McGloin could wind up being one of PSU's most successful NFL QBs


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
NFL radio calls him a potential 10 year backup- but that is some good money. for a guy who really had one great season by PSU standards, he could make more nfl $ than any psu QB other than Kerry.

think about that and all the QBs we have had - MRob (All BIG), Clarke (BIG PoY) and many guys with better career stats.
Highly doubtful He is playing on a low contract and is a 3rd string QB

on a bad team. As his seniority minimum rises, teams will most likely go with a lower paid newbie than pay a higher price for a 3rd teamer.
dont forget he only has to beat out Pete Liske to qualify as 'one of the

best' NFL QB. KC is clearly the best, then who you got?? Cant count Hoss, TB?? Heck if they said pro QB you maybe could lump Huffie into that!!!
Re: Does that count Pete' time in Canada Don't forget Milt Plum !

Took the words out of my mouth with Milt Plum. Did Richie Lucas play in the NFL?
Rob was better for awhile, MM kept working and made himself better, Rob

wanted something given to him. MM was willing to work for it.
Raider fan here...Schaub will be cut to free up $8 mil and McGloin will be #2 FYI. Read that in a bunch of different outlets.
Maybe the Browns will try to sign him, they try to sign

every Q. B. there is. Go Steelers
Re: Chuck played for Tampa Bay...

before going to the USFL.
Re: It would be a smart move by the them, he'd be the best QB they have...

but then we are talking about Cleveland so "smart" doesn't really enter into the conversation.
Re: He could probably start or at least contend for a starting position on.

3 or 4 teams right now.
Washington, Buffalo, Jets, Houston, Cleveland, Tampa Bay and St. Lous
What? Tom Sherman gets no love here? Nor Galen Hall?

Granted, each only played 2 or 3 years in the NFL ...
Milt Plum was one of the greatest PSU QB's that had a long and productive career with the Cleveland Browns. Outside of the NFL, Chuck Fusina had a very good career in the USFL and won their championship with Philadelphia Stars and John Huffnagle was pretty productive in the Canadian league. I look for Hack to do well when he gets to the NFL.