@SR108 I asked that exact same question of Norm Graham (lead Nav for the Bloody 100th at the end of the war). His response was "Because my buddy did."
Spoiler Alert!: I took away the scene where the captain starts humming Artie Shaw's "The Chant"
The only pilot to successfully bring his men back to base was Major Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal (Nate Mann). While the other planes went down over occupied Europe, leaving surviving soldiers to fend for themselves behind enemy lines, Rosenthal managed to keep his panicking crew calm ahead of a harrowing dog fight by humming Artie Shaw’s “The Chant.” Masters of the Air Episode 5 “Part Five” depicts this as a terrifying, yet heroic moment, highlighting the bravery of real-life Jewish-American hero Robert Rosenthal.
This seems to be a recurring theme with many of these warriors. They join/enlist for patriotic reasons and/or a desire for glory or adventure, but when the horrors of war set in, they end up fighting for their friends and mutual survival. My/our generation has been very fortunate, we were barely too young for Vietnam Nam and were too old for the Gulf Wars. One thing that shows like this, Band of Brothers, and the Pacific do is illustrate to those of us that never experienced it, just how terrible war is.
Man has had thousands of years to figure out how to achieve lasting peace and has failed. For me, mankind’s only hope is God’s Grace and his biblical promises.