSU for representation and getting the best deal possible. In the end, they still lost.
Not wasn't a conspiracy. it was an individual failing.
... that whatever they did or failed to do cost PSU dearly, financially and otherwise.

The point of this thread is how the the BOT horribly managed this from day one. Want proof? Look no further than East Lansing.

Oh, and the other item that cost dearly is the rage that was initiated by an intentional lie placed in the leaked GJ presentment.

The GJ presentment was the Molotov Cocktail. The BOT was the group that kept fueling the fire.
Thanks for the link/pic are people just completely ignoring this info? Most people would want NOTHING to do with having their fate in the hands of people that think they should be punished even if they did nothing illegal.

This may not be the only reason why they plead out but IMO it was one of the main reasons.
Why would the OAG drop the felonies with such overwhelming public sentiment weighing in their favor?
No way they could win the endangering children. Any jury would convict at least on that. Just a misdemeanor but it is a guilty plea so the worthless media like Sarah says Curley and Shultz are guilty! Then you have most people who glance at it and think, PSU is guilty after all. Too bad we live these days where headlines are the story.
Like @berkland4 said, it'll be just like Seth Williams dropping all substantive charges yet still somehow declaring victory in #BlingSting.
If you'd want to take your chances with a jury where the majority thinks you should be punished even if you did nothing illegal, have at it. I wanted them to take it to trial as well but I can definitely see why they'd take a plea to one misdemeanor vs. dipping their toes into that jury pool. It's easier to take your stance when it's not your life, pension, etc. on the line.
Initially I felt this way too. I felt they owed all of Penn State more. But the fact is this wasn't a game. It was their lives on the line, not ours.
I agree. However, if they then turn and throw Spanier under the bus unjustifiably, it's not just their lives we're talking about. If in fact they lie to save themselves, that's pretty reprehensible.
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For anyone doing any victory laps on this thread and shouting "See ...SEEEEE - the admins WERE GUILTY - I win!"

There ARE NO winners. There is no cause for celebration.
  • We have a corrupt Office of Attorney General that is perfectly happy to let a children's charitable non-profit and it's leadership to have been a hunting ground for children in our state AND THEY DON'T CARE.
  • Since our OAG doesn't care, this means a "Sandusky" will just happen again here in Pennsylvania. Hell - a Nassar could happen.
  • Our CPS will continue to fail kids - and PSU will never be that "national leader" - that's a smokescreen so they could just funnel $12M back into another non-profit under their control.
  • The University could give a shit about it's alumni - they never had our back - and the place is now run by lawyers and corporate thugs, many with their hands in the cookie jar.
  • We have a crummy newspaper out of Mechanicsburg, of all places, never finish the story and covets it's local Pulitzer like Gollum and his Precious - having completely failed those children in it's readership area - as well as continue to shit on that same readership - because Pulitzer.
  • Mike's life is destroyed, if and when he gets any settlement, and IF he's not a victim of identity theft and a major chunk of this money is then stolen (because his SSN and other personal info is out there) - he's radioactive to any employer - who would be insane to hire a "squeal" and a "whistleblower".
  • The Nation still thinks Mike witnessed "anal rape in a Penn State shower", therefore Joe's legacy is a part of that. As is Sue Paterno and her family.
  • The Lettermen's legacy is part of the "anal rape" mantra.
  • Penn State - instead of apologizing - has paid how much for a can of FREEHbreze to make something "go away" that will always have the stench clinging to it and wafting across campus.
  • Average folks that would normally be community-minded and volunteer their time to work with youth in some capacity (sports, church, literacy programs, clubs) in order to give back to their community, would NEVER go there now. Why risk ourselves and our families - there's ZERO incentive to give back now.
  • For you State College residents who have been complaining about Bruce Heim, Bob Poole & the Second Mile mafia controlling what goes on in your community - and you know who you are - well, guess what - YOU STILL HAVE THEM CONTROLLING YOUR COMMUNITY.
  • Ray Gricar is still missing.
So for anyone dancing around with glee, no matter what happens next week - there's nothing to celebrate.

There are no winners.

Wait - I take that back. Tom Corbett has won. Louis Freeh (maybe) has won. The Second Mile mafia has won. John Surma has won. And all the lawyers involved - they win no matter what.

The rest of us? LOSERS.
This is a win for people hoping to see some justice. For the victims who were molested by Sandusky after 2001. For the Penn Staters who were maligned because three men FAILED to protect out great University.

Hopefully, we see more justice in the coming weeks.
  • Like
Reactions: zmfan

The point of this thread is how the the BOT horribly managed this from day one. Want proof? Look no further than East Lansing.

Oh, and the other item that cost dearly is the rage that was initiated by an intentional lie placed in the leaked GJ presentment.

The GJ presentment was the Molotov Cocktail. The BOT was the group that kept fueling the fire.
So you think that MSU will come out of that thing unscathed? LOL. They are going to get sued hard.
For anyone doing any victory laps on this thread and shouting "See ...SEEEEE - the admins WERE GUILTY - I win!"

