Marcus Blaze Thread

If this is true (hard to tell because he's a quiet kid), I know there's no consolation prizes in recruiting but by all counts, proximity to home is pretty important to the kid as well and PSU is more of the exception (for obvious reasons) The fact DT as a rookie coach got the kids attention to go visit Stillwater is pretty telling in itself.
Heard he doesn’t know how to tell them, plus while in HS wants full attention at the RTC. Can’t blame him there.

It’s 2024, you don’t need to call and break up with them,,,,,, Just post a nice Beau Bartlett madePSU graphic and they will get the point. Columbus could go into deep depression
Move to State College, get trained by Jason Nickal (one of the best), practice with NLWC and Mark McKnight's new club ... I heard it's called M2 or something
Wow - great pick up by SC HS! Jason is a really good guy too. I sat right behind him when PSU did their CA tour in 2016. Turned out we have some mutual wrestling friends from when he lived in Albuquerque NM. They moved to WA state in 2009 which is where I met them. What was really bizarre was that right before meeting Jason, I had been trading text messages with a friend in WA state who also knows them very well. (He was the HS coach in WA) After meeting Jason, I sent my friend a message saying, "You aren't going to believe this. Andrew's HS coach from NM is sitting right in front of me. It's Bo Nickal's dad!" I showed my text message to Jason and told him the guy I sent it to was Andrew's HS coach in WA! He was pretty amazed.
LOL. Kid seems to be doing just fine where he's at.
The kid would be fine training on Pluto. But if he's going to get barred from RTCs because of where he's going to college, just saying, other options are there 😊
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Wow - great pick up by SC HS! Jason is a really good guy too. I sat right behind him when PSU did their CA tour in 2016. Turned out we have some mutual wrestling friends from when he lived in Albuquerque NM. They moved to WA state in 2009 which is where I met them. What was really bizarre was that right before meeting Jason, I had been trading text messages with a friend in WA state who also knows them very well. (He was the HS coach in WA) After meeting Jason, I sent my friend a message saying, "You aren't going to believe this. Andrew's HS coach from NM is sitting right in front of me. It's Bo Nickal's dad!" I showed my text message to Jason and told him the guy I sent it to was Andrew's HS coach in WA! He was pretty amazed.
Jason will do amazing things here. It’s going to be the Stillwater Hs of PA. Get all those wrestlers coming in early. Win win for PSU
I don't normally jump in much, especially if it's dad to dad speak from club practices. I can tell you that in this case he is spot on from Blaze. In fact, unless anything miraculously changes in the next couple of weeks, Blaze decided he was Happy Valley bound before the trials. NIL played very little factor here as there were other, shall we say substantial offers from what are considered "big programs," and it had no impact. These kids realize more than ever where they can best achieve their long term goals.
I don't normally jump in much, especially if it's dad to dad speak from club practices. I can tell you that in this case he is spot on from Blaze. In fact, unless anything miraculously changes in the next couple of weeks, Blaze decided he was Happy Valley bound before the trials. NIL played very little factor here as there were other, shall we say substantial offers from what are considered "big programs," and it had no impact. These kids realize more than ever where they can best achieve their long term goals.
I heard he was offered some crazy money elsewhere (Iowa, tOSU (really crazy $$$)

I did hear PSU was able to make it somewhat in the ballpark of good money, but no where near tOSU. Tan Tom even sold one of his tanning beds to Chip in.

Did you hear around the same
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Not trying to be dramatic , but if we land Marcus Blaze you can cancel the NCAA team Wrestling Championship for several years. That’ll be just silly. Only future question I have is can Cole Mirasola get big enough?
Being a part of the U20 team where your partners are Lilledahl (PSU commit), Bassett (soon to be PSU commit 🙏) and Duke (PSU commit) and 3 of your other teammates (Ryder, Barr, and Mirasola) are also on the PSU team already or will be this coming season and it’s easy to see why he’s leaning towards PSU. No better place to achieve his goals
They should just let Cael and company coach the U20 team. It’s the future lineup.

