Have you read this? http://notpsu.blogspot.com/2016/10/psu-quarterback-and-coach-mike-mcqueary.html
Scroll to the bottom of the article where all of MM's testimonies are listed in one place. There is a lot of doubt based on his sworn testimony.
Thanks for bringing that up. Yes I have seen that blog post by Ray Behar. I wanted to respond to your post on Saturday but decided to wait over a day so everyone could enjoy the euphoria of Saturday night's big win without bringing up this ugliness.
Ray is to be congratulated for all the research he's done into the whole Sandusky affair. His work has raised some legitimate questions. On the other hand, he's also made some very questionable claims. If people put half the scrutiny into Ray's blog posts as they do McQueary's testimony, they might not jump on his bandwagon quite so quickly. This post is an example of where his analysis doesn't cut it.
Let's start with this oft shared visual.

We've all seen this image passed around as evidence that there was no way that Sandusky could have had sex with a ten year old child in the shower. So what's the problem with it?
Did you know that Donald Trump is 6'3" tall (the true height of Sandusky btw, not 6' like Behar states) and that his son Barron is 10 years old (birth date March 20, 2006)? Have you ever seen a picture of the two of them together? Here's one taken three months ago.

Here's another one (also taken at the RNC)

Hmm. That doesn't look anything like Behar's two silhouettes, does it?
Of course, the logical explanation is that Trump's kid is exceptionally tall for his age, which he apparently is. But that then raises the question, is the kid in Behar's drawing exceptionally short?.
Behar states in the picture that the average height of a ten year old is 4' or 48 inches. A quick Google search gives me 59 inches as a ten year old's average height, a full 11 inches shorter than Behar's drawing. To be honest, you'll find a wide range of answers to that question, but no where have I been able to find one that says the average height is 48 inches.
In fact, this chart says that 48" is the median height for a seven year old, not a ten year old (48" doesn't even come close to making the cut for a ten year old).

Given Behar's background, I have a hard time believing this was an unintentional error. But if it was, it was pretty sloppy work.
Another reason this doesn't pass muster, is McQueary's actual testimony. Regardless of how old McQueary thought the kid was, he actually gave an estimate of the kid's height.
From his testimony at the Curley Shultz hearing.
Q: So the boy was about, say, a foot and a half shorter than Mr. Sandusky?
A: I would say a foot.
Mr Beemer: Objection, Your Honor
The Witness: Five two, five three.
The chart offered up by Behar is just a smoke screen. It doesn't come anywhere near representing how tall real world ten year olds are nor does it come close to the height that McQueary testified that the kid in the shower was.
BTW - the 5'2" or 5'3" height that McQueary estimated does give credence to the argument that the kid was actually older than ten years old. It shouldn't be surprising that a childless young adult with no younger brothers as a frame of reference has a high probability of estimating a kid's age wrong. But, of course, it made for a more dramatic presentation for the state to run with the ten year old guess, so I can see why they didn't try to correct it.
Also, I'm a bit over 5'10", my ex-wife was under 5'1". I can assure you that it was quite possible for us to engage in sex in a shower, so I don't find it the least bit of a stretch to say it was physically possible for 6'3" Jerry Sandusky to have sex with a 5'2" or 5'3" kid despite all these poster here who have claimed it was impossible for years.
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