Matt Sandusky getting around. Speaks in Edmonton, Canada.

From the article:

The abuse towards Matt was horrific. But even more painful was that
nobody - not even family or friends - spoke out in Matt's defence. They
may have been scared about losing their job at Penn State, Matt says.

So, is Matt saying that he told people of the alleged abuse while the abuse was taking place and they did nothing? Who did he tell of the abuse?
Does MS get paid for these speaking engagements, if anyone knows?***

Re: Does MS get paid for these speaking engagements, if anyone knows?***

The BoT already paid him off.
You know, it's guys like this I really resent. I generally don't begrudge people their money. But when they've done nothing to legitimately earn it, or worse lied to get it, I get offended. I'm offended for all of us that have or will have worked a lifetime to accumulate what we have. Matt Sandusky is the lowest form of life on the planet. With respect to Victim 6, he is a perfect example of why there has to be a better way of retribution than a purely monetary one. Yeah, bad things probably happened to some [/B]of these people. But does or should that entitle them to be placed on easy street for the rest of their lives? Personally, I consider it to be a disservice to them in the long run.
Re: Does MS get paid for these speaking engagements, if anyone knows?***

Originally posted by pnnylion:
The BoT already paid him off.
I know, but I seriously doubt this POS would raise a finger to prevent future "victims" without getting paid again either through a speaking fee or promoting a book. If he really was abused, he dropped the ball in preventing future JS victims when he had the chance, including many years as an adult. F Matt Sandusky!
Originally posted by 84Lion:
From the article:

The abuse towards Matt was horrific. But even more painful was that
nobody - not even family or friends - spoke out in Matt's defence. They
may have been scared about losing their job at Penn State, Matt says.

So, is Matt saying that he told people of the alleged abuse while the abuse was taking place and they did nothing? Who did he tell of the abuse?
Where does it say he told then while he was being abused. I think he is referring to how he was treated after he told that he also was abused.
He legally changed his name until he realized that he could got

paid for having that name. THEN he was approached by a lawyer, realized he could make 7 figures in a settlement with no proof and make a "living" (if you want to call it that) speaking at engagments. Boom, name goes back to Sandusky. Does he speak about beating the crap out of his wife during these engagements? Setting barns on fire? Does he goes through his criminal history line by line? My guess is not.
I think the bigger question is does matt sandusky actually have

any friends?
Re: I think the bigger question is does matt sandusky actually have

Probably not, and the sooner this society accepts the fact that some people are just born losers, bad seeds, etc., the better off we'll all be.
Re: I think the bigger question is does matt sandusky actually have

Sara Ganim and any "reporter" at ESPiN