Bold statement but the future psu lineup could rank with some of our best teams ever
Not trying to be dramatic , but if we land Marcus Blaze you can cancel the NCAA team Wrestling Championship for several years. That’ll be just silly. Only future question I have is can Cole Mirasola get big enough?
What I want Cael and crew to do to the small folk:

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Not the same. Cael has been welcoming to just about anybody who wanted to show up at Lorenzo and learn. Regardless of current school affiliation. I guarantee if Bassett decides to attend either OSU, or Iowa and he is home for break or whatever and he wants to roll around with the PSU guys the answer will be OK.
It makes total sense that Blaze would not want to mess up his training at tOSU RTC. Its sort of an unwritten rule that you don't train at an RTC but committed to another in conference rival. No they technically can't turn him away at tOSU RTC but it's just a respect thing. You don't train at an RTC but committed and attending a rival school to wrestle. Almost like sleeping with the neighbor, you don't do it.
Did Braxton Amos continue to train at ORTC after he committed to Wisconsin?
It's very rare you will see a kid of Blazes caliber continue to train at a rival school. But then again in this day and age you would think the coaches would keep that relationship incase he would ever want to transfer out.
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It makes total sense that Blaze would not want to mess up his training at tOSU RTC. Its sort of an unwritten rule that you don't train at an RTC but committed to another in conference rival. No they technically can't turn him away at tOSU RTC but it's just a respect thing. You don't train at an RTC but committed and attending a rival school to wrestle. Almost like sleeping with the neighbor, you don't do it.
Ooooo, first I’m hearing about not sleeping with the neighbor. Is that a problem?
It's very rare you will see a kid of Blazes caliber continue to train at a rival school. But then again in this day and age you would think the coaches would keep that relationship incase he would ever want to transfer out.
Until he signs the LOI there is always the chance to flip a commitment.
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I believe Pyles admitted on his show that it was Marcus' relative who told him Marcus is coming to PSU. It's just that he didn't know the timing of the announcement will be, but definitely after the Nationals (?).
Here's the interview. Go to the 4:00 mark and you'll see Pyles got it second hand.

Yes, I saw the show and referenced to it. Pyles' second hand was from Marcus' relative (grandparent).
Yea, but he didn't even know the guy who told him the scoop and Pyles was acting very skeptical about the whole conversation so much that he was making fun of it. That's a far cry from what you were posting.
Yea, but he didn't even know the guy who told him the scoop and Pyles was acting very skeptical about the whole conversation so much that he was making fun of it. That's a far cry from what you were posting.
Everyone got their own interpretation. You got yours.
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Watering hole talk:
Blaze declined WNO and will be commuting to the good guys right after worlds. Every year/season people say how will we match last year and those recruiting classes. Cael may be putting some of his best work together right now.
Future - few year down the road is unstoppable
After the Messenbrink/Levi Days-
125 Lilledahl/Desmond
133 Lilladahl/Forrest
141 Blaze/Forrest
149 Bassett/Blaze
157 PJ/Bassett
165 Sealey/PJ
174 Henckel/Sealey
184 Ryder
197 Mirasola
HWT Mirasola
Last edited:
Watering hole talk:
Blaze declined WNO and will be commuting to the good guys right after worlds. Every year/season people say how will we match last year and those recruiting classes. Cael may be putting some of his best work together right now.
Future - few year down the road is unstoppable
125 Lilledahl/Desmond
133 Lilladahl/Forrest
141 Blaze/Forrest
149 Bassett/Blaze
157 PJ/Bassett
165 Sealey/PJ
174 Henckel/Sealey
184 Ryder
197 Mirasola
HWT Mirasola
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Watering hole talk:
Blaze declined WNO and will be commuting to the good guys right after worlds. Every year/season people say how will we match last year and those recruiting classes. Cael may be putting some of his best work together right now.
Future - few year down the road is unstoppable
125 Lilledahl/Desmond
133 Lilladahl/Forrest
141 Blaze/Forrest
149 Bassett/Blaze
157 PJ/Bassett
165 Sealey/PJ
174 Henckel/Sealey
184 Ryder
197 Mirasola
HWT Mirasola
A few years down the road they'll still have Levi, Messenbrink, Barr and Davis
Watering hole talk:
Blaze declined WNO and will be commuting to the good guys right after worlds. Every year/season people say how will we match last year and those recruiting classes. Cael may be putting some of his best work together right now.
Future - few year down the road is unstoppable
After the Messenbrink/Levi Days-
125 Lilledahl/Desmond
133 Lilladahl/Forrest
141 Blaze/Forrest
149 Bassett/Blaze
157 PJ/Bassett
165 Sealey/PJ
174 Henckel/Sealey
184 Ryder
197 Mirasola
HWT Mirasola
Love it but quick question did Josh Barr quit wrestling or something 😜