There ARE NO winners. There is no cause for celebration.
  • We have a corrupt Office of Attorney General that is perfectly happy to let a children's charitable non-profit and it's leadership to have been a hunting ground for children in our state AND THEY DON'T CARE.
  • Since our OAG doesn't care, this means a "Sandusky" will just happen again here in Pennsylvania. Hell - a Nassar could happen.
  • Our CPS will continue to fail kids - and PSU will never be that "national leader" - that's a smokescreen so they could just funnel $12M back into another non-profit under their control.
  • The University could give a shit about it's alumni - they never had our back - and the place is now run by lawyers and corporate thugs, many with their hands in the cookie jar.
  • We have a crummy newspaper out of Mechanicsburg, of all places, never finish the story and covets it's local Pulitzer like Gollum and his Precious - having completely failed those children in it's readership area - as well as continue to shit on that same readership - because Pulitzer.
  • Mike's life is destroyed, if and when he gets any settlement, and IF he's not a victim of identity theft and a major chunk of this money is then stolen (because his SSN and other personal info is out there) - he's radioactive to any employer - who would be insane to hire a "squeal" and a "whistleblower".
  • The Nation still thinks Mike witnessed "anal rape in a Penn State shower", therefore Joe's legacy is a part of that. As is Sue Paterno and her family.
  • The Lettermen's legacy is part of the "anal rape" mantra.
  • Penn State - instead of apologizing - has paid how much for a can of FREEHbreze to make something "go away" that will always have the stench clinging to it and wafting across campus.
  • Average folks that would normally be community-minded and volunteer their time to work with youth in some capacity (sports, church, literacy programs, clubs) in order to give back to their community, would NEVER go there now. Why risk ourselves and our families - there's ZERO incentive to give back now.
  • For you State College residents who have been complaining about Bruce Heim, Bob Poole & the Second Mile mafia controlling what goes on in your community - and you know who you are - well, guess what - YOU STILL HAVE THEM CONTROLLING YOUR COMMUNITY.
  • Ray Gricar is still missing.
So for anyone dancing around with glee, no matter what happens next week - there's nothing to celebrate.

There are no winners.

Wait - I take that back. Tom Corbett has won. Louis Freeh (maybe) has won. The Second Mile mafia has won. John Surma has won. And all the lawyers involved - they win no matter what.

The rest of us? LOSERS.

Current and future victims are the biggest losers.
that was his testimony and may have been his best recollection at the time. But there was a subsequent filing where it was admitted that DPW was ultimately not contacted.

Can you please provide the page/paragraph number in the transcripts where he admitted this?

See page 3 of Schultz's 7/1/2016 Memorandum of Law in Support of Omnibus Pretrial Motions: Memo of Law for Omnibus Pretrial Motion.pdf

The statement that DPW wasn't contacted is at the beginning of the third paragraph. However, the first sentence at the top of the page makes me think Schultz isn't actually admitting that he knows DPW wasn't contacted. That sentence reads, "To state the evidence in the light most favorable to the Commonwealth, as we are compelled to do (even though we disagree with much of it), the preliminary hearing evidence shows that..."
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It's up on The Blaze. Headline is Zeigler claiming Sandusky is "innocent, and it's not even close" with a picture of a very old and tired looking Paterno...of course.
Again, as I said above, we are screwed. WTF. We let too many rats into our silo. Ima be a snake here on out.
This is a win for people hoping to see some justice. For the victims who were molested by Sandusky after 2001. For the Penn Staters who were maligned because three men FAILED to protect out great University.

Hopefully, we see more justice in the coming weeks.

I disagree. Someone in their position at the time would never have dreamed of facing this unique and complex set of circumstances.I believe these men did what they thought was right in what they perceived to be a very difficult situation. Holding these men responsible for other victims isn't fair...pure speculation. This wasn't the Church scandal where priests were intentionally hidden and hush deals made.

This isn't justice. It's mob mentality...someone other than Jerry has to pay.

Also, the person that witnessed the alleged sexual abuse first hand and did nothing to stop it walked away with millions of dollars. Jerry's boss, a mandatory reporter who was notified of the incident, walked away uncharged.

Again, doesn't feel like justice was served here.
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so schultz finally remembered that he covered it up and didn't report the 2001 incident only after refreshing his memory by reading his own notes that his attorney who really wasn't his attorney told him not to. that does make more sense now......

I laughed at this one .

See page 3 of Schultz's 7/1/2016 Memorandum of Law in Support of Omnibus Pretrial Motions: 1, 2016 Schultz Memo of Law for Omnibus Pretrial Motion.pdf

The statement that DPW wasn't contacted is at the beginning of the third paragraph. However, the first sentence at the top of the page makes me think Schultz isn't actually admitting that he knows DPW wasn't contacted. That sentence reads, "To state the evidence in the light most favorable to the Commonwealth, as we are compelled to do (even though we disagree with much of it), the preliminary hearing evidence shows that..."

Perhaps a lawyer can chime in here, but I believe the way these motions work is that you are saying "Even if all the crap the OAG alleges is true (and we aren't saying that it is), it doesn't matter because because the law can't be applied that way/that law doesn't apply to us/legal precedent says otherwise."

So I believe you are correct in saying "Schultz isn't actually admitting that he knows DPW wasn't contacted"

His testimony in court says that he isn't sure, but he thought the proper agency was contacted.
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On the surface, that is easy.

Mike's dad and Dranov both testified they weren't told anything that warranted a call to police. What makes anyone think Mikey told a stronger story to anyone else? Everyone that Mike told about the story acted in an identical manner.

Courtney Billing sheet? How Courtney characterized a conversation between he and Schultz is almost immaterial. Plus Courtney never spoke to Mike.

I thought Schultz stated he thought someone had the action to contact DPW? It wasn't him, but his statement was that he believed there was an action to do that.

Yea and OB and Rhule said they just did not want to hire MM because there were better choices and he still was awarded $12 million. You wanna role those dice? i don't think so.
What about the falsely accused?

My point, which many here have made for years, is that blaming the wrong people enables child sexual abuse. Often times, the children can't defend themselves and are too scared to speak out. No one is looking out for them, so they are the biggest losers in this mess.
More JZ on the Blaze (FB live video)

link here

BTW, I find it funny that the thread that folks want to comment on has Anthony in the header, while he appeared for about a minute. Thanks Anthony (sincerely), but JZ was on in front of millions for nearly 3 hours.
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