
I think that prior WR's and a certain TE, helped a QB out with the athletic ability years prior and that is missing this year.

Stevens is an equal warrior.
I’ll stand by what I have seen for 3 years vs. people guessing what someone may do to justify their man crush
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Gotta hand it to you. You are opinionated and you stick to your opinions.

But on the one hand, you mention different eras (and you know that). But then come back with QB's from three eras (at least) ago that you'd rather see ahead of Trace.

In another post, you mention that you trust what the coach says about how even the two QBs were coming out of camp. But you don't trust the coach when he says Trace is the best player in all of college football?

Good day to you sir, and I look forward to your response. I'm sure it will be outstanding.

A tip of the cap to you sir.

It all depends on which side of the fence you are standing on.

I think "coach speak" is designed to build-up a player and boost confidence in that player.

What was CJF supposed to say: "Trace McSorley is the 239th best player in all of college football?"

I hope I did not disappoint sir.

All the best to you and yours.
Would you take them with the same OLine Trace has had?

Oh heavens yes!

Chuck Fusina is the MOST comparable to Trace as far as scrambling ability IMO.

Chuck Burkhardt feared no situation.

Kerry Collins in "The Drive" vs. Illinois points out his greatness as a QB. Trace would not have been that successful (all things being equal) throwing the ball in that driving rain and sleet {against the wind}. He simply does NOT have the arm strength or ZIP on the ball. His jump-ball passes would not have succeeded in that type of weather environment. I think you can agree with me on that.

Kerry's O-Line was AWESOME!!
Oh heavens yes!

Chuck Fusina is the MOST comparable to Trace as far as scrambling ability IMO.

Chuck Burkhardt feared no situation.

Kerry Collins in "The Drive" vs. Illinois points out his greatness as a QB. Trace would not have been that successful (all things being equal) throwing the ball in that driving rain and sleet {against the wind}. He simply does NOT have the arm strength or ZIP on the ball. His jump-ball passes would not have succeeded in that type of weather environment. I think you can agree with me on that.

Kerry's O-Line was AWESOME!!
Collins definitely had a stronger arm. However, it’s hard to judge talent across generations. I don’t think Trace would be as good in some of the past QB’s situations (like Collins) but I don’t think past QB’s would be as good in Trace’s situation (like Collins). They’re all good, no reason to rank them.
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